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Soliman, A. M., "Active RC low-pass filter suitable for integration", International Journal of Electronics, vol. 36, no. 6: Taylor & Francis Group, pp. 799–803, 1974. Abstractj019.pdf


Soliman, A. M., "A new active rc configuration for realizing nonminimum phase transfer functions", International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications, vol. 2, no. 3: Wiley Online Library, pp. 307–315, 1974. Abstract2-a_new_active_rc_configuration_1974.pdf


Soliman, A. M., "Another realization of an all-pass or a notch filter using a current conveyor†", International Journal of Electronics, vol. 35, no. 1: Taylor & Francis Group, pp. 135–136, 1973. Abstractj015.pdf


Soliman, A. M., "A general configuration for realizing all-pass or notch filters using a grounded operational amplifier", International Journal of Electronics, vol. 35, no. 4: Taylor & Francis, pp. 461–464, 1973. Abstractj018.pdf


Soliman, A. M., "Inductorless realization of an all-pass transfer function using the current conveyor", Circuit Theory, IEEE Transactions on, vol. 20, no. 1: IEEE, pp. 80–81, 1973. Abstract3-jan_1973.pdf


Soliman, A. M., "Realisation of operational-amplifier allpass networks", Electronics Letters, vol. 9, no. 3: IET Digital Library, pp. 67–68, 1973. Abstractj013.pdf


Soliman, A. M., "Synthesis of Non-minimum Phase RC Transfer Functions Using the Current Conveyor,", Hawai International Conference on System Sciences, Hawaii, pp. 506-508, 1973. c06.pdf
Soliman, A. M., "Two active RC configurations for realizing nonminimum phase transfer functions", International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications, vol. 1, no. 3: Wiley Subscription Services, Inc., A Wiley Company, pp. 293–299, 1973. Abstract1-two_active_rc_con1figurations_1973.pdf


Soliman, A. M., "New L-R Mutators and Their Models", Pittsburgh Conference on Modeling and Simulation, University of Pittsburgh, 1972. c05.pdf
Soliman, A. M., "Gyratorless Realization of Class of Three Variable Positive Real Functions", International Journal of Electronics, vol. 32, issue 5, pp. 529-536, 1972. j007.pdf
Soliman, A. M., "New active RC configuration for realising a medium-selectivity notch filter", Electronics Letters, vol. 8, no. 21: IET Digital Library, pp. 522–524, 1972. Abstractj011.pdf


Soliman, A. M., "New Generalized-Immittance Converter Circuits Obtained by Using the Current Conveyor", International Journal of Electronics, vol. 32, issue 6, pp. 673-679, 1972. j008.pdf
Soliman, A. M., "Nullator-Norator Models of Chua's Second Type L-C Mutator", Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, pp. III 4.1-III 4.10, May, 1972. midwest_1972.pdf
Soliman, A. M., "Synthesis of a Class of Two Variable Positive Real Functions", International Journal of Electronics, vol. 32, issue 4, pp. 455-461, 1972. j006.pdf
Soliman, A. M., "Two new LC mutators and their realizations", Circuit Theory, IEEE Transactions on, vol. 19, no. 4: IEEE, pp. 371–372, 1972. Abstractj009.pdf


Soliman, A. M., "A New Generation of Positive Real Functions Using the Bessel polynomials", International Journal of Electronics, vol. 31, issue 4, pp. 329-332, 1971. j005.pdf
Soliman, A. M., and N. Bose, "Synthesis of a Class of Multivariable Positive Real Functions Using Bott-Duffin Technique", IEEE Transactions on Circuit Theory, vol. 18, pp. 288- 290, 1971. 1-march_1971.pdf
Bose, N., and A. M. Soliman, "Lossless Multi-ports with Terminations in Synthesis Problems", Electronics Letters, vol. 6, issue 4, pp. 100-102, 1970. j002.pdf
Soliman, A. M., "Richards Theorem For Positive Real Matrices of Several Variables", 7th Annual Allerton Conference on Circuits and System Theory, University of Illinois, October 1969.
Bose, N., and A. M. Soliman, "A Novel Approach to Synthesis of Multivariable Positive Real Functions", Electronics Letters, vol. 5, issue 26, pp. 717-718, 1969. j001.pdf
Soliman, A. M., "Realizability Conditions and Synthesis of Non-Commensurate URC", Asilomar Conference on Circuits and Systems, Montrey, CA., pp. 319-321, 1969. c02.pdf