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El Husseini, M. M., and M. F. S. Tawfik, "The nutritional effect of animal and plant diets on the development and fecundity of Eubopellia annulipes (Lucas) (Dermaptera : Labiduridae", Bull.Ent.Soc.Egypt , vol. LVI, pp. 75-92, 1971.
Sharafeldin, M. A., and A. A. Kandeel, "Post–lambing maternal behaviour", The Journal of Agricultural Science, vol. 77, issue 01: Cambridge University Press, pp. 33-36, 1971. Abstract

A study was carried out on the post-lambing normal and abnormal maternal behaviour of sheep using 237 Barki ewes of 2, 3, 4 and 5 years of age and their newborn single lambs.
Normal maternal behaviour was observed in 64·5% of the ewes as they immediately recognized their lambs after birth, readily accepted them and started grooming and helping them to suckle. The overall average time-interval from parturition until ewes stood, started cleaning and until lambs started suckling was 2·9 ± 0·5, 4·0 ± 0·8 and 20·5 ± 2·0 min respectively. The 2-year-old ewes and the ewes weighing 30 kg and less took longer to accept and nurse their new-born lambs than older and heavier ones.
Post-lambing abnormal maternal behaviour was observed in 30·4% of the ewes, among which 43·1, 45·8 and 11·1% were classed as fair, poor and very poor mothers respectively. Fair mothers failed to nurse their lambs, poor mothers deserted them and very poor mothers permanently deserted their lambs and were aggressive to them. The post-lambing abnormal maternal behaviour was more frequent among 2-year-old maiden ewes than older ewes.

Khalifa, M. M., A. A. Kamal, S. E. Habib, S. A. El-Bedwaihy, G. S. Fahmy, and M. A. Hassan, "Quasi-Peak Measurements and their Objective Correlation to Acoustical Annoyance of Corona Radio Noise", Power Apparatus and Systems, IEEE Transactions on, no. 4: IEEE, pp. 1830–1837, 1971. Abstract

The levels of annoyance to radio reception caused by ac and dc coronas are calculated using the AF power spectra measured at the AF output of a radio-noise meter. The radio annoyance levels. (RAL) and the AF powers are compared with the corresponding quasi-peak readings. The lack of direct correspondence is ascribed to the fact that the QP readings are not sensitive to the randomness in the corona pulse repetition rate which strongly affects both the AF power spectrum and the RAL of corona.

El-Wishy, A. B., M. S. S. Abdou, and S. A. El-Sawaf, "Reproduction in buffaloes in Egypt. II- Fertility of buffaloes served at varying intervals after calving", Vet. Med. J. (Giza), vol. XIX, pp. 123, 1971.
Elwishy, A. B., M. S. S. Abdou, N. Hemaida, and S. A. Elsawaf, "Reproduction in buffaloes in Egypt. IV- Morphological features of the ovaries of cattle and buffaloes in relation to their function. ", Zeitschrift für Tierzüchtung und Züchtungsbiologie, vol. 88, no. 1-4: Wiley Online Library, pp. 47–63, 1971. Abstract


Sokolovskaya, I. I., P. Marinov, M. S. S. Abdou, and A. Madzioli, "Scientific cooperation of Soviet, Bulgarian, Arab and Tanzanian Scientists.", Zhivotnovodstvo, Moscow, vol. 33, pp. 77, 1971.
Elwishy, A. B., A. B. A. Badawy, M. S. S. Abdou, and S. A. Elsawaf, "Semen Production and Characteristics in Buffalo-bulls in Egypt", Z. Tierzüchtung. Züchtungsbiologie, vol. 88, no. 1-4: Wiley Online Library, pp. 231–240, 1971. Abstract


