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M., K., and E. A. sadek, "Egypt’s Post Revolution Path From A Dynamic Development Model – A Three-year Economic Rcovery Plan", International Conference on Economic Modeling, 2014.
Omran, A., and M. Khorshid, "Ontology Based RT-Delphi with explanation Capabilities", International Journal of Computer Application, 2014.
Omran, A., M. Khorshid, and M. Saleh, "Structural Analysis with Knowledge-based MICMAC Approach", International Journal of Computer Application, 2014.
M, K., and E. A. sadek, "Egypt’s Post Revolution Development Path From A Dynamic Economy Wide Model – A Goal Seeking Analysis", International Confernce on Policy Modeling,, 2013.
M, K., A. Kamaly, and S. abou El-enein, "Egypt: Strategies for achieving Mellinnuim Development Goals", Public Polices for human Development in the Arab Countries, 2012.
M., K., "Higher education Systems and the Arab Labor Markets – Analytical Study", Arab Conference on Higher Education Strategies and the Planning of Human Resources, 2012.
M, K., and E. A. sadek, "An ICT Economy Interaction Model for Egypt – Impact on Growth and Productivity", International Conference on Economic Policy Modeling (EcoMod11), Azores, Portugal,, June 27-29., 2011.
H, Z., M. Khorshid, and A. Wagdy, "A Particle Swam Approach for Solving Stochastic Optimization Problem", Applied Mathematics and Information Sciences- the international Journal, vol. 5, pp. 1-25, 2011.
M, K., H. lofgren, A. Kamaly, and A. S. El-enein, "Analysis of the Mellinnuim Development Goals for Egypt – Using an Extended Economy Wide Simulation Model", International Conference on Policy Modeling, Istanbul, Turkey,, July 7-10., 2010.
M, K., and H. Hassan, "An Optimization Oriented decision Support System based on Applying Evolutionary Algorithms to Computable General Equilibrium Models", IDSC International Conference, Information and decision Support center, Cairo, Egypt, 28, 2010.
M., K., "Revising Energy Pricing Strategy of Egypt – An Issue Oriented Economy Wide Analitical Approach", 8th International Conference of the Middle East Economic Association (MEEA, Nice, Franc,, March 18-20., 2009.
M, K., "Social Accounting Matrices for Modeling and Policy Analysis-Development Issues from the Middle East", Proceedings of the International Conference on Policy Modeling, Berlin, Germany,, July 2-4., 2009.
M., K., "An Energy Economy Interaction Model for Egypt – Results of alternative Price Reform Policies", International Conference on Policy Modeling, Ottawa,, 2009.
M, K., and M. Youssef, University Governance- Challenges and Future Prospects, , Bibliotheca of Alexandria, 2008.
H, Z., M. Khorshid, and A. Wagdy, "Gradient-Based Approaches for Solving Simulation Optimization Problems", Proceedings of the Annual Statistics, Computer Science and Operations Research ,ISSR,, vol. 42, issue Cairo University, Egypt,December 2-5, pp. 161-172, 2007.
M, K., "Universities and ScientificResearch – Towards an Integrated Framework", International Conference on Management of Higher Education and Scientific Research, 1-4, 2006.
M, K., I. A.F.El-Khodary, H. A. Hassan, and T. Mohamed, "A Conceptual Framework for a Banking Supervision Knowledge-Based Decision Support System", Proceedings of The Third International Conference on Informatics and Systems, CairoUniversity, , 19-22 March., 2005.
M, K., and A. Al-Khayat, "Development of a Decision Support Tool Based on Strategic Corporate Planning Model (An Application to A Mobile Company", Proceedings of The Third International Conference on Informatics and Systems, CairoUniversity, , 19-22 March., 2005.
M, K., and S. Marzban, "An Interactive GAMS-based Model Management System for Economy Wide Analysis", Proceedings of The Third International Conference on Informatics and Systems, CairoUniversity, , 19-22 March, 2005.
M, K., A. A. Badr, and H. A. Hassan, "Constructing Fuzzy If-then Rules for Interpreting Results of Computable General Equilibrium Models", Proceedings of The Sixteen Annual Conference on Statistics and computer Modeling in Human and Social Science, CairoUniversity, March, 2004.
M, K., S. A. Hassan, M. A. Ewees, and A. A. - S. M, "A Computer Simulation Model for Analysing A Production System", International Conference on Information & Communication Technologics From Theory to Applications (ICTTA’04), Damascus, Syria,, April, 2004.
M., K., H. Hassan, and M. A. Hamied, "Towards An Intelligent Model-Based Decision Support System for An Integrated Oil Company", Proceedings of The Seventh International Conference for chemical Engineering, CairoUniversity, , 27-29 December., 2004.
M, K., "Model-Centered Government Decision Support Systems for Socioeconomic Development In The Arab World", Proceedings of The International Conference On Input-Output and General Equilibrium: Data, Modeling and Policy analysis, Brussels, Belgium, 2-4 September, 2004.
M, K., "Alternative Socioeconomic Development Scenarios for Egypt: Results from an Economy-Wide Simulation Model", Economic Research Forum (ERF) for the Arab Countries, Iran and Turkey, December., 2003.