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EVALUATION OF SOME AVIAN INFLUENZA VACCINES ON COMMERCIAL LAYER CHICKS , Amer, M. M., Sherein S.abdelgayed, and Abeer Abd El-Baky A. , 1st International Scientific conference of Pathology Department, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, p.60-78, (2013) 04_evaluation_of_some_avian_influenza_vaccines.pdf
Pathogenesis of Enterobacteriaceae Isolated from Commercial Chicken Eggs in Broilers , M.M.Amer, Sherein S.abdelgayed, Hussien A., M.Dahshan, and abd ellatif Asma , Egypt. J. Comp. Path &Clinic Path. , Volume 26, Issue 1, p.131- 145, (2013) pathogenesis_of_enterobacteriaceae.pdf
Role of Probiotics for Preventing the Infection of Pathogenic Intestinal Enterobacteriaceae in Broiler Chickens, M.M.Amer, A. Hussien M.Dahshan, Hala.S.Hassan, Asmaa.A.Mohamed, and Sherein S.abdelgayed , BS. VET. MED. J. 7 TH SCI. CONF. , Volume 20, Issue 1, (2013) role_of_probiotics_for_preventing.pdf
Studies on the Prevalence of Enterobacteriaceae in Chickens and Chicken eggs, Amer, M. M., Dahshan A. H. M., Hassan Hala S., and Mohamed Asmaa A. , BS. VET. MED. J. 7 TH SCI. CONF. ,, Volume 22, Issue 1, p.136-144, (2013) studies_on_the_prevalence_of_enterobacteriaceae.pdf
A Comparative Effect of Mash and Pellet Feed on Broiler Performance and Ascites at High Altitude (Field Study), Zohair, Ghazi A. M., Al-Maktari Gameel A., and Amer Mohamed M. , Global Veterinaria , Volume 9, Issue 2, p.154-159, (2012) mash_and_pellet_feed-2012.pdf
Comparative Study on Immunogenicity of Commercially Available Inactivated Oil Adjuvant Avian Influenza H5n1 and H5n2 Vaccinesbroiler chicks, Amer, M. M., Hammouda A. S., Amin Afaf H., EL-Bayomi Kh. M., and Nasr EL-S.A.N. , Global Veterinaria 8, Volume 8, Issue 6, p.618-624, (2012) comparative_study_on_immunogenicity_of_commercially.pdf
Effect of Tilmicosin in Control of Mycoplasmosis in Broiler Chickens from Infected Breeders Using Elisa Test for Evaluation , Amer, M. M., Zohair G. A., EL-Bayomi Kh. M., and Girh Zeinab Amin M. S. , Journal of American Science, Volume 8, Issue 3, p.696-700, (2012) 2.pdf
EXPERIMENTAL INDUCTION OF SUBCLINICAL NECROTIC ENTERITIS USING C. PERFRINGENS FIELD ISOLATE IN MALE LAYER CHICKENS., Hamouda, A. S., Amer M. M., Mohame Abd El-F. A., Said Sherin A., and Merati R. , Vet. Med.J., Giza. Vol.,, Volume 59, Issue 3, p.363-383, (2011) experimental_induction_of_subclinical_necrotic_enteritis.pdf
FIELD STUDIES ON EFFECT OF PROBIOTIC ON REPRODUCTIVITY OF 51 WEEKS OLD BROILER BREEDER CHICKENS FED ON MYCOTOXINS CONTAMINATED RATION. , Amer, M. M., EL-Bayomi K. M., and Gera Zenab M. S. , Journal of American Science , Volume 7, Issue 4, p.840 - 844., (2011) antitoxicosis._senertox.pdf
PREVENTION OF NECROTIC ENTERITIS USING C. PERFRINGENS VACCINE IN MALE LAYER CHICKENS., Hamouda, A. S., Amer M. M., Mohamed Abd El-F. A., Saed Sherin, and Merati R. , Vet. Med.J., Giza. Vol., Volume 59, Issue 3, p.83-97, (2011) prevention_of_necrotic_enteritis.pdf
Evaluation of the protective efficacy of anticoccidial drugs and vaccine in prevention of coccidiosis in battery reared chickens, Amer, M. M., Kutkat Abd EL-A. M., Ali Manal A., EL-Bayomi Kh. M., Zeinab S.Amin. Girh M., and Elmarakby E. S. I. , Vet. Med. J. Giza, Volume 59, Issue 4, p.51- 63. , (2011) 2011.pdf
