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Lindskog, J., L. G. Svensson, H. Solhed, S. M. Darwish, and N. G. Jonsson, ""Measurements of Nuclear Lifetimes"", Tandam Acc. Lab., Uppsala University, Annual Report (Sweden), pp. 53-56, 1972.
DILUTION, O. F. C. A. T. T. L. E. B. Y. I. S. O. T. O. P. E., A. Pfau, and M. A. I. Salem, "Max Planck Institute for Animal Breeding and Animal Nutrition, Mariensee, Federal Republic of Germany", Isotope studies on the physiology of domestic animals: proceedings of a symposium..., vol. 309: International Atomic Energy Agency, pp. 21, 1972. Abstract
xNaga, M. A., M. M. Abdalla, and S. I. Abdel-Aal, "Mineralogical studies on alkali soils at Sharkia Governorate, Egypt", J. Soil Sci, vol. 12, issue 1, pp. 41-58, 1972. Abstract
Elgindi, I. M., M. A. Raafat, E. R. M. Abou-Hussein, and S. M. Allam, "Metabolism of 45Ca in lambs", J Anim Prod United Arab Repub, vol. 1971, 1971. Abstract

Nutritional myopathy has been induced in both rats and lambs by feeding diets low in selenium. The distribution of 45Ca, administered as 45CaCl2, has been examined firstly by autoradiography, and secondly by measuring the excretion of 45Ca in urine and faeces. Autoradiographs of skeletal muscle from unsupplemented animals showed radioactivity over discrete muscle fibres at a stage when no abnormalities were apparent using conventional staining techniques. Similar retention of 45Ca was found in some of the tubules in the kidneys of selenium-deficient rats. Total excretion in urine and faeces of lambs, examined for 48 h after intravenous administration of 45CaCl2, showed that in normal animals 18-6% of the dose was excreted, whereas in dystrophic lambs 12-0% was lost. The difference was significant at the 2% level. The respiratory rates of isolated skeletal muscle mitochondria, measured polarographically in the presence of glutamate and pyruvate as substrates, were low for dystrophic rats. Respiratory control indices were 1-0 for the same preparations but for supplemented rats they were all above 1-0. The differences in respiratory rates were significant at the 1% level. The major conclusion drawn from the results of these experiments is that one of the first effects of sleenium deficiency which can be visualized is the abnormal retention of calcium by individual muscle fibres.

Ragab, M. T., M. M. Shafie, and M. Kilani, "Milk yield and milking rates of the individual quarters of the udder in buffaloes, Egyptian cows and Friesian cows", J Anim Prod United Arab Repub, 1971. Abstract

25 buffaloes, 18 Egyptian cows and 26 Friesian cows were hand-milked twice daily at 0700 and 1500 h throughout lactation. Quarters were milked individually in sequence: right fore, right rear, left fore, left rear. Forequarters contributed 28.7, 39.8 and 38.4% of morning milk and 32.2, 44.8 and 38.2% of evening milk of buffaloes, Egyptian cows and Friesian cows, respectively. Relative milk yield from each quarter remained fairly constant throughout lactation. Milking rates of forequarters wer

Shafie, M. M., M. T. Ragab, and M. Kilany, "Milking time and initial milk yield in buffaloes, Egyptian cattle and Friesian cattle", J Anim Prod United Arab Repub, vol. 1969, 1971. Abstract

The time taken to hand milk (milk flow time) and to strip each quarter of (i) 19 buffaloes, (ii) 12 Egyptian cows and (iii) 26 Friesian cows was measured in the morning and evening on 2 days/wk throughout lactation. Average milk flow time (min) and stripping time (min) for each group respectively were: (i) 5.6 and 3.1, (ii) 3.4 and 2.9, (iii) 3.4 and 3.0 in the morning; and (i) 3.5 and 1.6, (ii) 2.9 and 1.5, (iii) 2.4 and 2.5 in the evening. Correlation coeff. between milk yield and total mil...

