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Abou-Hussein, E. R. M., M. A. Raafat, and M. A. Salem, "The nutrition of Friesian calves during the suckling period", J Anim Prod United Arab Repub, vol. 11, issue 1, pp. 113-120, 1971. Abstract
Ragab, M. T., M. A. Sharafeldin, and N. I. Makled, "study on wool characteristics of fine and coarse wool crossbreds", J Anim Prod United Arab Repub, 1971. Abstract
Bose, N., and A. M. Soliman, "Lossless Multi-ports with Terminations in Synthesis Problems", Electronics Letters, vol. 6, issue 4, pp. 100-102, 1970. j002.pdf
Yousef, Y. L., E. A. El-Salam, M. M. Saadeldin, and S. M. Khalil, "Transistorized vibration detector", Journal of Physics E: Scientific Instruments, vol. 3, issue Issue 10, pp. pp. 829-830 , 1970. abstract.docx
Shafie, M. M., and M. M. A. El-Khair, "Activity of the sebaceous glands of bovines in hot climates.", United Arab Republic Journal of Animal Production, vol. 10, issue 1, pp. 81-98, 1970. Abstract
Shafie, M. M., and A. M. El-Tannikhy, "Comparative study of skin structure in Egyptian and imported cattle breeds and their crosses in relation to heat tolerance.", Journal of Animal Production, United Arab Republic, vol. 10, issue 1, pp. 115-131, 1970. Abstract
Shafie, M. M., H. F. El-Issaei, E. G. Abdel-Malek, and G. A. R. Kamer, "Effect of environmental temperature on physiological body reactions of rabbits under sub-tropical conditions", J Anim Prod United Arab Repub, 1970. Abstract
Kamar, G. A. R., E. G. Abdel-Malek, H. F. El-Issaei, and M. M. Shafie, "Factors affecting physiological reactions of rabbits in relation to environmental temperature under sub-tropical conditions", J Anim Prod United Arab Repub, 1970. Abstract
Shafie, M. M., and L. M. El-Sheikh Aly, "Heat tolerance of Friesian cattle under Egyptian climatic conditions.", United Arab Republic Journal of Animal Production, vol. 10, issue 1, pp. 99-114, 1970. Abstract
Abou-Hussein, E. R. M., M. A. Raafat, A. K. Abou-Raya, and A. S. Shalaby, "Manganese, iron and cobalt content in common Egyptian feedstuffs.", United Arab Republic Journal of Animal Production, vol. 10, issue 2, pp. 245-254, 1970. Abstract
Stino, F. K. R., and K. W. Washburn, "Response of Chickens with Different Hemoglobin Genotypes to Phenylhydrazine-induced Anemia 1. Electrophoretic Properties of Hemoglobin", Poultry Science, vol. 49, issue 1: Poultry Science Association, pp. 101-114, 1970. Abstract
Stino, F. K. R., and K. W. Washburn, "Response of Chickens with Different Hemoglobin Genotypes to Phenylhydrazine-induced Anemia 2. Hematology", Poultry Science, vol. 49, issue 1: Poultry Science Association, pp. 114-121, 1970. Abstract
Stino, F. K. R., and K. W. Washburn, "SELECTION FOR PACKED CELL VOLUME IN JAPANESE QUAIL", POULTRY SCIENCE, vol. 49, issue 5: POULTRY SCIENCE ASSOC INC 1111 NORTH DUNLAP AVE, SAVOY, IL 61874, pp. 1441-&, 1970. Abstract
Soliman, A. M., "Richards Theorem For Positive Real Matrices of Several Variables", 7th Annual Allerton Conference on Circuits and System Theory, University of Illinois, October 1969.
Saleh, S., M. T. Khayyal, A. M. El-Masri, and A. M. Ghazal, "Effect of acetylsalicylic acid and phenylbutazone on glucose absorption in vitro.", Metabolism: clinical and experimental, vol. 18, issue 7, pp. 599-605, 1969 Jul. Abstract
Saleh, S., M. T. Khayyal, A. M. El-Masri, and A. M. Ghazal, "Effect of acetylsalicylic acid and phenylbutazone on glucose absorption in vitro.", Metabolism: clinical and experimental, vol. 18, issue 7, pp. 599-605, 1969 Jul. Abstract
Saleh, S., M. T. Khayyal, A. M. El-Masri, and A. M. Ghazal, "Effect of acetylsalicylic acid and phenylbutazone on glucose absorption in vitro.", Metabolism: clinical and experimental, vol. 18, issue 7, pp. 599-605, 1969 Jul. Abstract
Sharafeldin, M. A., and I. A. Ramadan, "A note on the effect of weaning age on lamb production", Animal Production, vol. 11, issue 04: Cambridge Univ Press, pp. 569-572, 1969. Abstract

At birth, the Barki lambs used in this experiment were randomly allocated to three groups which numbered 133, 126 and 154 lambs of both sexes weaned at the ages of 10 weeks (Group I), 12 weeks (Group II) and 16 weeks (Group III) respectively.
The most pronounced differences between the three groups of lambs in their body weights took place at the age from 4 to 6 months. Group II lambs performed as well as or even slightly better than the other two groups, which leads to the conclusion that as far as the body weight of lambs is concerned there is no need to extend their suckling period more than 12 weeks.
The three groups of lambs varied little in their mortality rates from 2·5 to 12 months of age.

