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Meselhi, M., H. Abo Bakr, I. Ziedan, and K. Shaalan, "A Novel Hybrid Approach to Arabic Named Entity Recognition", Machine Translation: Communications in Computer and Information Science: Springer, 2014. Abstracthybrid_arabic_ner_2014.pdf

Named Entity Recognition (NER) task is an essential preprocessing task for many Natural Language Processing (NLP) applications such as text summarization, document categorization, Information Retrieval, among others. NER systems follow either rule-based approach or machine learning approach. In this paper, we introduce a novel NER system for Arabic using a hybrid approach, which combines a rule-based approach and a machine learning approach in order to improve the performance of Arabic NER. The system is able to recognize three types of named entities, including Person, Location and Organization. Experimental results on ANERcorp dataset showed that our hybrid approach has achieved better performance than using the rule-based approach and the machine learning approach when they are processed separately. It also outperforms the state-of-the-art hybrid Arabic NER systems.

Eltaher, A., H. A. Bak, I. Zidan, and K. Shaalan, "An Arabic CCG Approach for Determining Constituent Types from Arabic Treebank", Journal of King Saud University - Computer and Information Sciences, vol. 26, issue 4, pp. 441-449, 2014. Abstractarabic_ccgbank.pdfWebsite

Converting a treebank into a CCGbank opens the respective language to the sophisticated tools developed for Combinatory Categorial Grammar (CCG) and enriches cross-linguistic development. The conversion is primarily a three-step process: determining constituents’ types, binarization, and category conversion. Usually, this process involves a preprocessing step to the Treebank of choice for correcting brackets and normalizing tags for any changes that were introduced during the manual annotation, as well as extracting morpho-syntactic information that is necessary for determining constituents’ types. In this article, we describe the required preprocessing step on the Arabic Treebank, as well as how to determine Arabic constituents’ types. We conducted an experiment on parts 1 and 2 of the Penn Arabic Treebank (PATB) aimed at converting the PATB into an Arabic CCGbank. The performance of our algorithm when applied to ATB1v2.0 & ATB2v2.0 was 99% identification of head nodes and 100% coverage over the Treebank data.

Oudah, M., and K. Shaalan, "Person Name Recognition Using the Hybrid Approach", Natural Language Processing and Information Systems, vol. 7934, Berlin Heidelberg, Springer , pp. 237-248, 2013. Abstractperson_ner_using_hyprid_approach.pdf

Arabic Person Name Recognition has been tackled mostly using either of two approaches: a rule-based or Machine Learning (ML) based approach, with their strengths and weaknesses. In this paper, the problem of Arabic Person Name Recognition is tackled through integrating the two approaches together in a pipelined process to create a hybrid system with the aim of enhancing the overall performance of Person Name Recognition tasks. Extensive experiments are conducted using three different ML classifiers to evaluate the overall performance of the hybrid system. The empirical results indicate that the hybrid approach outperforms both the rule-based and the ML-based approaches. Moreover, our system outperforms the state-of-the-art of Arabic Person Name Recognition in terms of accuracy when applied to ANERcorp dataset, with precision 0.949, recall 0.942 and f-measure 0.945.

Attia, M., K. Shaalan, L. Tounsi, and J. van Genabith, "Automatic Extraction and Evaluation of Arabic LFG Resources", The eighth international conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'12), Istanbul, Turkey, 22 May , 2012. Abstract609_paper.pdf

This paper presents the results of an approach to automatically acquire large-scale, probabilistic Lexical-Functional Grammar (LFG) resources for Arabic from the Penn Arabic Treebank (ATB). Our starting point is the earlier, work of (Tounsi et al., 2009) on automatic LFG f(eature)-structure annotation for Arabic using the ATB. They exploit tree configuration, POS categories, functional tags, local heads and trace information to annotate nodes with LFG feature-structure equations. We utilize this annotation to automatically acquire grammatical function (dependency) based subcategorization frames and paths linking long-distance dependencies (LDDs). Many state-of-the-art treebank-based probabilistic parsing approaches are scalable and robust but often also shallow: they do not capture LDDs and represent only local information. Subcategorization frames and LDD paths can be used to recover LDDs from such parser output to capture deep linguistic information. Automatic acquisition of language resources from existing treebanks saves time and effort involved in creating such resources by hand. Moreover, data-driven automatic acquisition naturally associates probabilistic information with subcategorization frames and LDD paths. Finally, based on the statistical distribution of LDD path types, we propose empirical bounds on traditional regular expression based functional uncertainty equations used to handle LDDs in LFG.

Shaalan, K., Y. Samih, M. Attia, P. Pecina, and J. van Genabith, "Arabic Word Generation and Modelling for Spell Checking", The eighth international conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'12), Istanbul, Turkey, 24 May , 2012. Abstract603_paper.pdf

Arabic is a language known for its rich and complex morphology. Although many research projects have focused on the problem of Arabic morphological analysis using different techniques and approaches, very few have addressed the issue of generation of fully inflected words for the purpose of text authoring.
Available open-source spell checking resources for Arabic are too small and inadequate. Ayaspell, for example, the official resource used with OpenOffice applications, contains only 300,000 fully inflected words. We try to bridge this critical gap by creating an adequate, open-source and large-coverage word list for Arabic containing 9,000,000 fully inflected surface words. Furthermore, from a large list of valid forms and invalid forms we create a character-based tri-gram language model to approximate knowledge about permissible character clusters in Arabic, creating a novel method for detecting spelling errors. Testing of his language model gives a precision of 98.2% at a recall of 100%. We take our research a step further by creating a context-independent spelling correction tool using a finite-state automaton that measures the edit distance between input words and candidate corrections, the Noisy Channel Model, and knowledge-based rules. Our system performs significantly better than Hunspell in choosing the best solution, but it is still below the MS Spell Checker.