Abdalla, M. M. F., and M. S. Ramanna, "Male sterility in Solanum polytrichon$\times$ S. phureja hybrid, caused by plasmon-genic interaction and its significance", Euphytica, vol. 20, no. 4: Springer, pp. 482–489, 1971. Abstract
Allam, S. M., "METABOLISM OF & Ca IN COCKERELS", United Arab Republic Journal of Animal Production, vol. 11: National Information and Documentation Centre, pp. 103, 1971. Abstract
Elgindi, I. M., M. A. Raafat, E. R. M. Abou-Hussein, and S. M. Allam, "Metabolism of 45Ca in lambs", J Anim Prod United Arab Repub, 1971. Abstract
Elgindi, I. M., M. A. Raafat, E. R. M. Abou-Nussein, and S. M. Allam, "Metabolism of Ca in cockerels", J Anim Prod United Arab Repub, 1971. Abstract
Abou-Hussein, E. R. M., M. A. Raafat, I. M. El-Gindi, and M. S. M. Samy, "Metabolism of P in poultry", J Anim Prod United Arab Repub, 1971. Abstract
Abou-Hussein, E. R. M., "METABOLISM OF P IN POULTRY Ву ERM ABOU-HUSSEIN, MA RAAFAT, IM EL-GINDI AND MSM SAMY", United Arab Republic Journal of Animal Production, vol. 11: National Information and Documentation Centre, pp. 77, 1971. Abstract
Th.M.El-Sherbini, M. J. Van der Wiel, and F. J. De Heer, Multiple ionization of Kr and Xe by 2-14 keV electrons, , vol. 48, issue 2, pp. 157 - 164, 1970. AbstractWebsite
Abou-Hussein, E. R. M., M. A. Raafat, A. K. Abou-Raya, and A. S. Shalaby, "Manganese, iron and cobalt content in common Egyptian feedstuffs.", United Arab Republic Journal of Animal Production, vol. 10, issue 2, pp. 245-254, 1970. Abstract
Mohsen, A., and M. A. K. Hamid, "Modified asymptotic solution for the 2-dimensional scattering by a conducting strip", Electronics Letters, vol. 6, no. 1: IET, pp. 12–13, 1970. Abstract
Mohsen, A., and M. A. K. Hamid, "Modified asymptotic solution for the 2-dimensional scattering by a conducting strip", Electronics Letters, vol. 6, no. 1: IET, pp. 12–13, 1970. Abstract
El-Sherbini, T. M., M. J. Van der Wiel, and F. J. De Heer, "Multiple ionization of Kr and Xe by 2–14 keV electrons", Physica, vol. 48, issue 2: Elsevier, pp. 157-164, 1970. Abstract
Van der Wiel, M. J., Th.M.El-Sherbini, and L. Vriens, Multiple ionization of He, Ne and Ar by 2-16 keV electrons, , vol. 42, issue 3, pp. 411 - 420, 1969. AbstractWebsite
Van der Wiel, M. J., T. M. El-Sherbini, and L. Vriens, "Multiple ionization of He, Ne and Ar by 2–16 keV electrons", Physica, vol. 42, issue 3: Elsevier, pp. 411-420, 1969. Abstract
Refai, M., E. El Mossalami, and A. Loot, "Mould infection of smoked herrings.", Mykosen , vol. 11, , pp. 83-86 , 1968. Abstractmoulds_in_smoked_fish.pdf

Aus einer Partie von 6 420 kg importierter Räucherheringe wurden Proben entnommen und mykologisch untersucht. Die Heringe wiesen weiße und schwarze Schimmelflecke auf und rochen schimmlig, ebenso die Holzkisten, in denen sie verpackt waren. Die oberste Lage Heringe war am stärksten verschimmelt.

Mikroskopisch konnte bei der Direktuntersuchung festgestellt werden, daß es sich um Aspergillus und Penicillium handelte. Die kulturelle Identifizierung ergab als Ursache der schwarzen Flecke Aspergillus niger, Typ Awamori, und als Ursache der hellen Flecke Penicillium funiculosum.

Zur Bekämpfung wird, neben hygienischen Maßnahmen, vorgeschlagen, die Heringe mit 20–25 %iger Salzlösung oder mit 3% iger Essiglösung zu behandeln und anschließend an der Luft zu trocknen. In leichten Fällen kann die Oberfläche der Heringe auch mit Öl eimgerieben werden.

Abou-Hussein, E. R. M., M. A. Raafat, A. K. Abou-Raya, and A. S. Shalaby, "Manganese distribution in the tissues of sheep and poultry.", Journal of Animal Production of the United Arab Republic, vol. 8, pp. 25-30, 1968. Abstract