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El Sabry, M. I., LE Motsei, I. I. Abdel-Mageed, and O. Almasri, "Space allowance impacts behavior, productivity, reproductivity and immunity of sheep—a review", Tropical Animal Health and Production, vol. 55, pp. 207, 2023.
M.I. El Sabry, J.W. Charal, K.W. McMillin, and T. A. Lavergne, "Does magnetized drinking water affect productivity and egg quality of layers?", Egypyian Journal of Animal Production, vol. 55, issue 2, pp. 117-123, 2018. does_magnetized_drinking_water_affect_productivity_and_egg_quality_of_layers.pdf
El Sabry, M. I., J. Charal, K. Rubio, K. McMillin, and T. Lavergne, "The effect of water magnetization on egg production and quality of laying hens", 2016 PSA Annual Meeting: Poult. Sci. 95(E-Suppl. 1), pp. 129, 2016.