- Citation:
- Mouhamed, M. R., H. M. Zawbaa, E. Al-Shammari, A. E. Hassanien, and V. Snasel,
"Blind Watermark Approach for Map Authentication using Support Vector Machine",
International conference on Advances in Security of Information and Communication Networks, (SecNet 2013) , Springer pp. 84–97, Cairo - Egypt, 3-5 Sept, 2013, .
Date Presented:
3-5 Sept, 2013,
This paper presents a blind and robust watermark approach for authen-
tication 2D Map based on polar coordinates mapping and support vector machine is
presented. The proposed system is composed of three phases. Firstly, in the prepro-
cessing phase, the proposed algorithm mapped all vertices into polar coordinate sys-
tem. Then, in the support vector machine phase, the watermark portable points will
be chosen using support vector machine to reduce the number of these points which
increases the imperceptibility without any eect on the robustness of the watermark.
Afterwards, in the watermarking algorithm phase, the watermark is embedded into
the map vertices using the random table of the decimal valued of the polar coordi-
nates through the digit substitution of the decimal part. Finally, in the theoretical
analysis and experimental results shows that the presented approach is robust against
a various attacks including rotation, scaling, and translation. The proposed approach
attained high imperceptibility.