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El-Saifi, A. A., M. H. Mourad, M. M. Shoukry, M. M. Amin, and F. Raghib, "The effect of different rations [Berseem and hay] of the rumenal fluid of sheep [Egypt]", Veterinary Medical Journal (Egypt), 1978. Abstract
Riad, S., O. El-Husseiny, A. I. Eissa, and M. K. Morsi, "Effect of tetracycline supplementation on growth rate, carcass quality and tetracyline residue in different tissues of turkey breeds", Annals of agricultural science (Moshtohor), 1978. Abstract
Goher, N. E., W. H. McGibbon, J. J. Rutledge, and A. B. Chapman, "Evaluation of selection methods in a poultry breeding program. i. selection for rate of egg production on the basis of part year record with and without full sibbing", Egyptian journal of genetics and cytology, 1978. Abstract
Ragab, M. T., M. A. Sharafeldin, and F. S. Badawy, "Factors affecting body weight and carcass yield of a flock of fleisch Merino sheep under subtropical conditions [Egypt].", Egyptian Journal of Animal Production, vol. 18, 1978. Abstract
Abo El-Zahib, A. A., M. S. Radwan, A. O. Omran, R. Shabana, and M. A. Haikal, "Seasonal effects and variability estimates on some quantitative characters of sunflowers [Egypt]", Savremena Poljoprivreda (Yugoslavia), 1978. Abstract
Saber, M. S., I. M. Reda, H. H. Tantawi, M. A. Shalaby, O. M. Hamed, and V. Garshinina, "Studies on the cross antigenic relationship between camel pox, buffalo pox, sheep pox and vaccinia viruses [in Egypt].", Veterinary Medical Journal, 1978. Abstract
Shalaby, M. A., M. N. K. Ayoub, and I. M. Reda, "A study on a new isolate of duck hepatitis virus and its relationship to other duck hepatitis virus strains", Vet Med J Cairo Univ, vol. 26, pp. 215–221, 1978. Abstract
Khalil, A. K., F. M. El-Mahallawy, and N. M. Rafat, "THEORETICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF MIXING OF TWO CO-AXIAL CONFINED JETS IN A COLD MODEL FURNACE", Flow, Mixing and Heat Transfer in Furnaces: Elsevier, pp. 1–15, 1978. Abstract
Khalil, A. K., F. M. El-Mahallawy, and N. M. Rafat, "THEORETICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF MIXING OF TWO CO-AXIAL CONFINED JETS IN A COLD MODEL FURNACE", Flow, Mixing and Heat Transfer in Furnaces: Pergamon, pp. 1-15, 1978. Abstract
Soliman, M. Refai, and A. Farid, " Clinical, mycological and immunological studies on cattle ringworm in Egypt. ", Ernst-Rodenwaldt-Archiv , vol. 4, , pp. 17-22 , 1977. clin._mycol._immunol._studies_in_cattle_ringworm.pdf
Farid, A., M. Hatem, and M. Refai, " Studies on purification and selective isolation of leptospira. ", Castellania , vol. 5, , pp. 39-41 , 1977. purification_and_selective_isolation_of_leptospira.pdf
Saif, A., and M. Refai, " The use of thiabendazole to control moulds in poultry farms. ", Castellania, vol. 5, , pp. 183-187 , 1977. thiabendazole.pdf
Farid, A., M. Refai, M. El-Shinnawy, and A.: Nasser, " Untersuchungen zur Escherichia-coli-Infektion bei Huehnerkueken. ", Wien. Tieraerztl.Wschr. , vol. 9/9, , pp. 233-236 , 1977. studies_on_colibacillosis_in_chickens_in_egypt.pdf
Niazi, Z., Kirpal, G., G. Amtsberg, and M. Refai, "Biochemie, Serologie, Maeusepathogenitaet und Antibiotikaresistenz von Klebsiellen verschiedener Tierarten.", Berl. Muench. tieraerztl. Wschr. , vol. 90, , pp. 435-440 , 1977. biochemistry_serology_pathogenicity__of_klebsiella__pdf
Abdel-Rahman, M. M., I. M. Elgindi, M. A. Raafat, and E. R. M. Abou-Hussein, "Effect of sugarcane molasses, urea and antibiotics on the nutritive value of some roughages", Indian journal of animal sciences, 1977. Abstract
Reid, M. W., J. Dick, J. Rice, and F. Stino, "Effects of monensin-feeding regimens on flock immunity to coccidiosis", Poultry Science, vol. 56, issue 1: Poultry Science Association, pp. 66-71, 1977. Abstract
Abdel-Rahman, M. M., I. M. Elgindi, E. R. M. Abou-Hussein, and M. A. Raafat, "Feeding buffalo male calves on roughages alone or roughages and concentrate mixtures having the same starch value duringthe second year of growth", Indian journal of animal sciences, 1977. Abstract
El Fouly, M. A., A. M. A. Borady, A. A. Radwan, and G. A. R. Kamar, "Seasonal variation in some reproductive traits of Bouscat and Giza White Rabbits [in Egypt].", Egyptian Journal of Animal Production, vol. 17, 1977. Abstract