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Hashem, M. Y., and E. - S. M. Risha, "Post-harvest losses caused by southern cowpea beetle Callosobruchus maculatus (F.) in faba bean Vicia faba, and its control using modified atmospheres.", Zeitschrift für Pflanzenkrankheiten und Pflanzenschutz, vol. 107, issue 2, pp. 205-211, 2000. Abstract
Rahman, H. A. R., and R. A. Hassan, "Residues of some organophosphorus insecticides on / in tomato fruits after three successive spraying as influenced by different washing methods.", J. Agric. Sci., Mansoura Univ., vol. 25, issue 12, pp. 8163-8172, 2000.
Abdel-Ghani, N. T., M. S. Rizk, and R. M. El-Nashar, "Salbutamol plastic membrane electrodes based on individual and mixed ion-exchangers of salbutamolium phosphotungstate and phosphomolybdate", Analyst, vol. 125, no. 6: Royal Society of Chemistry, pp. 1129–1133, 2000. Abstract
Abdel-Ghani, N. T., M. S. Rizk, and R. M. El-Nashar, "Salbutamol plastic membrane electrodes based on individual and mixed ion-exchangers of salbutamolium phosphotungstate and phosphomolybdate", Analyst, vol. 125, no. 6: Royal Society of Chemistry, pp. 1129–1133, 2000. Abstract
Abdel-Ghani, N. T., M. S. Rizk, and R. M. El-Nashar, "Salbutamol plastic membrane electrodes based on individual and mixed ion-exchangers of salbutamolium phosphotungstate and phosphomolybdate", Analyst, vol. 125, no. 6: Royal Society of Chemistry, pp. 1129–1133, 2000. Abstract
Abdel-Ghani, N. T., M. S. Rizk, and R. M. El-Nashar, "Salbutamol plastic membrane electrodes based on individual and mixed ion-exchangers of salbutamolium phosphotungstate and phosphomolybdate", Analyst, vol. 125, no. 6: Royal Society of Chemistry, pp. 1129–1133, 2000. Abstract
Kassab, K., C. Fabris, M. P. Defilippis, D. Dei, L. Fantetti, G. Roncucci, E. Reddi, and G. Jori, "Skin-photosensitizing properties of Zn (II)-2 (3), 9 (10), 16 (17), 23 (24)-tetrakis-(4-oxy-< i> N-methylpiperidinyl) phthalocyanine topically administered to mice", Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology, vol. 55, no. 2: Elsevier, pp. 128–137, 2000. Abstract
Rahim, M. A., S. H. Allam, and T. M. El-Sherbini, "Soft X-ray laser emission from boron-like Na (VII), Mg (VIII) and Al (IX) ions", Arab Journal of Nuclear Sciences and Applications, vol. 34, issue 1, pp. 215-220, 2000. Abstract
El-Korany, A., A. Rafea, H. Baraka, and S. Eid, "A structured testing methodology for knowledge-based systems", Database and Expert Systems Applications: Springer, pp. 427–436, 2000. Abstract


El-Korany, A., A. Rafea, H. Baraka, and S. Eid, "A structured testing methodology for knowledge-based systems", Database and Expert Systems Applications: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 427–436, 2000. Abstract
El-Korany, A., A. Rafea, H. Baraka, and S. Eid, "A structured testing methodology for knowledge-based systems", Database and Expert Systems Applications: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 427–436, 2000. Abstract
El-Korany, A., A. Rafea, H. Baraka, and S. Eid, "A structured testing methodology for knowledge-based systems", Database and Expert Systems Applications: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 427–436, 2000. Abstract
El-Korany, A., A. Rafea, H. Baraka, and S. Eid, "A structured testing methodology for knowledge-based systems", Database and Expert Systems Applications: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 427–436, 2000. Abstract
Rahman, K. M. A., and others, "Studies on the embryology of the grasshopper Chrotogonus lugubris Blanchard (Orthoptera, Acridoidea, Pyrgomorphidae) III. Organogeny.", Acta Fytotechnica et Zootechnica, vol. 3, no. 3: Slovenská Polnohospodárska Univerzita v Nitre, pp. 63–69, 2000. Abstract
Elkheshen, S. A., and M. A. Radwan, "Sustained release microspheres of metoclopramide using poly (D, L-lactide-co-glycolide) copolymers", Journal of microencapsulation, vol. 17, no. 4: Taylor & Francis, pp. 425–435, 2000. Abstract
Rohaly, J., D. P. Hart, K. Keller, J. D. Ackerman, L. Bursanescu, M. Bursanescu, M. Hamdi, F. Blais, D. A. Green, M. Pilu, et al., Three-Dimensional Image Capture and Applications III, , 2000. Abstract
Rohaly, J., D. P. Hart, K. Keller, J. D. Ackerman, L. Bursanescu, M. Bursanescu, M. Hamdi, F. Blais, D. A. Green, M. Pilu, et al., Three-Dimensional Image Capture and Applications III, , 2000. Abstract
Rietjens, M., O. Youssef, and J. Y. Petit, "Treatment of Paget's disease", Breast Cancer: Diagnosis and Management: Elsevier Health Sciences, pp. 377, 2000. Abstract
Rahman, H. A. R., "Aphicidal effect of some mineral and plant oils, organophosphrous insecticides and their mixtures against cowpea aphid Aphis craccivora.2.", The 2nd int. conf. of pest control, Mansoura Univ., Egypt, September 1999.
Metwalli, S. M., A. M. E. Radwan, O. Abdel-Wehab, O. Shalaby, Y. A. Moussa, and Y. A. Hosni, "MAINTENANCE AND PARTS FABRICATION BY REVERSE ENGINEERING", ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA - Paper No. DETC99/CIE-9134, September 13, 1999. Abstract


