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ALL schistosomicidal drugs eventually cause a change of location or ‘shift’ of the worms from the mesenteric veins, where they are normally found in infected animals, into the liver. There the parasites ultimately die and are ensheathed and phagocytosed by the protective mechanisms of the host. These worm migrations may be very rapid in onset and short in duration, as occurs with antimonials1; or they may be slow in onset and permanent in duration, as occurs with diphenoxyalkanes2. Various other schistosomicidal drugs produce ‘hepatic shifts’ with intermediate characteristics. The cause of the worm migrations differs with the different drugs, but essentially it results in paralysis of the worms which are thereafter swept back by the blood stream into the liver. Where the course of treatment is inadequate, the parasites regain their muscle control and return to the mesenteric veins.

Khayyal, M. T., "The effect of multiple doses of antimonials in Schistosoma mansoni infection.", Bulletin of the World Health Organization, vol. 33, issue 4, pp. 547-51, 1965. Abstract

The treatment of bilharziasis with antimonials has been carried out in the past in a rather arbitrary manner, dosage levels and schedules varying widely and being based on little valid experimental evidence. The author has therefore attempted to determine the optimum dosage intervals with tartar emetic for cure of mice experimentally infected with Schistosoma mansoni.It was already known that schistosomes are swept back into the liver when their level of antimony reaches a certain threshold but that, once that level drops, they re-migrate back to the mesenteric veins. In this work, therefore, the schedule of treatment was arranged so as to relate the intervals between doses to the re-migration of worms to the mesentery. It is shown that there is probably a direct relationship between the number of doses and the total period of time during which the schistosomes can be kept in the liver, so that relatively few doses given at short intervals may be as effective as a larger number of doses at longer intervals.

Khayyal, M. T., "The effect of multiple doses of antimonials in Schistosoma mansoni infection.", Bulletin of the World Health Organization, vol. 33, issue 4, pp. 547-51, 1965. Abstract

The treatment of bilharziasis with antimonials has been carried out in the past in a rather arbitrary manner, dosage levels and schedules varying widely and being based on little valid experimental evidence. The author has therefore attempted to determine the optimum dosage intervals with tartar emetic for cure of mice experimentally infected with Schistosoma mansoni.It was already known that schistosomes are swept back into the liver when their level of antimony reaches a certain threshold but that, once that level drops, they re-migrate back to the mesenteric veins. In this work, therefore, the schedule of treatment was arranged so as to relate the intervals between doses to the re-migration of worms to the mesentery. It is shown that there is probably a direct relationship between the number of doses and the total period of time during which the schistosomes can be kept in the liver, so that relatively few doses given at short intervals may be as effective as a larger number of doses at longer intervals.

Khayyal, M. T., "The effect of multiple doses of antimonials in Schistosoma mansoni infection.", Bulletin of the World Health Organization, vol. 33, issue 4, pp. 547-51, 1965. Abstract

The treatment of bilharziasis with antimonials has been carried out in the past in a rather arbitrary manner, dosage levels and schedules varying widely and being based on little valid experimental evidence. The author has therefore attempted to determine the optimum dosage intervals with tartar emetic for cure of mice experimentally infected with Schistosoma mansoni.It was already known that schistosomes are swept back into the liver when their level of antimony reaches a certain threshold but that, once that level drops, they re-migrate back to the mesenteric veins. In this work, therefore, the schedule of treatment was arranged so as to relate the intervals between doses to the re-migration of worms to the mesentery. It is shown that there is probably a direct relationship between the number of doses and the total period of time during which the schistosomes can be kept in the liver, so that relatively few doses given at short intervals may be as effective as a larger number of doses at longer intervals.

Khayyal, M. T., "Treatment of intestinal bilharziasis with antimonials: the possible use of dimercaprol as an adjuvant to therapy.", Bulletin of the World Health Organization, vol. 33, issue 4, pp. 589-91, 1965. Abstract
Khayyal, M. T., "Treatment of intestinal bilharziasis with antimonials: the possible use of dimercaprol as an adjuvant to therapy.", Bulletin of the World Health Organization, vol. 33, issue 4, pp. 589-91, 1965. Abstract
Khayyal, M. T., "Treatment of intestinal bilharziasis with antimonials: the possible use of dimercaprol as an adjuvant to therapy.", Bulletin of the World Health Organization, vol. 33, issue 4, pp. 589-91, 1965. Abstract
Rohde, R., M. Refai, and and Gaase, " Eine neue Salmonellaspecies: Salmonella bochum 4,5,12:r:1,2.", Zbl. Bakt. I. Orig., vol. 197, pp. , 290-291 , 1965. a_new_salmonella_species.pdf
Shafie, M. M., and M. A. Sharafeldin, "Animal behaviour in the sub-tropics. I. Heat tolerance in relation to grazing behaviour in sheep", Neth. J. Agric. Sci, vol. 13, pp. 1-5, 1965. Abstract