Evaluation of the protective efficacy of anticoccidial drugs and vaccine in prevention of coccidiosis in floor reared chickens. , Amer, M. M., Kutkat Abd EL-A. M., Ali Manal A., and Elmarakby E. S. I. , In Proc. of the the 5th Internat. Conf. of Vet. Res. Div.NRC, 26-28 Feb. , p.1-11, (2010) evaluation_of_the_protective_efficacy_of_anticoccidial__in_floor.pdf
Experimental Study on the Efficacy of Some Commonly Used Anticoccidial Drugs in Controlling of Coccidiosis with Mixed Field Isolates in Broiler Chickens., Amer, M. M., Awaad M. H. H., Abo-Elezz Nadia M. N., El-Khateeb Rabab M., Sherein-Said, Ghetas A. M. M., and kutkat M. A. , World Appl. Sci. J. ., Volume 9, Issue 4, p.359-366, (2010) experimental_study.pdf
FIELD STUDY ON THE EFFECT OF ALUMINUM SILICATE ADSORPANT ON PERFORMANCE OF 51 WEEKS OLD BROILER BREEDER CHICKENS. , Zohair, G. A., M.M.Amer, and Hanafei El-H. A. A. , Procc. of the 6th sci.Conf., Facult. Vet. Med., Beni- Suef Uni.,, p.24-27, (2010) study_on_al.silicate-final_25-3.pdf
Isolation and Identification of Eimeria from Field Coccidiosis in Chickens, Amer, M. M., Awaad M. H. H., El-Khateeb Rabab M., Abu-Elezz Nadia M. T. N., Sherein-Said A., Ghetas A. M., and kutkat M. A. , Journal of American Science , Volume 6, Issue 10, p.1107-1114, (2010) _eimeria_from_field.pdf
Studies on maternal antibodies to avian influenza H9N2 vaccine. , Amer, M. M., Hamouda A. S., and EL-Bayomi K. M. , procc. of the 6th sci.Conf., Facult. Vet. Med., Beni- Suef Uni., April, p.24-27, , (2010) mdabs_to__iafinal_253.pdf
Evaluation of the protective efficacy of anticoccidial drugs and vaccine in prevention of coccidiosis in battery reared chickens, Amer, M. M., Kutkat Abd EL-A. M., Ali Manal A., and Elmarakby E. S. I. , In Proc. of the the 5th Internat. Conf. of Vet. Res. Div.NRC, 26-28 Feb. 2010., (2010)
Comparative Study on the Efficacy of Some Antimycoplasma Drugs on the Performance of Commercial Broiler Flocks from Infected Breeders, Amer, M. M., Hanafei El-H.A. A., EL-Bayomi K. M., and Zohair G. A. , Global Veterinaria , Volume 3, Issue 2, p.69-74, (2009) 1.pdf
Field study on control of chronic respiratory disease in vertically infected broiler chicks, Amer, M. M., EL-Bayomi K. M., Ze inab Amin Girh M. S., and Hanafei A. E. A. , BS. VET. MED. J. , Volume 19, Issue 1, p. 27-33 , (2009) field_study_on_control_of_chronic_respiratory_disease.pdf
Molecular diagnosis of Eimeria and Clostridia in simultaneously infected chickens. , kutkat, M. A., Shalaby R. M., El Khateeb R. M., Abu Elezz N. M., Zayed A. A., Abd El-Razik A. B., Nassif S. A., and Amer M. , Global Veterinaria , Volume 3, Issue 1, p.26-31, (2009) molecular_diagnosis_of_eimeria_and_clostridia.pdf
Isolation and characterization of Aeromonas from chickens. , M., Kamelia- Osman, Kutkat Abd EL-A. M., Amer M. M., and S. Zeinab- Amin M. , Proc. Sci. 4th Inter., Conf., Vet. Div. NRC, Dokki, 26- 28 february, , p.181-191., (2008)
Pathogenicty of infectious bursal virus field isolates to seronegative commercial male layer chickens. , Amer, M. M., kutkat M. A., M.EL-Bayomi K., Shakal ABD M. E. - S., and EL-Gaied Sherein Abd S. , Proc. Sci. 4th Inter., Conf., Vet. Div. NRC, Dokki, 26- 28 february,, p.71-83., (2008)
COMPARATIVE STUDY ON THE EFFICACY OF A PROBIOTIC AND DIFFERRENT ANTICOCCIDIAL DRUGS AGAINST EIMERIA TENELLA INFECTION IN BROILER CHICKENS , El-Ghany, Wafaa Abd A., Madian K., Amer Aziza M., EL-Gaied Sherein Abd S., and Amer M. M. , Procc. of the 9th sci.Conf.(1st inter.), Facult. Vet. Med., Cairo University. January 2007 in Vet.Med.J , Giza , Volume 55, Issue 1, p.245-274, (2007)
