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Darwish, M., and J. Fantin, "The application of Lyapunov methods to large power systems using decomposition and aggregation techniques", International Journal of Control, vol. 24, no. 2: Taylor & Francis, pp. 247–260, 1976. Abstract
Fantin, J., and M. Darwish, "An approach for decomposition and reduction of dynamical models of large-scale power systems", International Journal of Systems Science, vol. 7, no. 10: Taylor & Francis, pp. 1101–1112, 1976. Abstract
El Sherbini, T. M., and A. Z. Z. A. A. FARRAG, "Configuration interaction in the spectrum of Kr II", Journal of Physics B: Atomic and Molecular Physics, vol. 9, no. 16: IOP Publishing, pp. 2797, 1976. Abstract
El Sherbini, T. M., and A. Z. Z. A. A. FARRAG, "Configuration interaction in the spectrum of Kr II", Journal of Physics B: Atomic and Molecular Physics, vol. 9, issue 16: IOP Publishing, pp. 2797, 1976. Abstract
Silen, W., T. E. Machen, and J. G. Forte, "Acid-base balance in amphibian gastric mucosa.", The American journal of physiology, vol. 229, issue 3, pp. 721-30, 1975 Sep. Abstract

It has been established that H+ secretion can be maintained in frog stomach in the absence of exogenous CO2 by using a nutrient bathing fluid containing 25 mM H2PO4 (pH approximately equal to 4.5) or by lowering the pH of a nonbuffered nutrient solution to about 3.0-3.6. Exogenous CO2 in the presence of these nutrient solutions uniformly caused a marked decrease in H+ secretion, PD, adn short-circuit current (Isc) and an increase in transmucosal resistance (R). Elevation of nutrient [k+] to 83 mM reduced R significantly but transiently without change in H+ when nutrient pH less than 5.0, whereas R returned to base line and H+ increased when nutrient pH greater than 5.0. Acidification of the nutrient medium in the presence of exogenous CO2 results in inhibition of the secretory pump, probably by decreasing intracellular pH, and also interferes with conductance at the nutrient membrane. Removal of exogenous CO2 from standard bicarbonate nutrient solution reduced by 50% the H+, PD, and Isc without change in R; K+-free nutrient solutions reverse these changes in Isc and PD but not in H+. The dropping PD and rising R induced by K+-free nutrient solutions in 5% CO2 - 95% O2 are returned toward normal by 100% O2. Our findings support an important role for exogenous CO2 in maintaining normal acid-base balance in frog mucosa by acting as an acidifying agent.

Silen, W., T. E. Machen, and J. G. Forte, "Acid-base balance in amphibian gastric mucosa.", The American journal of physiology, vol. 229, issue 3, pp. 721-30, 1975 Sep. Abstract

It has been established that H+ secretion can be maintained in frog stomach in the absence of exogenous CO2 by using a nutrient bathing fluid containing 25 mM H2PO4 (pH approximately equal to 4.5) or by lowering the pH of a nonbuffered nutrient solution to about 3.0-3.6. Exogenous CO2 in the presence of these nutrient solutions uniformly caused a marked decrease in H+ secretion, PD, adn short-circuit current (Isc) and an increase in transmucosal resistance (R). Elevation of nutrient [k+] to 83 mM reduced R significantly but transiently without change in H+ when nutrient pH less than 5.0, whereas R returned to base line and H+ increased when nutrient pH greater than 5.0. Acidification of the nutrient medium in the presence of exogenous CO2 results in inhibition of the secretory pump, probably by decreasing intracellular pH, and also interferes with conductance at the nutrient membrane. Removal of exogenous CO2 from standard bicarbonate nutrient solution reduced by 50% the H+, PD, and Isc without change in R; K+-free nutrient solutions reverse these changes in Isc and PD but not in H+. The dropping PD and rising R induced by K+-free nutrient solutions in 5% CO2 - 95% O2 are returned toward normal by 100% O2. Our findings support an important role for exogenous CO2 in maintaining normal acid-base balance in frog mucosa by acting as an acidifying agent.

Fahnestock, S. R., "Evidence of the involvement of a 50S ribosomal protein in several active sites.", Biochemistry, vol. 14, issue 24, pp. 5321-7, 1975 Dec 2. Abstract

The functional role of the Bacillus stearothermophilus 50S ribosomal protein B-L3 (probably homologous to the Escherichia coli protein L2) was examined by chemical modification. The complex [B-L3-23S RNA] was photooxidized in the presence of rose bengal and the modified protein incorporated by reconstitution into 50S ribosomal subunits containing all other unmodified components. Particles containing photooxidized B-L3 are defective in several functional assays, including (1) poly(U)-directed poly(Phe) synthesis, (2) peptidyltransferase activity, (3) ability to associate with a [30S-poly(U)-Phe-tRNA] complex, and (4) binding of elongation factor G and GTP. The rates of loss of the partial functional activities during photooxidation of B-L3 indicate that at least two independent inactivating events are occurring, a faster one, involving oxidation of one or more histidine residues, affecting peptidyltransferase and subunit association activities and a slower one affecting EF-G binding. Therefore the protein B-L3 has one or more histidine residues which are essential for peptidyltransferase and subunit association, and another residue which is essential for EF-G-GTP binding. B-L3 may be the ribosomal peptidyltransferase protein, or a part of the active site, and may contribute functional groups to the other active sites as well.

