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M., H., Engineering Drawing, Two Parts, : Cairo University Press, 1982. Abstract
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Grace, S. R., and B. S. Lalli, "EQUATIONS OF ARBITRARY ORDER", Journal of the Nigerian Mathematical Society, vol. 1: Nigerian Mathematical Society, 1982. Abstract
Grace, S. R., and B. S. Lalli, "EQUATIONS OF ARBITRARY ORDER", Journal of the Nigerian Mathematical Society, vol. 1: Nigerian Mathematical Society, 1982. Abstract
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El-Sherbiny, A. E., A. E. Abou-Raya, A. K. Abdel-Salam, and N. E. Omar, "Evaluation of different varieties of Egyptian barley as sources of protein for chicks. 1. Protein content and amino acid composition", Research bulletin-Ain Shams University, Faculty of Agriculture, 1982. Abstract
El-Sherbiny, A. E., A. K. Abou-Raya, F. E. Abdel-Salam, and N. E. Omar, "Evaluation of different varieties of Egyptian barley as sources of protein for chicks. 1.-Protein and amino acid composition", Research Bulletin-Ain Shams University, Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo, 1982. Abstract
El-Sherbiny, A. E., A. K. Abou-Raya, F. E. Abdel-Salam, and N. E. Omar, "Evaluation of different varieties of Egyptian barley [Bonus, Giza 119, Giza 121 and Sahrawi] as sources of protein for chicks, 2: Available lysine as determined by dye-binding procedure", Research Bulletin-Ain-Shams University, Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo (Egypt), 1982. Abstract
Abdalla, M. M. F., A. A. Metwally, S. E. El-Kalla, A. T. El-Kassaby, and M. A. Youseff, "Evaluation of local collection of faba beans at three locations [Giza; Mansoura; Minya; Egypt]", Bulletin of Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo Univ.(Egypt), 1982. Abstract
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M.H.Sayyouh, ""Effect of dispersion on the flow behavior of three immiscible fluids in porous media", Modeling and Simulation, Publications of ISA , USA, pp. vol. 12, pp.1619-1623, 1981.
10. EL-HUSSEINI, M. M., and A. I. Afifi, "Effect of Entobakterin 3 on the spiny bollworm, Earias insulana (Boisd.)", Bull.Ent.Soc.Egypt , vol. 12, pp. 59-70, 1981.
Nawal Zohdy, M. Z., "Effect of food on the development of Chrysopa carnae Stephens. ", Research Bull., Faculty of Agriclture, Ain Shams, vol. 1495, 1981.
Hussein, M. F., N. A. Ahmed, H. M. Roushdy, and ‎A. H. Sallam, "The effect of gamma-irradiation on glutamic acid and GABA ‎content in guinea pig brain. ‎", Isotope & Rad. Res. , vol. 13, issue 1, pp. 37-41, 1981.
Kandil, M. A., M. M. El Husseini, and M. Abdel-Razik, "Effect of some antimoulting compounds on the cotton leafworm, Spodoptera littoralis Boisd. ", Res.Bull. Fac.Agric.,Zagazig Univ. Egypt, vol. No.405, 1981.
M.Shokry, and P.Grigoriadis, "An effective clinical therapy of corneal lesions in animals treated with Solcoseryl*", Deutche Tierarztliche Wochenschrift, vol. 87, pp. 85-88, 1981. an_effective_clinical_therapy_of_corneal_lesions.pdf
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H.M.Gohar, and M.Shokry, "Efficacy of sodium chkoride in prevention of sheep urolithiasis", Bull. Anim. Hlth. Prod.Afr., vol. 29, pp. 321-324, 1981. sod_chloride_for_prevention_of_urolithiasis_in_sheep.pdf
N.Totir, O.Radovici, and G. A. G. Allah, "Ellipsometric Studies of Oxide Film Formation on Steel of Low Carbon Content in Corrosive Media", Al 11-lea Congress National de Chimie, Bucuresti Romania, 1981.
M.Shokry, S.Fouad, M. A. Rahim, and G.F.Rifat, "Evaluation of the effect of Solcoseryl* on wound healing in animals", Egypt.Vet.Med.J. Faculty of Vet.Medicine, Cairo University , vol. 29, pp. 71-84, 1981. evaluation_of_wound_healing_with_solcoseryl.pdf