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B, M., K. S, and A. S, "Mechanical ventilation practice in Egyptian pediatric intensive care units.", Electronic physician , vol. 25, issue 9, pp. 4370-4377, 2017. mv_issued_.pdf
B, M., S. A, I. D, K. D, A. -latif W, and E. D, "Detection of viral acute lower respiratory tract infection in hospitalised infants using real-time PCR", Egyptian Pediatric Association Gazette , issue 64, pp. 13-19, 2016. viral_pneumonia_.pdf
I, E., M. B, I. DK, and A. E. F. DG, "Multidrug-resistant hospital-associated-infections in pediatric intensive care units", International aJournal of advances in health Sciences , vol. 3, pp. 88-99, 2016. ijhs_32201604_bassant.pdf
IH, D., H. EF, W. G, I. DK, and M. BS, " Pneumococcal infection among hospitalized Egyptian children.", Journal of Egyptian Public Health Association , vol. 90, pp. 52-7, 2015. 3-_pneumococcal-epxv90n2-print-final.pdf
M, A. - F., M. B, E. - S. R, and E. N. YA., "Serum Copeptin level as a predictor of outcome in pneumonia", Indian Pediatrics, vol. 52, pp. 807-8, 2015. copeptin.pdf
B, M., K. S, S. A, A. M, I. DK, and Y. S, "A study of biofilm on endotracheal tubes in pediatric intensive care unit ", Kasr Aliny medical Journal , vol. 21, pp. 87-93, 2015. kasralainymedj21387-5717294_155252.pdf
D, K., A. R. Rasha, A. G. E, and S. B, "Role of Vitamin D in the prevention of viral respiratory infections in infants", Journal Of Arab ccild , vol. 20, pp. 351-356, 2009.