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Refai, M., Niazi, Z., N. H. Aziz, and N. E. M. Khafaga, " Incidence of aflatoxin B1 in the Egyptian cured meat basterma and control by γ-irradiation. ", Nahrung/Food , vol. 47 , issue 6, pp. 377-382 , 2003. incidence_of_adl_b1.pdf
Kamel, M.M., Balata, M.A., El-Naggar, A., Ibrahim, Metias, K.N., M. Refai, and M. A. Abd El Aziz, "Studies on immune response of pregnant ewes to different E.coli K99 vaccines. ", Proc. 5th Sci. Vet.Med.Conf. Zagazig Univ , vol. 1, pp. 26-31, 2000. studies_on_the_immune_resp._of_preg._ewes.pdf
Robinson, A., and M. Refai, "Concepts of diseases and their transmission in populations.", Manual for teaching basic veterinary epidemiololgy. , Teramo,, Instituto Zooprof.Super. WHO/FAO , 1997. cocepts_of_diseases_and_their_yransmission_in_populations.pdf
El-Naggar, A., Ahmed, F. Ibrahim, and M. Refai, "Mycotic abortion in small ruminants induced by Aspergillus fumigatus in Egypt.. ", J. Comp. Pathol. & Clinc. Pathol., vol. 10, , pp. 59-76 , 1997. mycotic_abortion_in_small_ruminants_cause_by_a._fumigatus.pdf
El-Naggar, A., Ahmed, F. Ibrahim, and M. Refai, "Some pathological studies in the udder of small ruminants intramammarily infected with Aspergillus fumigatus and Candida albicans.", J. Comp. Pathol. & Clinc. Pathol. , vol. 10, , pp. 93-104, 1997. some_path._studies_on_the_udder.pdf
Refai, M., " Microbial toxins, ", in Encyclopedia of Analytical Science. , London, Academic Press,, 1996. microbial_toxins.pdf
akee, E. L. - J., Eid, G., N. El-Bahy, and M.: Refai, " Bacterial infections associated with bovine fascioliasis in Egypt. ", J. Egypt. Vet. Med. Ass. , vol. 55, , pp. 951-967 , 1995. studies_on_bacterial_infections_assoc_with_bovine_fasc.pdf
El-Enbaawy, M., E. L. - J. akee, A. J., Fayed, and M. Refai, " Evaluation of competitive ELISA in comparison with other conventional serological tests for detection of bovine brucellosis in Egypt. ", J. Egypt. Vet. Med. Ass. , vol. 55, , pp. 769-780 , 1995. evaluation_of_com.pdf
Hammad, H., Refai, M., A. El-Aziz, A. Hassan, and N.: Aziz, " Influence of media and temperature on production of ochratoxin A. ", J. Egypt. Vet. Med. Ass. , vol. 55, , pp. 807-817 , 1995. influence_of_media_and_temp_on_och.pdf
Refai, M., A. El-Aziz, Aziz, H. Hammad, and A. Hassan, " Influence of some physical and chemical treatment on the detoxification of ochratoxin A in different feedstuffs. ", J. Egypt. Vet. Med. Ass. , vol. 55, , pp. 795-806 , 1995. influence_of_some_physical_and_chem.pdf
El-Far, Hassan, Kotb, H., Hegazi, A. Hamouda, and M. Refai, " Occurrence of ochratoxins and ochratoxigenic moulds in different feeds and feedstuffs in Egypt.", J. Egypt. Vet. Med. Ass. , vol. 55, , pp. 855-856 , 1995. occurrence_of_ochratoxins.pdf
Refai, M., Hammad, H., A. Hassan, and E.: Moustafa, "Effect of ochratoxin A on different culture types. ", J. Egypt. Vet. Med.Ass. , vol. 54,, pp. 113-122 , 1994. effect_of_ochra_a_on_cultures.pdf
Refai, M., M. Hatem, E. Sharaby, and M. Saad, " Detection and estimation of aflatoxins using both chemical and biological techniques.", Mycotoxin Res. , vol. 9, , pp. 47-52 , 1993. detection_and_estimation_of_afl.pdf
Refai, M., El-Sanousi, S., Gergis, S., S. Abdel-Hamid, and M. Hashad, ": Experimental afla- and ochratoxicosis in chickens vaccinated with fowl cholera vaccine. I. Impairment of cell-mediated immunity and phagocytic function ", J. Egypt. Vet. Med. Ass., vol. 53, pp. 227-233, 1993. exper._afla_and_ochra_i.pdf
Refai, M., and H. Hammam, "Tuberculosis in farm animals in Egypt.", J. Egypt. Vet. Med. Ass., vol. 53, , pp. 581-607 , 1993. tuberculosis_in_farn_animals_review.pdf
Salem, S., and M. Refai, " Assessment of modified RBPT as a screening test in Brucella diagnosis.", J. Egypt. Vet. Med. Ass. , vol. 52,, pp. 383-388 , 1992. assessment_of_modif._rbpt.pdf
akee, E. L. - J., M. El-Enbaawy, and M.: Refai, " Bio-Add against as antisalmonellae and antifungal. ", .J.Vet. Sci. , vol. 29, , pp. 107-120 , 1992. bio-add_as_antisalmonellae_and_antifungal.pdf
Refai, M., Abdel-Gaber, G., Hammam, H., Aly, N., N. El-Danaf, E. Safawt, and H.: Ibrahim, " Detection of salmonellae in poultry feeds by ELISA and their control by Bio-Add.", J. Egypt. Vet. Med. Ass., vol. 52, , pp. 371-381 , 1992. detection_of_dalmonellae_in_poultry_feeds.pdf
Refai, M., El-Seedy, F., El-Enbaawy, M., J. El-Jakee, and A. Moawad, ": Cultural characteristics of Candida albicans, Cryptococcus neoformans, Rohodotorula rubra and Trichosporon cutaneum on different bacteriological media.", J. Egypt. Vet. Med. Ass., vol. 52, , pp. 112-129, 1992. cultural_charactaristic_of_c._alb.pdf
Refai, M., "Bacterial and mycotic diseases of camels in Egypt. ", Proc. 1st int. Camel Conf., Dubai, United Arab Emerat, vol. 1, pp. 59-64 , 1992. bacterial_and_mycotic_diseases_of_camels.pdf
Amer, A. Rashid, and M. Refai, "Dermatomykosen in Aegypten durch Trichophyton violaceum. ", Hautnah. Mykol, , vol. 1 , pp. 23-26, 1992. t._violaceum.pdf