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Ebeid, N., Omar, H., M. Refai, and R.: Soliman, "Respiratory mycotic affection: Sputum examination of workers in a flax plant in Egypt.", J. Soc. Occup. Med. , vol. 32, , pp. 66-72 , 1982. respiratory_and_mycotic_affections.pdf
Mahmoud, Youssef, S. A., Y. Gawad, and M. Refai, " Study of mycoflora of the lower respiratory tract.", Egypt. J. Chest Dis.&Tub., vol. 24, , pp. 19-27 , 1981. the_search_for_fungi_inpleural_effusion.pdf
Bassiyoni, A., Saad, F., M. Refai, and A.: El Batrawi, "Efficacy of serological and allergic diagnosis of A. fumigatus infection in chickens.", J. Egypt. Vet. Med. Ass. , vol. 41, , pp. 161-171 , 1981. efficiency_of_serological_and_allergic_diagnosis.pdf
Youssef, S. A., Saad, F., Sefein, S, Abdel-Salam, H., M. Taha, and M.: Refai, " Fungus precipitins in workers of Quose sugar factory. ", Egypt. J.Chest Dis.&Tub. , vol. 23, , pp. 49-60 , 1980. fungus_precipitins_in_quos_sugar_fact.pdf
Youssef, S. A., El-Sarangawy, A., Youssef, S. A., Hassan, Taha, M., H. Hammad, and M.: Refai, " Preliminary study of mycoflora in sputum of poultry workers and screening of their sera for antifungal precipitins. ", Egypt. J. Chest Dis.&Tub., vol. 23, , pp. 61-70, 1980. preliminary_study_of_mycoflora_in_sputum.pdf
Youssef, S. A., Youssef, S. A., Abogamra, M., H. Hammad, and M. Refai, " : Mycological and serological studies on grain workers in mill factories in Cairo. ", Egypt. J. Chest Dis.&Tub., vol. 23, , pp. 33-48 , 1980. mycological_and_serological_studies_on_grain_workers.pdf
Youssef, S. A., Youssef, S. A., Refai, M., M. Taha, and E.: Barakat, " Fungi in the air of different departments of Ain Shams Hospital. ", Ain Shams Med. J., vol. 31, , pp. 245-255 , 1980. fungi_in_air_of_ain_shams.pdf
Youssef, S. A., Saad, F., Sefein, S, Abdel-Salam, H., M. Taha, and M. Refai, " Fungus precipitins in workers of Quose sugar factory. ", Egypt. J.Chest Dis.&Tub. , vol. 23, , pp. 49-60 , 1980.
Youssef, S. A., Refai, M., Youssef, S. A., Taha, M., Hassan, M. Awad, and T. Safwat, ": Incidence of yeasts in the sputum of patients with bronchopulmonary diseases in Egypt. ", Egypt. J. Chest Dis.&Tub. , vol. 23, , pp. 27-32 , 1980. incidence_of_yeasts_in_the_sputum.pdf
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Farid, A., Refai, M., M. El-Shinnawy, and H. Badr, " Spectrum of Escherichia coli agglutinins in dams serum, colostrum and calf serum in Fresian cows and buffaloes in Egypt. ", Zbl. Bakt. Hyg. I., Abt. Orig. A , vol. 245, , pp. 262-268 , 1979. spectrum_of_e._coli_agg.pdf
Farid, A., M. Ibrahim, and M.: Refai, "Studies on colibacillosis in calves in Egypt. II. Evaluation of some vaccines. Egypt. ", Vet. Med. J. , vol. 27, , pp. 163-169 , 1979. colibacillosis_in_calves_ii_incidence.pdf
Soliman, M. Refai, and A. Farid, " Clinical, mycological and immunological studies on cattle ringworm in Egypt. ", Ernst-Rodenwaldt-Archiv , vol. 4, , pp. 17-22 , 1977. clin._mycol._immunol._studies_in_cattle_ringworm.pdf
Farid, A., M. Hatem, and M. Refai, " Studies on purification and selective isolation of leptospira. ", Castellania , vol. 5, , pp. 39-41 , 1977. purification_and_selective_isolation_of_leptospira.pdf
Saif, A., and M. Refai, " The use of thiabendazole to control moulds in poultry farms. ", Castellania, vol. 5, , pp. 183-187 , 1977. thiabendazole.pdf
Farid, A., M. Refai, M. El-Shinnawy, and A.: Nasser, " Untersuchungen zur Escherichia-coli-Infektion bei Huehnerkueken. ", Wien. Tieraerztl.Wschr. , vol. 9/9, , pp. 233-236 , 1977. studies_on_colibacillosis_in_chickens_in_egypt.pdf
Niazi, Z., Kirpal, G., G. Amtsberg, and M. Refai, "Biochemie, Serologie, Maeusepathogenitaet und Antibiotikaresistenz von Klebsiellen verschiedener Tierarten.", Berl. Muench. tieraerztl. Wschr. , vol. 90, , pp. 435-440 , 1977. biochemistry_serology_pathogenicity__of_klebsiella__pdf