Bose, N., and A. M. Soliman, "A Novel Approach to Synthesis of Multivariable Positive Real Functions", Electronics Letters, vol. 5, issue 26, pp. 717-718, 1969. j001.pdf
Soliman, A. M., "Realizability Conditions and Synthesis of Non-Commensurate URC", Asilomar Conference on Circuits and Systems, Montrey, CA., pp. 319-321, 1969. c02.pdf
Sharafeldin, M. A., M. T. Ragab, and I. A. Khalil, "Sexual behaviour of female lambs as affected by the plane of nutrition", World Review of Animal Production, vol. 5, issue 21, pp. 83-86, 1969. Abstract
Sharafeldin, M. A., M. T. Ragab, and I. A. Ramadan, "Effect of rebreeding on lamb production", The Journal of Agricultural Science, vol. 71, issue 03: Cambridge University Press, pp. 351-354, 1968. Abstract

This experiment was carried out in a newly reclaimed desert area south-west of Alexandria. The purpose was to study the effect of breeding Barki ewes more than once per year on body weights and mortality rates of their lambs. Lambs were weighed 24 h after birth and at the ages of 1, 2, 2·5 (weaning age), 3, 4, 5, 6, 9 and 12 months.
The experiment comprised three groups of single-born lambs of both sexes. The first group included 385 lambs born (in October–November) to ewes lambing once per year; tho second group comprised 155 lambs born (in January–February) to ewes lambing twice in twelve months and the third comprised 102 lambs also born in January–February to ewes lambing thrice in two consecutive years.
Lambs born to ewes lambing once were heavier from the age of 1 month to the age of 5 months than lambs born to ewes lambing twice in the same year or three times in two consecutive years. However, the three groups of lambs did not significantly differ in their body weights from 5 to 12 months of age.
Rebreedi ng did not significantly affect the mortality rate of lambs at the three studied ago periods, i.e. from birth to 1 month of age, from 1 month to weaning and from weaning to the age of 12 months.
Sex had a significant effect on body weights of lambs but did not affect their mortality rates.

Refai, M., and I. Sadek, "studies_on_mould_contamination_of_different_foods_in_egypt_-", Mykosen , vol. 11,, pp. 529-530 , 1968. Abstractpilze_in_lebensmitteln__studies_on_mould_contamination_of_different_foods_in_egypt_-_refai_-_2009_-_mycoses_-_wiley_online_library.pdf

Die Frage des Pilzvorkommens in Lebensmitteln ist aus versdiiedenen Griinden von Bedeutung. Pilze können den Verderb der Lebensmittel bewirken, sie können Toxine bil-den, die Krankheitserscheinungen verursachen, und es können Pilze sein, die auch im oder auf dem mensdilichen Körper wachsen. Die Untersuchung natürlich infizierter Lebensmittel ergab am häufigsten Penicillium. Ein Kudien enthielt Aspergillus niger, A. candi-dus, A. oryzae, A. flavipes, A. glaucus, Thamnidium und Mucor. Die experimentelle In-fektion verschiedener Lebensmittel gelang am besten mit A. niger und einer Penicillium-art. Untersuchungen auf breiter Basis sind notwendig.

El problema del hallazgo de hongos en los alimentos es por mudias razones de gran importancia. Hongos pueden provocar la descomposicion de los alimentos, producir toxinas que causan enfermedades, y ademas puede tratarse de hongos capaces de proli-ferar sobre o en el cuerpo humano.

La investigatión de alimentos infectados en forma natural demostró Penicillium como agente causal mas frecuente. Una torta contenía: Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus candidus, Aspergillus oryzae, Aspergillus flavipes, Aspergillus glaucus, Thamnidium y Mucor.

La infección experimental de diversos alimentos se logró especialmente con Aspergillus niger y una especie de Penicillium. Es necesario realizar investigaciones en gran escala.

Hassan, A. A., D. L. Strider, and T. R. Konsler, "Application of cotyledonary symptoms in screening for resistance to tomato bacterial canker and in host range studies", Phytopathology, vol. 58, no. 2: AMER PHYTOPATHOLOGICAL SOC 3340 PILOT KNOB ROAD, ST PAUL, MN 55121, pp. 233, 1968. Abstract