Motaz Khorshid
Professor of Decision Support and Modeling
M., K., and M. F. Hassan,
Computerized Techni-ques for Hospital Layout
The 11th Annual Conference for Statistics and Scientific Computations
, Cairo 14-17, 1975.
M., K., and M. F. Hassan,
An Experimental Investigation and Comparative Evaluation for some Sub-optimal Algorithm of Layout of Production Facilities
The 10th Annual Conference for Statistics and Scientific Computations
, October., 1974.
Hassan, M. F., and K. M.,
Computerized Layout of Production Facilities-A Case Study
Egyptian Computer Journal
, vol. 3, issue 1, 1974.
M., K.,
Layout of Facilities - An Introductory Approach and Review of Techniques
Institute of National Planning,
, ؤشهقخ, 1975.
M., K., and M. F. Hassan.,
Computerized Techni-ques for Hospital Layout
The 11th Annual Conference for Statistics and Scientific Computations
, Cairo 14-17,, 1975.
M., K., and A. Checroun,
Experimental Optimization by Simulation Techniques
Proceedings of the International Congress on Applied System Research
, New York., 1981.
M., K.,
The Principal Component Analysis Applied to Regression Models
The Egyptian Computer Journal
, vol. 11, pp. 2 Dec, 1983.
M., K., and O. Hegazy,
An Economic Database in a Social Accounting Framework
The Egyptian Computer Journal
, vol. Vol. 11, 1983.
M., K.,
An Integrated Framework for Experi-mental Investigation by Simulation Models
The Institute of National Planning
, Cairo, Jan, 1984.
M, K., and R. Cannone,
La Gestion Experimentale au Moyen Des Modeles De Simulation-Cas d'un Atelier De Production
Le Proceeding du 6 Congres International de Cybernetique et de Systematique
, Paris, 10-14, 1984.