Historical Landscape Manual_Egypt

Barmelgy, H. M., and M. H. Refaat, "Historical and Cultural Landscapes a Sustainable Design Manual for Historic Areas", International Journal of Development and Sustainability, vol. 3, issue 1 - ISSN: 2186-8662, pp. 108-134, 2014. Abstracthistorical_landscape_manual_barmelgy_h._m_2014.pdfWebsite

Egypt is a country with a vast history. It is considered one of the world’s biggest countries in hosting a large number of various historical sites within its urban context. Cairo, in particular, hosts several historic sites within its urban fabric. These sites, by reason of their special historic, scientific, or aesthetical qualities are of highly scenic value just like World Heritage Sites. It is not surprising; therefore, that many sites are favourite tourist attractions, generating revenue and drawing world attention to their importance. The status of these sites today is considered a serious threat towards their existence. This research provokes the ability of using elements of historical via cultural landscapes as a tool for preserving and restoring the value and image of these sites for the present and future generations. It investigates the practical ability of promoting historical and cultural landscapes in historical sites. The paper, based on theoretical, practical, and comparative analysis, provides a manual for historical landscape rehabilitation projects.