Semary, N. A., Alaa Tharwat, Esraa Elhariri, and A. E. Hassanien,
"Fruit-Based Tomato Grading System Using Features Fusion and Support Vector Machine",
IEEE Conf. on Intelligent Systems (2) 2014: 401-410, Poland - Warsaw , 24 -26 Sept. , 2014.
AbstractMachine learning and computer vision techniques have applied for evaluating food quality as well as crops grading. In this paper, a new classification system has been proposed to classify infected/uninfected tomato fruits according to its external surface. The system is based on feature fusion method with color and texture features. Color moments, GLCM, and Wavelets energy and entropy have been used in the proposed system. Principle Component Analysis (PCA) technique has been used to reduce the feature vector obtained after fusion to avoid dimensionality problem and save time and cost. Support vector machine (SVM) was used to classify tomato images into 2 classes; infected/uninfected using Min-Max and Z-Score normalization methods. The dataset used in this research contains 177 tomato fruits each was captured from four faces (Top, Side1, Side2, and End). Using 70% of the total images for training phase and 30% for testing, our proposed system achieved accuracy 92%.
Abdelaziz, A., A. Adl, Moustafa Zein, M. Atef, K. K. A. Ghany, and A. E. Hassanien,
"An Orphan Drug Legislation System",
IEEE Conf. on Intelligent Systems (2) 2014: 389-399, Poland - Warsaw , 24 -26 Sept. , 2014.
AbstractOrphan drugs are a treatment for rare diseases. From that, comes the importance of orphan drug development and discovery. For an orphan drug to be approved by the FDA, it does not have to be similar to any approved orphan drug. So chemists opinions are important to determine the probability of similarity. It is too hard to check all orphan drugs for any rare disease. It takes a long time and big effort, so we introduce in this study a system that classifies the orphan drugs according to their probability of structural similarity. It also compares between them and the unauthorized orphan drug to determine the closest orphan drug to it. That system helps chemists to study a certain orphan database using the five features. That system provides better results. It provides chemists with the clusters of orphan drugs after adding the drug that needs to be authorized to its cluster.
Adham Mohamed, H. M. Zawbaa, M. M. M. Fouad, Esraa Elhariri, N. El-Bendary, Mohamed Tahoun, and A. E. Hassanine,
"RoadMonitor: An Intelligent Road Surface Condition Monitoring System",
IEEE Conf. on Intelligent Systems (2) 2014: 377-387, Poland - Warsaw , 24 -26 Sept. , 2014.
AbstractWell maintained road network is an essential requirement for the safety and consistency of vehicles moving on that road and the wellbeing of people in those vehicles. On the other hand, guaranteeing an adequate maintenance by road managers can be achieved via having sufficient and accurate information concerning road infrastructure quality that can be as well utilized concurrently by the widespread means of users’ mobile devices both locally and worldwide. This article proposes a road condition monitoring framework that detects the road anomalies such as speed bumps. In the proposed approach, the main indicator for road anomalies is the gyroscope around gravity rotation in addition to the accelerometer sensor as a cross-validation method to confirm the detection results that were gathered from the gyroscope.
Kareem Kamal A.Ghany, G. Hassan, G. Schaefer, A. E. Hassanien, M. A. R. Ahad, and H. A. Hefny,
"A Hybrid Biometric Approach Embedding DNA Data in Fingerprint Images",
3rd Intl. Conf. on Informatics, Electronics & Vision (ICIEV2014), Dhaka - Bangladesh, 23-24 May, 2014.
Alaa Tharwat, T. Gaber, A. E. Hassanien, H. A. Hassanien, and M. F. Tolba,
"Cattle Identi cation using Muzzle Print Images based on Texture Features Approach",
The 5th International Conference on Innovations in Bio-Inspired Computing and Applications (Springer) IBICA2014, Ostrava, Czech Republic., 22-24 June, 2014.
AbstractThe increasing growth of the world trade and growing con-
cerns of food safety by consumers need a cutting-edge animal identi-
cation and traceability systems as the simple recording and reading
of tags-based systems are only eective in eradication programs of na-
tional disease. Animal biometric-based solutions, e.g. muzzle imaging
system, oer an eective and secure, and rapid method of addressing
the requirements of animal identication and traceability systems. In
this paper, we propose a robust and fast cattle identication approach.
This approach makes use of Local Binary Pattern (LBP) to extract local
invariant features from muzzle print images. We also applied dierent
classiers including Nearest Neighbor, Naive Bayes, SVM and KNN for
cattle identication. The experimental results showed that our approach
is superior than existed works as ours achieves 99,5% identication accu-
racy. In addition, the results proved that our proposed method achieved
this high accuracy even if the testing images are rotated in various angels
or occluded with dierent parts of their sizes.
Abder-Rahman Ali, Micael Couceiro, A. E. Hassenian, M. F. Tolba, and V. Snasel,
"Fuzzy C-Means Based Liver CT Image Segmentation with Optimum Number of Clusters",
The 5th International Conference on Innovations in Bio-Inspired Computing and Applications (Springer) IBICA2014, Ostrava, Czech Republic., 22-24 June, 2014.
AbstractIn this paper, we investigate the eect of using an optimum
number of clusters with Fuzzy C-Means clustering, for Liver CT image
segmentation. The optimum number of clusters to be used was measured
using the average silhouette value. The evaluation was carried out using
the Jaccard index, in which we concluded that using the optimum number
of clusters may not necessarily lead to the best segmentation results.
