Healing Garden Design Guidelines_Egypt

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Barmelgy, H. M., "Healing Garden Accreditation Tool", International journal of Science Commerce and Humanities, vol. 1, issue 6, ISSN: 2052-6164, pp. 27-47, 2013. Abstracthealing_landscape_accrediation_tool_barmelgy_h._m_2013.pdf.pdfWebsite

Healing Gardens, a sustainable form of landscape, was identified lately as one of the most promising fields for promoting sustainable landscape. Healing garden research fills a vital highlighted research gap by investigating the connection between health and landscape. The contingency of having a mean to certify healing gardens is not far beyond application. The certification process would involve examination of both the horticultural therapeutic program and the garden design element’s healing qualities. The paper aims to provide a tool that can be applied on any form of landscape design or existing projects. In addition, landscape designers can use it as a guiding and monitoring tool during the design process, to achieve the maximum possible healing effects. The paper asserts such certification process as a practical proactive and reactive sustainability tool.
