El-Husseiny, O., S. A. Arafa, S. M. Hashish, and A. H. H. Madian,
"Response of broiler performance to triiodothyronine (T3) thyroxine (T4), iodocasein and thiouracil supplemented diets.",
Egyptian Poultry Science Journal, vol. 20, issue 2: Egyptian Poultry Science Association, pp. 347-371, 2000.
El-Husseiny, O., S. Arafa, Z. Abdel-Motagally, and G. El-Mallah,
"Response of layer performance to dietary natural pro-vitamin (A) sources.",
Egyptian Poultry Science Journal, vol. 20, issue 4: Egyptian Poultry Science Association, pp. 703-719, 2000.
Motagally, Z. A., O. El-Husseiny, S. Arafa, and G. El-Mallah,
"The response of layer performance to dietary rapeseed meal levels.",
Egyptian Poultry Science Journal, vol. 20, issue 2: Egyptian Poultry Science Association, pp. 253-269, 2000.