Refai, M., and H. Rieth, "Mikrosporie bei 2 Tigern. ", Mykosen , vol. 8,, pp. 62-65 , 1965. microsporosis_in_2_tigers.pdf
Sharafeldin, M. A., "Wool characteristics of Iraqi Awassi sheep", The Journal of Agricultural Science, vol. 65, issue 02: Cambridge University Press, pp. 223-225, 1965. Abstract

The physical wool characteristics of 268 Iraqi Awassi ewes were studied in 1963, as well as the relationship between some of these traits. The overall average grease fleece weight, clean wool percentage, staple length, fibre length, fibre diameter and degree of crimp were 3·77 lb., 84·85%, 16·47 cm., 17·37 cm., 33·32/t and 4·18 crimps per 2 cm. respectively. These attributes class the Awassi wool as a carpet wool.
Age proved to have no significant effect on any ofthe traits examined. Significant positive correlations were found between grease fleece weight and fibre length and between number of crimps and fibre diameter, while a significant negative correlation was found between clean wool percentage and fibre length.

Shafie, M. M., and M. A. Sharafeldin, "Animal behaviour in the sub-tropics. I. Heat tolerance in relation to grazing behaviour in sheep", Neth. J. Agric. Sci, vol. 13, pp. 1-5, 1965. Abstract
Sharafeldin, M. A., and M. M. Shafie, "Animal behaviour in the sub-tropics. II. Grazing behaviour of sheep", Netherlands Journal of Agricultural Science, vol. 13, pp. 239-247, 1965. Abstract
Sharafeldin, M. A., and M. M. Shafie, "Animal behaviour in the sub-tropics. II. Grazing behaviour of sheep", Netherlands Journal of Agricultural Science, vol. 13, pp. 239-247, 1965. Abstract
Khayyal, M. T., "THE EFFECTS OF ANTIMONY UPTAKE ON THE LOCATION AND PAIRING OF SCHISTOSOMA MANSONI.", British journal of pharmacology and chemotherapy, vol. 22, pp. 342-8, 1964 Apr. Abstract

The rate of uptake and elimination of antimony by both male and female schistosomes has been measured. It has been confirmed that the female schistosome is more susceptible to antimony therapy than the male since she absorbs more drug. The changes in location of the worms and the separation of the sexes following one or more injections of antimony potassium tartrate have been related to the different rates of uptake and elimination of the drug by the two sexes. The suppressive treatment of schistosomiasis is discussed in the light of these observations.

Khayyal, M. T., "THE EFFECTS OF ANTIMONY UPTAKE ON THE LOCATION AND PAIRING OF SCHISTOSOMA MANSONI.", British journal of pharmacology and chemotherapy, vol. 22, pp. 342-8, 1964 Apr. Abstract

The rate of uptake and elimination of antimony by both male and female schistosomes has been measured. It has been confirmed that the female schistosome is more susceptible to antimony therapy than the male since she absorbs more drug. The changes in location of the worms and the separation of the sexes following one or more injections of antimony potassium tartrate have been related to the different rates of uptake and elimination of the drug by the two sexes. The suppressive treatment of schistosomiasis is discussed in the light of these observations.

Khayyal, M. T., "THE EFFECTS OF ANTIMONY UPTAKE ON THE LOCATION AND PAIRING OF SCHISTOSOMA MANSONI.", British journal of pharmacology and chemotherapy, vol. 22, pp. 342-8, 1964 Apr. Abstract

The rate of uptake and elimination of antimony by both male and female schistosomes has been measured. It has been confirmed that the female schistosome is more susceptible to antimony therapy than the male since she absorbs more drug. The changes in location of the worms and the separation of the sexes following one or more injections of antimony potassium tartrate have been related to the different rates of uptake and elimination of the drug by the two sexes. The suppressive treatment of schistosomiasis is discussed in the light of these observations.

Refai, M., and H. Rieth, " Aenderung des pH-Wertes der Naehrboeden durch Dermatophyten. ", Zbl. Bakt. I. Orig. 194, , vol. 194, pp. 114-121, 1964. changes_of_ph_of_the_media.pdf
Refai, M., and H. Rieth, " Das Vorkommen von Dermatophyten in aegyptischem Erdboden.", Zbl. Vet.-Med. , vol. 11, pp. 200-206, 1964. dermatophytes_isolated_from_egyptian_soil.pdf