El-Sawaf, S. A., M. S. S. Abdou, and A. B. El-Wishy, "Some studies on infertility in rabbits", Vet. Med. J. (Giza), vol. XIX, pp. 97, 1971.
Refai, M., "Studies on Tego 51 as an antifungal disinfectant. Bull Pharma", . Res. Inst. Osaka, Japan, vol. 87/88, , pp. 13-14 , 1971. tigo.pdf
Shawali, A. S., and A. O. Abdelhamid, "Synthesis and Reactions of Phenylcarbamoylarylhydrazidic Chlorides", Tetrahedron, vol. 27, pp. 2528, 1971.
Soliman, A. M., and N. Bose, "Synthesis of a Class of Multivariable Positive Real Functions Using Bott-Duffin Technique", IEEE Transactions on Circuit Theory, vol. 18, pp. 288- 290, 1971. 1-march_1971.pdf
Refai, M., "Ueber das Vorkommen von Schimmelpilzen in der Gefluegelindustrie, Bestimmung der pathogenitaet von Schimmelpilzen ", in Huenerembryonentest und Disinfektionsversuche. In Grimmer, H. and Rieth, H., Endomykosen und Dermatmykosen. , Berlin, Grosse Verlag,, 1971. incidence_of_moulds_in_poultry_industry_and_determination_of_pathogenicity_of_moulds_in_chicken_embryo.pdf
Harhash, A. H., M. H. Elnagdi, and E. A. Hafez, "«Reaction with 2-thiazolin-5-ones III. The behaviour of 4-arylazo-2-alkyloxy-2-thiazolin-5-ones towards amines and Grignard reagents».", J. Prakt. Chem, , vol. 313,, pp. 706-714, 1971.
Sharafeldin, M. A., M. T. Ragab, and A. A. Kandeel, "Behaviour of ewes during parturition", The Journal of Agricultural Science, vol. 76, issue 03: Cambridge University Press, pp. 419-422, 1971. Abstract
Abdalla, M. M. F., and J. G. Hermsen, "The concept of breeding for uniform and differential resistance and their integration", Euphytica, vol. 20, no. 3, pp. 351–361, 1971. Abstract
Mohsen, A., and M. A. K. Hamid, "Corrigendum: Diffraction by a conducting wedge in the near field", Electrical Engineers, Proceedings of the Institution of, vol. 118, no. 7: IET, pp. 863, 1971. Abstract
Mohsen, A., and M. A. K. Hamid, "Corrigendum: Diffraction by a conducting wedge in the near field", Electrical Engineers, Proceedings of the Institution of, vol. 118, no. 7: IET, pp. 863, 1971. Abstract
Abdalla, M. M. F., "Could uniform resistance be ‘generated’? stimulative speculations", Euphytica, vol. 20, no. 3: Springer, pp. 427–429, 1971. Abstract
Kuhn, H., and F.A.Zeid, "Der Einfluss von Kieselsaure auf die Halmstabilitat von Getreide.", Kurz und bundig (BASF),, vol. 24, no. 7. Heft. S., pp. 152, 1971. Abstract
Kuhn, H., and F.A.Zeid, "Der Einfluss von Kieselsaure auf die Halmstabilitat von Getreide.", Kurz und bundig (BASF),, vol. 24, no. 7. Heft. S., pp. 152, 1971. Abstract
Zeid, F. A., and H. Kuhn, "Der Einfluss von Kieselsaure auf die Halmstabilitat von Getride.", Zeitschrift für Landwirtschaftliche Forschung,, vol. 26, pp. 105–111, 1971. Abstract
Zeid, F. A., and H. Kuhn, "Der Einfluss von Kieselsaure auf die Halmstabilitat von Getride.", Zeitschrift für Landwirtschaftliche Forschung,, vol. 26, pp. 105–111, 1971. Abstract
Mohsen, A., and M. A. K. Hamid, "Diffraction by a conducting wedge in the near field", Proceedings of the Institution of Electrical Engineers, vol. 118, no. 2: IET, pp. 301–304, 1971. Abstract
Mohsen, A., and M. A. K. Hamid, "Diffraction by a conducting wedge in the near field", Proceedings of the Institution of Electrical Engineers, vol. 118, no. 2: IET, pp. 301–304, 1971. Abstract