Ali, A. F., A. E. Hassanien, V. Snasel, and M. F.Tolba,
"A new hybrid particle swarm optimization with variable neighborhood search for solving unconstrained global optimization problems",
The 5th International Conference on Innovations in Bio-Inspired Computing and Applications (Springer) IBICA2014, Ostrava, Czech Republic., 22-24 June, 2014.
Moustafa Zein, Ahmed Abdo, A. Adl, A. E. Hassanien, M. F. Tolba, and V. Snasel,
"Orphan drug legislation with data fusion rules using multiple fingerprints measurements",
The 5th International Conference on Innovations in Bio-Inspired Computing and Applications (Springer) IBICA2014, Ostrava, Czech Republic., 22-24 June, 2014.
AbstractThe orphan drug certification process from the European committee is
depending on experts opinions that it is not similar to any other drug, this stage is
very complicated and those opinions differ based on the expertise. So, this paper
introduces computational model that gives one accurate probability of similarity,
using multiple fingerprints measurements to similarity, and fuse these measurements
by data fusion rules, that give one probability of similarity helping experts
to determine that drug is similar to existing anyone or not.
Esraa Elhariri, N. El-Bendary, A. E. Hassanien, A. Badr, Ahmed M. M. Hussein, and V. Snasel,
"Random forests based classification for crops ripeness stage",
The 5th International Conference on Innovations in Bio-Inspired Computing and Applications (Springer) IBICA2014, Ostrava, Czech Republic., 22-24 June, 2014.
Amin, I. I., A. E. Hassanien, Hesham A. Hefny, and S. K. Kassim,
"Visualizing and identifying the DNA methylation markers in breast cancer tumor subtypes",
The 5th International Conference on Innovations in Bio-Inspired Computing and Applications (Springer) IBICA2014, Ostrava, Czech Republic., 22-24 June, 2014.
AbstractDNA methylation is an epigenetic mechanism that cells use to control
gene expression. DNA methylation has become one of the hottest topics in cancer
research, especially for abnormally hypermethylated tumor suppressor genes
or hypomethylaed oncogenes research. The analysis of DNA methylation data
determines the differential hypermethlated or hypomethylated genes that are candidate
to be cancer biomarkers. Visualization the DNA methylation status may
lead to discover new relationships between hypomethylated and hypermethylated
genes, therefore this paper applied a mathematical modelling theory called formal
concept analysis for visualizing DNA methylation status.
Eid Emary, H. zawbaa, A. E. Hassanien, G. Schaefer, and A. T. Azar,
" Retinal Vessel Segmentation based on Possibilistic Fuzzy c-means Clustering Optimised with Cuckoo Search",
The annual IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN) – July 6-, Beijing, China, 6 July, 2014.
Abder-Rahman Ali, Micael Couceiro, Ahmed M. Anter, A. E. Hassenian, M. F. Tolba, and V. Snasel,
"Liver CT Image Segmentation with an Optimum Threshold using Measure of Fuzziness",
The 5th International Conference on Innovations in Bio-Inspired Computing and Applications, 22-24 June 2014, , Ostrava, Czech Republic., 22-24 June , 2014.
Saleh Esmate Aly, H. I. Elshazly, A. F. Ali, H. A. Hussein, G. Schaefer, and M. A. R. Ahad,
"Molecular classification of Newcastle disease virus based on degree of virulence",
The 3rd Intl. Conf. on Informatics, Electronics & Vision. (ICIEV2014), Dhaka - Bangladesh, 23-24 May , 2014.
Eid Emary, H. zawbaa, A. E. Hassanien, G. Schaefer, and A. T. Azar,
" Retinal Blood Vessel Segmentation using Bee Colony Optimisation and Pattern Search ",
The annual IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN) – July 6-, Beijing, China, 6 July, 2014.
Ahmed M. Anter, M. A. Elsoud, and A. E. Hassanien,
"Automatic Mammographic Parenchyma Classification According to BIRADS Dictionary",
Computer Vision and Image Processing in Intelligent Systems and Multimedia Technologies, USA, IGI, pp. 22-37,, 2014.,.enhancement.and. segmentation.processis applied to increase the computation and focus onmammographic parenchyma.
This.parenchyma is analyzed to discriminate tissue density according to BIRADS using Local Binary
Ahmed I. Hafez, AE Hassanien, F. A. A.,
"BNEM - A Fast Community Detection Algorithm using generative models",
Social Network Analysis and Mining, , vol. 4(, issue 1, pp. 1-20,, 2014.
AbstractActors in social networks tend to form community groups based on common location, interests, occupation, etc. Communities play special roles in the structure–function relationship; therefore, detecting such communities can be a way to describe and analyze such networks. However, the size of those networks has grown tremendously with the increase of computational power and data storage. While various methods have been developed to extract community structures, their computational cost or the difficulty to parallelize existing algorithms make partitioning real networks into communities a challenging problem. In this paper, we introduce a generative process to model the interactions between social network’s actors. Through unsupervised learning using expectation maximization, we derive an efficient and fast community detection algorithm based on Bayesian network and expectation maximization (BNEM). We show that BNEM algorithm can infer communities within directed or undirected networks, and within weighted or un-weighted networks. We also show that the algorithm is easy to parallelize. We then explore and analyze the result of the BNEM method. Finally, we conduct a comparative analysis with other well-known methods in the fields of community detection.