The efficacy of Diclazuril (liquid formulation) in the prevention and control of Coccidiosis in broiler chickens. , Amer, M. M., El-Ghany Wafaa Abd A., Amer Aziza M., and Zohair El-H. Hanafei A. A. G. A. , procc. of the 5th Sci.Conf., Facult. Vet. Med., Beni-Suef Uni., 6-9 November , p.96-101, (2007) the_efficacy_of_diclazuril_liquid_formulation_in.pdf
The efficacy of live infectious bursal disease vaccines in commercial maternally immunized ten days old chickens., Amer, M. M., EL-Bayomi K. M., El-Ghany W. A. A., Kotkat M. A., El-Gaid S. A. S., and Shakal M. A. , The 5th Scientific Conference of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Beni-Suef University, November, 6th -9th,, , p.23-33, (2007) the_efficacy_of_live_infectious_bursal_disease_vaccines.pdf
Immune response of broiler breeder chickens to inactive avian influenza H5N1 vaccine under field conditions., Amer, M. M., Hanafei A. A., Zhair G. A., and El-Ghany W. A. A. , The 5th Scientific Conference of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Beni-Suef University November, 6th -9th, , p.79-86, (2007) immune_response_of_broiler_breeder_chickens.pdf
Isolation, molecular characterization and pathogenicity studies of infectious bursal disease field virus isolates., Amer, M. M., EL-Bayomi K. M., Kotkat M. A., El-Ghany W. A. A., Shakal M. A., and El-Gaid S. A. S. , The 5th Scientific Conference of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Beni-Suef University November, 6th -9th, , p.41-51, (2007) isolation_molecular_characterization_and_pathogenicity.pdf
BACTERIAL CAUSES OF DECREASE IN PERFORMANCE OF BREEDER CHICKENS FLOCKS., Amer, M. M., and EL-GAHNY WAFAA ABD A. , Beni-Suef Veterinary Medical Journal, , Volume 16, Issue 1, p. 61-69., (2006) bacterial_causes_of_decrease_in_performance.pdf
Studies on recent virus field variant isolates: 3. Immunogenicity of this variant strain compared with a classical strain in broiler chickens. , Nassef, S. A., Elham El-Ebiary A., K.M. Shaban, and Amer M. M. , Assiut Vet. Med. J. , Volume 51, Issue 107, p. 321-335, (2005)
Comparative Study on Different Viral Arthritis Vaccination Trials in Breeder Flocks , Abbas,.El-H. A., Amer M. M., Bastami MA, and Mahdi El S. A. , Breeder Chicken Flocks. Proc. of XXII WPC. Sc. June 8-13 Istanbul, No.775., p.1-6, (2004) viral_arthritis-m.amer_.pdf
Detection of Infectious Causes of Arthritis in Breeder Chicken Flocks , Abbas,.El-H. A., Amer M. M., Bastami MA, and Mahdi El S. A. , Proc. of XXII WPC. Sc. June 8-13 Istanbul, No.775., p.1-7, (2004) infectious_causes_of_arthritis.pdf
Diagnosis of Crypto-coccus Neoformans infection in 7 weeks old broiler chickens., Hamouda, A. S., Amer M. M., and El-Gohary A. A. , Zag. Vet. J. , Volume 29, Issue 2, (2001)
Diagnosis and control of swollen head syndrome in a broiler chicken farm. Egypt. , Hamouda, A. S., and Amer M. M. , Vet. Med. Ass. J. , Volume 60, Issue 5, p.63-72., (2000)
Diagnosis and experimental induction of Type C Botulinum in broiler chickens., and, Hamouda A. S., and Amer M. M. , Vet. Med. Ass. J. , Volume 60 , Issue 5, p.197-206, (2000)
"Incidance of chlamydia antibodies in sera of suggestive chickens flocks using agar gel precipitation test., Amer, M. M., Shakal M. A., Ata A. A., and Sayed K. S. , J. Egypt. Vet. Med. Ass., Volume 60, Issue 5, p.207-213, (2000) incid.-56.pdf
Isolation and identification of chlamydia psittaci from broiler chicks, Amer, M. M., Shakal M. A., Ata A. A., and Sayed K. S. , J. Egypt. Vet. Med. Ass., Volume 60, Issue 5, p.215-228, (2000)