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El-Mazny, H., Abdel-Fattah, A., M. Abdallah, and M.: Refai, " Study of tinea cruris in Egypt. ", Mykosen , vol. 15, , pp. 331-335 , 1972. tinea_cruris_in_egypt.pdf
Winkle, S., M. Refai, and R. Rohde, "On the antigenic relationship of Vibrio cholerae to Enterobacteriaceae. ", Ann. Inst. Pasteur , vol. 123,, pp. 775-781, 1972. winkle_anninstpast_1.pdf
El-Hefnawi, H., Z. H., El-Gothamy, and M. Refai, "Studies on Pityriasis versicolor in Egypt. III. Laboratory diagnosis.", Mykosen , vol. 15, , pp. 165-170 , 1972. studies_on_oityriasis_versicolor_in_egypt.iii_laboratory_dia.pdf
Refai, M., and I. Abdallah, " Incidence of and experimental infection with Keratinomyces ajelloi. ", Bull. Pharma. Res. Inst. Osaka, Japan, vol. 7-9 , pp. 85/86, , 1971. k._ajelloi_and_m._nanum.pdf
Abdallah, M., Abdel-Gelil, G., Y. Abdel-Hamid, and M. Refai, " Ringworm in animals in a farm in Assiut. ", Mykosen , vol. 14, , pp. 175-178 , 1971. ringworm_in_cattle_caused_by_tv.pdf
El-Hefnawi, H., Z. El-Gothamy, and M. Refai, " Studies on pityriasis versicolor in Egypt. IIncidence. ", ykosen, vol. 14, , pp. 225-231 , 1971. studies_on_pit._versicolor_1_incidence.pdf
Abdallah, M., Abdel-Fattah, A., H. El-Mazny, and M. Refai, ": Clinical and mycological study of macerated toe-web in Egypt. ", Mykosen , vol. 14, , pp. 83-88 , 1971. clinical_and_mycological_study_mof_the_macerated_toe_web_in_egypt.pdf
Abdallah, M., and M. Refai, ": Favus, ein kosmetisches und mykologisches Problem. ", Kosmet. Dem. , vol. 39, , pp. 14-17 , 1971. favus_a_cosmetic_and_mycological_problem.pdf
Refai, M., H. El-Monsory, and M. Osman, ": Incidence of yeasts in sputa and urine in chest and urinary diseases.", Mykosen 299-302 , vol. 14, pp. 299-302 , 1971. incidence_of_yeasts_in_sputa_and_urine.pdf
Rieth, H., and M. Refai, "Bei Mikrosporie Diagnose und Feststellung der Abheilung kulturell sichern", Mycoses, vol. 14, issue 12, pp. 601, 1971. rieth_et_al-1971-mycoses.pdf
Refai, M., "Studies on Tego 51 as an antifungal disinfectant. Bull Pharma", . Res. Inst. Osaka, Japan, vol. 87/88, , pp. 13-14 , 1971. tigo.pdf
Refai, M., "Ueber das Vorkommen von Schimmelpilzen in der Gefluegelindustrie, Bestimmung der pathogenitaet von Schimmelpilzen ", in Huenerembryonentest und Disinfektionsversuche. In Grimmer, H. and Rieth, H., Endomykosen und Dermatmykosen. , Berlin, Grosse Verlag,, 1971. incidence_of_moulds_in_poultry_industry_and_determination_of_pathogenicity_of_moulds_in_chicken_embryo.pdf
Refai, M., H. Rieth, and W. Adam, " Nachweis pathogener Hefen in Lebensmitteln.", In Goetz, H. and Rieth, H. Humanpathogene Pilze im Tier und Pflanzenreich., Berlin , Grosse Verlag, , 1969. detection_of_pathogenic_yeasts_in_foods.pdf