Filaments disappearances in relation to solar flares during the solar cycle 23

Mawad, R., M. Shaltout, M. Ewaida, M. Yousef, and S. Yousef, "Filaments disappearances in relation to solar flares during the solar cycle 23", Advances in Space Research, vol. 55, pp. 696–704, 2015.


We studied the association between the filament disappearances and solar flares during 1996–2010; we listed 639 associated filament
disappearances with solar flares under temporal and spatial condition, those particular 639 filament disappearance were associated with
1676 solar flares during the period 1996–2010. The best angular distance between filament disappearances and associated solar flares
ranged between 30 and 60. The number of the associated events increased with increasing solar activity and decreased with quiet
sun. The location of filament disappearances ranges between latitude ±50 and longitude ±70. We found that longer filament
disappearances have activity and ability of contemporary association with flares more than shorter filament disappearance, filament
disappearance powers the associated flares more than non-associated flares events. The associated flares have higher solar flux, longer
duration, and higher importance compared to non-associated flares with filament disappearance. In addition the associated filament
disappearance with flares have two types depending on their duration, short-lived (<9 h), and long-lived (>9 h).

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