Verification of the Numerical Prediction Method by Fundamental Sound Transmission Experiments for Fairing Materials: Aluminum Plates

TAKAHASHI, T., H. KANEDA, K. MURAKAMI, A. HASHIMOTO, T. AOYAMA, M. K. IBRAHIM, Y. MURAHASHI, K. Mori, and Y. Nakamura, Verification of the Numerical Prediction Method by Fundamental Sound Transmission Experiments for Fairing Materials: Aluminum Plates, , ISSN 1349-1113, JAXA-RR-09-009, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, pp. 1-47, 03, 2010. copy at

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The mechanical vibration is applied to a spacecraft via the interface to a launch vehicle at lift-off. The spacecraft is also exposed to acoustic pressure with wide frequency range. Lightweight and large area structures, such as solar paddles, antennas, and components with relatively high natural frequencies, are sensitive to acoustic load. Although the acoustic tests are usually conducted for components and system of the spacecraft, acoustic tests and analysis of the spacecraft mounted in a fairing have not been sufficiently done. It is expected that numerical analysis can be applied to the prediction of acoustic environment inside of fairings. Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) has been developing a vibroacoustic prediction tool by the wave based method (WBM), which is one of the deterministic approaches and is proposed for numerical prediction up to the mid-frequency range. The existing deterministic approaches can not accurately solve vibroacoustic problems in this range. In this paper, numerical prediction results of sound transmission by the 3D WBM and FEM are compared with those by an experiment, and verification of the 3D WBM is examined.

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