Asakura, T., K. Adachi, M. Shapiro, S. Friedman, and E. Schwartz, "Mechanical precipitation of hemoglobin köln.", Biochimica et biophysica acta, vol. 412, issue 2, pp. 197-201, 1975 Dec 15. Abstract

Hb Köln (beta 98 Val leads to Met) was found to precipitate rapidly during mechanical shaking. The rate of precipitation of Hb Köln is 5-6 times faster than that of Hb S. The kinetics of precipitation of the patient's hemolysate, which is a mixture of Hb Köln and Hb A, showed a biphasic curve indicating that Hb Köln precipitates independently from Hb A. The instability of Hb Köln may be attributed to the conformational change in the vicinity of heme. The mechanical shaking may be used as a new method for detection and quantitation of hemoglobin Köln and other unstable hemoglobins.

Farid, A., M. Ibrahim, and M. Refai, " Studies on colibacillosis in calves in Egypt. II. Incidence of E. coli serogroups. ", Zbl. Vet. Med. , vol. 23, , pp. 44-48 , 1975. colibacillosis_in_calves_ii_incidence.pdf
Ahmed, N. A., and M. M. Fathy, "Effect of barbitone sodium on the total brain acetylcholine level ‎in rodents. ‎", Bull. Fac. Sci., Cairo University, vol. 48, pp. 229-248.‎, 1975.
El-Guindi, M. M., M. S. S. Abdou, A. A. Farahat, M. A. Mostafa, A. B. El-Wishy, and K. Abdel-Raheem, "The Nucleic Acid Content of Consecutive Ejaculates of Buffalo and Friesian Bulls", Zbl. Vet. Med., A., vol. 22, no. 1: Wiley Online Library, pp. 76–80, 1975. Abstract


Ettouney, S. M., and F. R. Fricke, "An anemometer for scale model environmental wind measurements", Building Science, vol. 10, no. 1: Elsevier, pp. 17–26, 1975. Abstract
Chirgadze, Y. N., O. V. Fedorov, and N. P. Trushina, "Estimation of amino acid residue side‐chain absorption in the infrared spectra of protein solutions in heavy water", Biopolymers: Original Research on Biomolecules, vol. 14, issue 4: Wiley Subscription Services, Inc., A Wiley Company Hoboken, pp. 679-694, 1975. Abstract
Abdou, M. S. S., M. M. El-Guindi, M. A. Mostafa, A. B. El-Wishy, and A. A. Farahat, "Comparative study of the phosphatase activity in the semen of bovines (Bos bubalis and Bos taurus) in Egypt", Zbl. Vet. Med., A., vol. 21, no. 9: Wiley Online Library, pp. 759–767, 1974. Abstract


Linser, H., A. Raafat, and F.A.Zeid, "Pure protein and chlorophyll of Daucus carota throughout the vegetative period of first year as influenced by growth regulators (CCC, GA and BA).", Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science (Germany),, vol. 137, pp. 36–40, 1974. Abstract
Barbary, A., H. Fouad, and A. Fatt-Hi, "Scleroma affecting the middle ear cavity with report of three cases", Annals of Otology, Rhinology & Laryngology, vol. 83, no. 1: SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA, pp. 107–110, 1974. Abstract
Eckert, T., A. M. Ibrahim, and H. J. Funcke, On the question of hold back effects of membrane filters of the cellulose-ester type, , vol. 48, issue 11, pp. 628 - 638, 1973. Abstract
Ahmed, N. A., and M. M. Fathy, "The effect of pentamethlenetetrazol (cardiazol) on brain ‎acetylcholine content in Jaculus jaculus. ‎", Bull. Fac. Sci., Cairo University, vol. 46, pp. 337-341., 1973.
Saleh, M. A., M. S. Fayed, and M. A. El-Rifai, "Air Pollution in a Sulphuric Acid Plant", Environmental Engineering: Springer Netherlands, pp. 105–112, 1973. Abstract
Ettouney, S. M., and F. R. Fricke, "Courtyard acoustics", Applied Acoustics, vol. 6, no. 2: Elsevier, pp. 119–132, 1973. Abstract
Fahmi, A. H., M. Metwally, A. A. E. Dawood, and I. A. Abd El Gawad, "The effect of acidity of salted milk on coagulation time of Domiati cheese.", Egyptian J. Dairy Sci.,, vol. 2, pp. 148, 1973. Abstract
Fahmi, A. H., M. Metwally, A. A. E. Dawood, and I. A. Abd El Gawad, "The effect of the amount of rennet and renetting temperature on Domiati cheese.", Egyptian J. Dairy Sci.,, vol. 1, issue 1, pp. 63, 1973. Abstract
Fricke, F., and S. Ettouney, "On ‘Wind profiles over a Suburban site and wind effects on a half full-scale model building’", Building Science, vol. 8, no. 4: Pergamon, pp. 379–380, 1973. Abstract