Technical Mentorship during Robot-Assisted Surgery: A Cognitive Analysis?

Hussein, A. A., S. B. Shafiei, M. Sharif, E. Esfahani, B. Ahmad, J. D. Kozlowski, Z. Hashmi, and K. A. Guru, "Technical Mentorship during Robot-Assisted Surgery: A Cognitive Analysis?", BJU international, 2016 Feb 11.


OBJECTIVE: To investigate the role of cognitive and mental workload assessment may play a critical role in defining successful mentorship MATERIALS AND METHODS: "Mind Maps" project aims at evaluating cognitive function of surgeon's expertise and trainee's skills. The study included electroencephalogram (EEG) recordings of the mentor observing trainee surgeons in 20 procedures during extended lymph node dissection (e-LND) and urethro-vesical anastomosis (UVA), with simultaneous assessment of trainees using NASA-TLX questionnaire. We also compared the brain activity of the mentor during this study to his own brain activity while actually performing the same surgical steps from previous procedures populated in the "Mind Maps" project..

RESULTS: During LND and UVA, when the mentor thought the trainee's mental demand and effort were low based on his NASA-TLX (not satisfied with his performance), his EEG-based mental workload increased (reflecting more concern and attention). The mentor was mentally engaged and concerned while he was engrossed in observing the surgery. This was further supported by the finding that there was no significant difference in the mental demands and workload between observing and operating for the expert surgeon.

CONCLUSION: This study objectively evaluated cognitive engagement of a surgical mentor teaching technical skills during surgery. Our study provides a deeper understanding of how surgical teaching actually works and opens new horizons for assessment and teaching of surgery. Further research is needed to study the feasibility of this novel concept in assessment and guidance of surgical performance. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.