Shaalan, K., and M. Attia, "Handling Unknown Words in Arabic FST Morphology", The 10th edition of the International Workshop on Finite State Methods and Natural Language Processing (FSMNLP 2012), San Sebastian, Spain, 23 July, 2012. Abstractunk_fsmnlp_2012-acl-anthology__short_04.pdf

A morphological analyser only recognizes words that it already knows in the lexical database. It needs, however, a way of sensing significant changes in the language in the form of newly borrowed or coined words with high frequency. We develop a finite-state morphological guesser in a pipelined methodology for extracting unknown words, lemmatizing them, and giving them a priority weight for inclusion in a lexicon. The processing is performed on a large contemporary corpus of 1,089,111,204 words and passed through a machine-learning-based annotation tool. Our method is tested on a manually-annotated gold standard of 1,310 forms and yields good results despite the complexity of the task. Our work shows the usability of a highly non-deterministic finite state guesser in a practical and complex application.

Attia, M., P. Pecina, Y. Samih, K. Shaalan, and J. van Genabith, "Improved Spelling Error Detection and Correction for Arabic", The International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING), Mumbai, India, 14 December, 2012. Abstractimproved_spelling.pdf

A spelling error detection and correction application is based on three main components: a dictionary (or reference word list), an error model and a language model. While most of the attention in the literature has been directed to the language model, we show how improvements in any of the three components can lead to significant cumulative improvements in the overall performance of the system. We semi-automatically develop a dictionary of 9.3 million fully inflected Arabic words using a morphological transducer and a large corpus. We improve the error model by analysing error types and creating an edit distance based re-ranker. We also improve the language model by analysing the level of noise in different sources of data and selecting the optimal subset to train the system on. Testing and evaluation experiments show that our system significantly outperforms Microsoft Word 2010, OpenOffice Ayaspell and Google Docs.

Attia, M., Y. Samih, K. Shaalan, and J. van Genabith, "The Floating Arabic Dictionary: An Automatic Method for Updating a Lexical Database through the detection and lemmatization of the Unknown Words", The International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING), Mumbai, India, 15 December, 2012. Abstractfloating_dictionary.pdf

Unknown words, or out of vocabulary words (OOV), cause a significant problem to morphological analysers, syntactic parses, MT systems and other NLP applications. Unknown words make up 29 % of the word types in in a large Arabic corpus used in this study. With today's corpus sizes exceeding 109 words, it becomes impossible to manually check corpora for new words to be included in a lexicon. We develop a finite-state morphological guesser and integrate it with a machine-learning-based pre-annotation tool in a pipeline architecture for extracting unknown words, lemmatizing them, and giving them a priority weight for inclusion in a lexical database. The processing is performed on a corpus of contemporary Arabic of
1,089,111,204 words. Our method is tested on a manually-annotated gold standard and yields encouraging results despite the complexity of the task. Our work shows the usability of a highly non-deterministic morphological guesser in a practical and complex application.

Oudah, M., and K. Shaalan, "A Pipeline Arabic Named Entity Recognition Using a Hybrid Approach", The International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING), Mumbai, India, 14 December, 2012. Abstractpipeline_ner.pdf

Most Arabic Named Entity Recognition (NER) systems have been developed using either of two approaches: a rule-based or Machine Learning (ML) based approach, with their strengths and weaknesses. In this paper, the problem of Arabic NER is tackled through integrating the two approaches together in a pipelined process to create a hybrid system with the aim of enhancing the overall performance of NER tasks. The proposed system is capable of recognizing 11 different types of named entities (NEs): Person, Location, Organization, Date, Time, Price, Measurement, Percent, Phone Number, ISBN and File Name. Extensive experiments are conducted using three different ML classifiers to evaluate the overall performance of the hybrid system. The empirical results indicate that the hybrid approach outperforms both the rule-based and the ML-based approaches. Moreover, our system outperforms the state-of-the-art of Arabic NER in terms of accuracy when applied to ANERcorp dataset, with f-measures 94.4% for Person, 90.1% for Location, and 88.2% for Organization.

Abdallah, S., K. Shaalan, and M. Shoaib, "Integrating Rule-Based System with Classification for Arabic Named Entity Recognition", Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing, vol. 7181, Berlin, Heidelberg, Springer , pp. 311-322, 2012. Abstracthybrid_nera_2012.pdf

Named Entity Recognition (NER) is a subtask of information extraction that seeks to recognize and classify named entities in unstructured text into predefined categories such as the names of persons, organizations, locations, etc. The majority of researchers used machine learning, while few researchers used handcrafted rules to solve the NER problem. We focus here on NER for the Arabic language (NERA), an important language with its own distinct challenges. This paper proposes a simple method for integrating machine learning with rule-based systems and implement this proposal using the state-of-the-art rule-based system for NERA. Experimental evaluation shows that our integrated approach increases the F-measure by 8 to 14% when compared to the original (pure) rule based system and the (pure) machine learning approach, and the improvement is statistically significant for different datasets. More importantly, our system outperforms the state-of-the-art machine-learning system in NERA over a benchmark dataset.
