Dr Muhammad M. Abdel Latif is an associate professor of TESOL/applied linguistics at the Faculty of Graduate Studies of Education. He completed his PhD at the University of Essex, UK, in the general area of English language education, specific area: second language writing. He is the winner of three prestigious international awards: a) the ACTFL-MLJ 2009 Emma Marie Birkmaier Award for Doctoral Dissertation Research in Foreign Language Education, b) the CMLR 2009 Best Graduate Student Paper Award, and c) the 2008 Sheikh Nahayan Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship granted by TIRF as one of three PhD projects contributing significantly to the teaching and learning of English in the Arab world. Of all the TIRF research grant recipients, he has been the most awarded grantee to date. http://www.tirfonline.org/community/milestones/
He has published in ranked and well-known international journals such as Applied Linguistics, Assessing Writing, System, ELT Journal, Journal of Research in Reading, Canadian Modern Language Review, English Teaching: Practice & Critique, and ReCALL.