Essam, A., A. S. Hamed, S. M. Youssef, and G. F. Mohamadien,
Astronomical Journal, vol. 151, issue 91, 2016.
AbstractThe CCD observations for the eclipsing Algol type binary systems GSC 04328-02164 in wideband BVRcIc
filters and GSC 03164-01558 in B and I filters have been analyzed using the PHOEBE package (v 0.31a) to
determine their orbital and physical parameters. The absolute parameters and evolutionary tracks of the two
systems have been determined. The results show that the mass ratio, inclination, distance, and age for the system
GSC 04328-02164 are equal to q=0.674±0.002, i=75.997±0.022, d=375.477±4.299 pc, and
τ=26.76±15.65 ∗ 108 years, respectively. For the other system, GSC 03164-01558, q=0.941±0.006,
i=88.0484±0.030, d=444.651±9.444 pc, and τ=53.63±9.16 ∗ 108 years.
M.A.Wahab, M. M. Shaltoot, S.Youssef, and M.M.Hussein,
"Interrelationship between the North Atlantic Oscillation and Solar cycle",
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED RESEARCH, vol. 4, issue 1, pp. 261- 266, 2016.
AbstractUnderstanding the influence of solar variability on the Earth’s climate requires knowledge of solar variability, solar interactions, and the mechanisms explain the response of the Earth’s climate system. The NAO (North Atlantic oscillation) is one of the most dominant modes of global climate variability. Like El Niño, La Niña, and the Southern Oscillation, it is considered as free internal oscillation of the climate system not subjected to external forcing. It is shown, to be linked to energetic solar eruptions. Surprisingly, it turns out that features of solar activity have been related to El Niño and La Niña, also have an significant impact on the NAO. The climate of the Atlantic sector exhibits considerable variability on a wide range of time scales. A substantial portion is associated with the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), a hemispheric meridional oscillation as atmospheric mass with centers of action near Iceland and over the subtropical Atlantic. NAO- has a related impacts on winter climate extend from Florida to Greenland and from northwestern Africa over Europe far into northern Asian region.
Mawad, R., M. Yousef, S. M. Yousef, and W. Abdel-Sattar,
World Scientific , vol. 9914, pp. 77-83, 2016.
AbstractThe size of the Magnetosphere is calculated during the period 1996-2011. It is discovered that the magnetopause distance D is quantized for D ≥ 8 RE. The magnetic levels are narrow towards the Earth but widely spaced outwards. This quantization disappears in the lower magnetosphere below 7 RE. Once the magnetopause is compressed to 8 -7 RE, multi doors get open which we call the Yousef doors, and the solar wind is injected into the inner magnetosphere then to the ionosphere inducing SID and to the troposphere were it can cause flash floods and seeds of hurricanes.
Mohamed, S. A., S. M. A. Youssef, and M. F. Aboushelib,
International Journal of Advanced Research, vol. 4, issue 4, pp. 1439-1456, 2016.
AbstractIn this paper, we apply a clustering technique on de Carvalho et al. catalog of compact groups of galaxies (2005) to test the physical reality of each group. The method is applied on the groupsthat contain five membersonly to classify the relation between each two galaxies in the same group andif they belong to the group or not. The results showed that most of the members are real members in groups while some groups (36 groups) contain one or more attribute discordant galaxies and 20 groups contain 2 sub-groups.