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Hussein M.A., K. A., and N. A. Khalil, "Effect of seeding method seeding rates and N. fertilization on growth, yield and yield components in lentil.", Annals of Agric. Sc., Moshtohor, vol. 22, no. (1), 1984. Abstract
Abd-ElRahman Lila.,. R.Shabana., H. E. S. M. E. - S., "Effect of some cotton procedures and traits on yield and quality", 2ndConf.ARC.,Agr.Res.Rev., vol. 62, no. 6, pp. 175–182, 1984. Abstract
EL-NAHAL, A. K. M., A. H. M. E. D. A. BARAKAT, and M. Y. Hashem, "EFFECT OF SUBLETHAL CONCENTRATION TIME PRODUCTS ON THE BIOLOGY AND FECUNDITY OF", Bulletin of the Entomological Society of Egypt: Economic series, issue 14-15: Atlas Press, pp. 133, 1984. Abstract
Hassan, E. M., el-Magied, and M. A. M. Nadia M.Abdallah, "Effect of substituting some legumes on the chemical, physical, Biological and Organoleptic characteristics of fresh and cooked processed sausage.", Bull. Fac. of Agric., Univ. of Cairo., vol. 35, no. 2, 1984. Abstract
Monib, M., A. Abd-El-Bakey, M. H. Belal, M. M. Hassan, and N. A. Hegazi, "Effect of Temik on nodulation of Vicia faba inoculated with Temik-resistant rhizobia", Soil biology and conservation of the biosphere/edited by J. Szegi: Budapest: Akademiai Kiado, 1984., 1984. Abstract
El Sherbiny, A. E., M. Zidan, and E. Awas, Efficiency of different nitrogen fertilizers for cotton [Egypt]., , 1984. Abstract
Wahby, H., M. Quenemoen, and M. Helal, EGYPT WATER USE AND MANAGEMENT PROJECT, , 1984. Abstract
Safar, Z. S., "Energy loss due to misalignment of journal bearings", Tribology international, vol. 17, no. 2: Elsevier, pp. 107–109, 1984. Abstract
I A Abd El Gawad, M. S., "Enzymatic activities in colostrum and normal goat’s milk.", Bull. Fac. of Agric., Univ. of Cairo Egypt, vol. 35, issue 2, pp. 1031, 1984. Abstract
mohsensobhy, "Enzymic activities in colostrum and normal Goat,s milk .", Bulletin of the fac. of Agric., Cairo Univ., issue 35, 1984. Abstract
ABDALLA, M.M.F., I. S. M. A. I. L. A. A., and S. H. F. ABOUL-SAAD, "Evaluating two selection schemes in a hard endosperm Opaque-2 population of maize.", Proc. 2nd Mediterranean Conf. Genet. Cairo, pp. 175–195, 1984. Abstract
Megahed, M., A. R. S. Ponter, and C. J. Morrison, "An experimental and theoretical investigation into the creep properties of a simple structure of 316 stainless steel", International journal of mechanical sciences, vol. 26, no. 3: Elsevier, pp. 149–164, 1984. Abstract
Megahed, M. M., A. R. S. Ponter, and C. J. Morrison, "Experimental investigations into the influence of cyclic phenomena of metals on structural ratchetting behaviour", International journal of mechanical sciences, vol. 26, no. 11: Pergamon, pp. 625–638, 1984. Abstract
Abdel-Hamid, M. A., M. T. El-Keiey, A. S. Soliman, I. M. Ibrahim, and A. M. Shokry, "Experimental studies on myelography in dogs [Egypt]", Veterinary Medical Journal (Egypt), 1984. Abstract
Khalil, E. E., F. M. ElMahallawy, and O. AbdeAal, "Experimental and Numerical Investigation of A Large Cylindrical Oil-Fired Combustors", Proc. 28th ASME Gas Turbine Conference, ASME Paper 83-GT-184., USA, June, 1983.
AbdelSalam, M. S., M. M. Helal, A. M. A. Mostafa, and E. E. Khalil, "Effect Of Swirl Angle And Geometry On Heat Transfer In Turbulent Pipe Flow”", Proc. Int. Seminar On Advancement In Heat Exchangers, Dubrovnik, 1981, Yougoslavia, july, 1983.
Salem, M. H., H. T. Dorrah, and M. Aboelela, "Estimation of Some River Catchement Models Using Rainfall-Runoff Data‎", Water Resources Development in Egypt‎, Cairo, Egypt, 6-8 June, 1983.
Dokla, M. D., M. H. Sayyouh, and A. Tontonji, Effect of Shale on Matrix Conduction under Reservoir Conditions, , Riyadh, SA, Research Centre, the College of Engineering. Report No.4/402, 1983.
Semary, M. A., M. A. Ahmed, and Y. Abbas, "Electrical resistivity of ferrites of the general formula Mg1+tFe2-2 tTitO4 (t=0.1,0.3,0.4,0.5)", Journal of Materials Science, vol. 18, issue 10: Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 2890 - 2892, 1983. AbstractWebsite

The electrical resistivity of the ferrites Mg1+tFe2-2 tTitO4 (t=0.1, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5) has been measured in the temperature range of 30 to 300° C. A break in In ρ{variant} against 1/T around TC has been observed. This break is associated with a change in the activation energy around the Curie temperature. The conductivity behaviour is discussed in terms of the cation distribution in these ferrites. © 1983 Chapman and Hall Ltd.

Khalil, E. E., M. S. AbdelSalam, M. M. Helal, and A. M. A. Mostafa, "Effect Of Swirl Angle And Geometry On Heat Transfer In Turbulent Pipe Flow", Heat Exchangers, Theory & Pract, Dubrovink, Wiley, 16 August , 1983.
M., K., and O. Hegazy, "An Economic Database in a Social Accounting Framework", The Egyptian Computer Journal, vol. Vol. 11, 1983.
Adham, F. K., L. M. EL-GAZZAR, and N. M. HILMY, "The effect of chronic radiation on the biology of Culex pipiens molestus Forsk. (Diptera, Cuilcidae) through successive generations. ", J. Egypt. Soc. Parasitol, vol. 13, pp. 91-99, 1983.