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Effects of paeoniflorin derivatives on scopolamine-induced amnesia using a passive avoidance task in mice; structure-activity relationship, Abdel-Hafez, Atef A., Meselhy Meselhy R., Nakamura Norio, Hattori Masao, WATANABE Hiroshi, MUKARAMI Yukihisa, EL-GENDY Mahmoud A., MAHFOUZ Nadia M., and MOHAMED Tarek A. , Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin, Volume 21, Issue 11, p.1174-1179, (1998) Abstract
Hopane-type saponins from Polycarpon succulentum—II, Meselhy, Meselhy R. , Phytochemistry, Volume 48, Issue 8, p.1415-1421, (1998) Abstract
Metabolism and pharmacokinetics of orally administered saikosaponin b1 in conventional, germ-free and Eubacterium sp. A-44-infected gnotobiote rats, Kida, Hiroaki, Akao Teruaki, Meselhy Meselhy Ragab, and Hattori Masao , Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin, Volume 21, Issue 6, p.588-593, (1998) Abstract
Potent anticonvulsant paeonimetabolin-I derivatives obtained by incubation of paeoniflorin and thiol compounds with Lactobacillus brevis, Abdel-Hafez, Atef A., Meselhy Meselhy R., Nakamura Norio, Hattori Masao, WATANABE Hiroshi, MOHAMED Tarek A., MAHFOUZ Nadia M., and EL-GENDY Mahmoud A. , Chemical and pharmaceutical bulletin, Volume 46, Issue 9, p.1486-1487, (1998) Abstract
和漢医薬学雑誌= Journal of traditional medicines 20 (5), 201-207, 2003-10-20, Xiong, Xin, Zhai Suodi, Yao Zhongqiang, Tazawa Takako, Zhao Huai-qing, Li Yan, Meselhy Meselhy Ragab, Nakamura Norio, Akao Teruaki, and Hattori Masao , Prog. Neurobiol, Volume 56, p.211-235, (1998) Abstract
Biotransformation of (-)-epicatechin 3-O-gallate by human intestinal bacteria, Meselhy, Meselhy R., Nakamura Norio, and Hattori Masao , Chemical and pharmaceutical bulletin, Volume 45, Issue 5, p.888-893, (1997) Abstract
Dammarane-type triterpenes from Cordia spinescens, Nakamura, Norio, Kojima Shiho, Lim Yasmina Aura, Meselhy Meselhy R., Hattori Masao, Gupta Mahabir P., and Correa Mireya , Phytochemistry, Volume 46, Issue 6, p.1139-1141, (1997) Abstract
Enzymes responsible for the metabolism of saikosaponins from Eubacterium sp. A-44, a human intestinal anaerobe, Kida, Hiroaki, Akao Teruaki, MESELHY Meselhy, and Hattori Masao , Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin, Volume 20, Issue 12, p.1274-1278, (1997) Abstract
Guaianolides from Centaurea scoparia, Helal, Amr M., Nakamura Norio, Meselhy Meselhy R., El-Fishawy Ahlam M., Hattori Masao, and Mahran Gamal H. , Phytochemistry, Volume 45, Issue 3, p.551-554, (1997) Abstract
Hopane-type saponins from Polycarpon succulentum growing in Egypt, Meselhy, Meselhy R., and Aboutabl El-Sayed A. , Phytochemistry, Volume 44, Issue 5, p.925-929, (1997) Abstract
Inhibitory effect of component from Ganoderma lucidum on the growth of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and the protease activity, Hattori, Masao, El-Mekkawy S., and Meselhy M. R. , Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium on Ganoderma Lucidum in Japan, Mizuno T, Ide N and Hasegawa Y (eds), p.128-135, (1997) Abstract
Isolation and identification of human intestinal bacteria capable of hydrolyzing saikosaponins, Teruaki, AKAO‘, and HATTORIW Masao , Journal of Traditional Medicines, Volume 14, p.34-40, (1997) Abstract
Effect of tinctormine on contraction and Ca2+ currents in single cardiac myocytes from dog, Meselhy, M. R., Momose Y., Hatakeyama N., Kadota S., Hattori M., and Namba T. , Phytomedicine, Volume 1, Issue 4, p.277-281, (1995) Abstract
Inhibitory effects of egyptian folk medicines oh human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) reverse transcriptase, El-Mekkawy, Sahar, Meselhy Meselhy R., KUSUMOTO Ines Tomoco, KADOTA Shigetoshi, Hattori Masao, and NAMBA Tsuneo , Chemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin, Volume 43, Issue 4, p.641-648, (1995) Abstract
Biotransformation of shikonin by human intestinal bacteria, Meselhy, Meselhy R., KADOTA Shigetoshi, Tsubono Koji, Hattori Masao, and NAMBA Tsuneo , Tetrahedron, Volume 50, Issue 10, p.3081-3098, (1994) Abstract
Shikometabolins A, B, C and D, novel dimeric naphthoquinone metabolites obtained from shikonin by human intestinal bacteria, Meselhy, Meselhy R., KADOTA Shigetoshi, Tsubono Koji, KUSAI Akihiko, Hattori Masao, and NAMBA Tsuneo , Tetrahedron letters, Volume 35, Issue 4, p.583-586, (1994) Abstract
Metabolism of safflor yellow B by human intestinal bacteria, Meselhy, M. R., KADOTA Shigetoshi, Hattori Masao, and NAMBA Tsuneo , Journal of natural products, Volume 56, Issue 1, p.39-45, (1993) Abstract
Metabolism of strychnine N-oxide and brucine N-oxide by human intestinal bacteria, El-Mekkawy, Sahar, Meselhy M. R., Kawata Yukio, KADOTA Shigetoshi, Hattori Masao, and NAMBA Tsuneo , Planta medica, Volume 59, Issue 04, p.347-350, (1993) Abstract
Two new quinochalcone yellow pigments from Carthamus tinctorius and Ca2+ antagonistic activity of tinctormine, Meselhy, Meselhy R., KADOTA Shigetoshi, Momose Yasunori, HATAKEYAMA Noboru, KUSAI Akihiko, Hattori Masao, and NAMBA Tsuneo , Chemical and pharmaceutical bulletin, Volume 41, Issue 10, p.1796-1802, (1993) Abstract
TINCTRMINE, A NOVEL Ca2+ ANTAGONIST N-CONTAINING QUINOCHALCONE C-GLYCOSIDE FROM CARTHAMUS TINCTORIUS L., Meselhy, Meselhy R., KADOTA Shigetoshi, Momose Yasunori, Hattori Masao, and NAMBA Tsuneo , Chemical and pharmaceutical bulletin, Volume 40, Issue 12, p.3355-3357, (1992) Abstract