Aboul-Enein, A. M., H. A. Amra, A. A. Ragab, and M. I. Mohamed, "The occurrence of fumonisin B1 in Egyptian-market corn: Screening, processing and toxicology", 9th International Symposium on Toxicity Assessment (ISTA9), , Pretoria, South Africa, Sep.26-Oct.1, 1999.
E.S.Hegazi, T. A. Yehia, R. G. Stino, and A. A. Hegazy, "Effect of pollination types on fruiting of Anna apples. І. Waves of fruit drops. ", Bull. Fac. Agric. Cairo Univ. Proceeding of the 1st congress on recent technologies in agriculture, Cairo University Faculty of Agriculture , 27-29th November, 1999.
Nalca, A., S. G. Qiu, N. el-Guendy, S. Krishnan, and V. M. Rangnekar, "Oncogenic Ras sensitizes cells to apoptosis by Par-4.", The Journal of biological chemistry, vol. 274, issue 42, pp. 29976-83, 1999 Oct 15. Abstract

Certain mutations in the mammalian ras gene are oncogenic and are often detected in human cancers. Oncogenic Ras induces the transcription activity of NF-kappaB that confers cell survival. Oncogenic Ras also down-modulates the expression of Par-4, a transcriptional repressor protein, that is essential but not sufficient on its own to induce apoptosis. Here we show that reintroduction of Par-4 by transient transfection leads to apoptosis in cells expressing oncogenic Ras but not in those that lack oncogenic Ras expression. Par-4 abrogates oncogenic Ras-inducible NF-kappaB transcription activity but does not interfere with cytoplasmic activation, or the DNA binding activity, of NF-kappaB. Because abrogation of NF-kappaB transcription activity is sufficient to cause apoptosis in cells expressing oncogenic Ras, our findings identify Par-4 as a novel example of a pro-apoptotic protein that selectively inhibits oncogenic Ras-dependent NF-kappaB function at the transcription level and suggest a mechanism by which Par-4 expression may selectively induce apoptosis in oncogenic Ras-expressing cells.

Zekri, A. R., A. A. Bahnassi, B. Bove, Y. Huang, I. H. Russo, A. Rogatko, S. Shaarawy, O. A. Shawki, M. R. Hamza, S. Omer, et al., "Allelic instability as a predictor of survival in Egyptian breast cancer patients.", International journal of oncology, vol. 15, issue 4, pp. 757-67, 1999 Oct. Abstract

This work was designed with the purpose of determining whether the presence of allelic imbalances (AI) such as microsatellite instability (MSI) and loss of heterozygosity (LOH) in chromosomes 2, 11, 13, and 17 in primary breast cancer could be used as prognostic indicators of patient survival. The DNA from breast cancers removed from 29 patients who were followed-up for up to five years was analyzed for MSI and LOH using a panel of 24 markers located at chromosome 2 (TPO, D2S131, D2S144, D2S171, D2S177, D2S119, D2S123, D2S147 and D2S136), chromosome 11 (C-RAS, Int-2, D11S940, D11S912), chromosome 13 (D13S289, D13S260, D13S267, D13S218, D13S263, D13S155, and D13S162), and chromosome 17 (D17S513, TP53, D17S855, and D17S785). The frequency of AI in the markers studied ranged from 30-55%, being highest for D11S912, D2S171, TP53 and D17S855. Univariate analysis showed association between overall survival rate and AI in 9 out of the 24 markers tested. Five of them were located at the area of the mismatch repair gene (MMR)-2 gene, two at 11p, one at 13q and one at 17p. Using multivariate analysis, it was observed that only pathological and clinical stage (defined as stage II or not) and AI at D2S171, D11S912, or D17STP53 generated significant predictive models for survival.

Qiu, S. G., S. Krishnan, N. el-Guendy, and V. M. Rangnekar, "Negative regulation of Par-4 by oncogenic Ras is essential for cellular transformation.", Oncogene, vol. 18, issue 50, pp. 7115-23, 1999 Nov 25. Abstract

Oncogenic variants of the cellular Ras protein are often associated with different types of human cancers. However, the mechanisms by which oncogenic Ras induces transformation are not fully established. Expression of the transcriptional repressor Par-4 was down-regulated by oncogenic Ras via the Raf-MEK-ERK pathway. Restoration of Par-4 levels by abrogation of the Raf-MEK-ERK pathway with the MEK-inhibitor PD98059 or by ectopic Par-4, that acted to inhibit ERK expression and activation, was sufficient to suppress oncogenic Ras-induced transformation. These findings identify Par-4 as a novel target that has to be down-modulated by oncogenic Ras for successful transformation.