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Nassar, M. K., and G. A. Brockmann, "Whole genome QTL mapping for growth in chicken", The 2015 IFRG Meeting & 7th PDF Workshop in poultry, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany, pp. 60, 2015. Abstract
Nabhan, M. M., H. Abdelaziz, Y. XU, R. Elsayed, M. Santibanez-Koref, N. A. Soliman, and J. A. Sayer, "Whole-exome analysis of a child with polycystic kidney disease and ventriculomegaly", Genetics and Molecular Research, vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 3618–3624, 2015. Abstract
El-Sayed, Y., T. Ismail, and H. Mostafa, "A wide FBG-based optical clock and data recovery for optical access networks", 2015 17th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON): IEEE, pp. 1–4, 2015. Abstract
Samanta, S., D. Kundu, S. Chakraborty, N. Dey, T. Gaber, A. E. Hassanien, and T. - H. Kim, "Wooden Surface Classification based on Haralick and The Neural Networks", Information Science and Industrial Applications (ISI), 2015 Fourth International Conference on: IEEE, pp. 33–39, 2015. Abstract
Zawbaa, H. M., E. Emary, A. E. Hassanien, and B. PARV, "A wrapper approach for feature selection based on swarm optimization algorithm inspired from the behavior of social-spiders", Soft Computing and Pattern Recognition (SoCPaR), 2015 7th International Conference of: IEEE, pp. 25–30, 2015. Abstract
A.A.Amin, W.A.Ammar, A.A.Farrag, and W.A.Elaroussy, "Wilkins' score as predictor of thromboembolic events in rheumatic mitral stenosis and normal sinus rhythm", ESC, Barcelona, Spain, September, 2014.
Farrag, A., A. A. Hady, W. Ammar, and W. ElAroussy, "Wilkins' score as predictor of thromboembolic events in rheumatic mitral stenosis and normal sinus rhythm", European Congress of Cardiology, Barcelona, Spain, August 2014.
Waleed Yamany, E. Emary, and A. E. Hassanien, "Wolf Search Algorithm for Attribute Reduction", IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (IEEE SSCI 2014),, Orlando, Florida, USA, 9-12 Dec., 2014. Abstract

Data sets ordinarily includes a huge number of attributes, with irrelevant and redundant attributes. Redundant and irrelevant attributes might minimize the classification accuracy because of the huge search space. The main goal of attribute reduction is choose a subset of relevant attributes from a huge number of available attributes to obtain comparable or even better classification accuracy than using all attributes. A system for feature selection is proposed in this paper using a modified version of the wolf search algorithm optimization. WSA is a bio-inspired heuristic optimization algorithm that imitates the way wolves search for food and survive by avoiding their enemies. The WSA can quickly search the feature space for optimal or near-optimal feature subset minimizing a given fitness function. The proposed fitness function used incorporate both classification accuracy and feature reduction size. The proposed system is applied on a set of the UCI machine learning data sets and proves good performance in comparison with the GA and PSO optimizers commonly used in this context.

Yamany, W., E. Emary, and A. E. Hassanien, "Wolf search algorithm for attribute reduction in classi cation", IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Data Mining (CIDM), Orlando, FL, USA, 9-12 Dec., 2014.
Gad, Z., A. Mohamed, and I. Fakhr, When would we advocate a total thyroidectomy in cases of hypopharyngeal carcinoma?, , vol. 26, issue 2, pp. 93 - 98, 2014/6//. AbstractWebsite

AbstractBackground and aimThe incidence of invasion of the thyroid gland by hypopharyngeal carcinomas is reported to be up to 57%. Our aim was to analyze the frequency of thyroid gland invasion in hypopharyngeal carcinoma treated by thyroidectomy with total laryngopharyngectomy and to identify patients in whom preservation of the thyroid gland is oncologically feasible and hence reduces post-operative hypothyroidism.
Patients and methods
This retrospective cohort study included 58 patients with hypopharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma treated by thyroidectomy with total laryngopharyngectomy at the National Cancer Institute, Cairo University between May 1996 and October 2005. Thyroid gland involvement was analyzed through review of charts and pathologic reports. Patients were assessed preoperatively by CT. The correlation between the thyroid gland involvement and the clinical and radiologic CT findings was meticulously examined.
Thyroid gland involvement occurred in 37.9% (22/58) of all patients. T4 hypopharyngeal tumors were present in 29.3% (n = 17/58) of patients, paratracheal LN invasion was present in 37.9% (22/58) of patients, thyroid cartilage invasion was obvious in 19% (11/58) of patients, and previous radiotherapy was present in 5.2% (3/58) of patients. All patients with T4 hypopharyngeal tumors (n = 17/58) and with thyroid cartilage involvement (n = 11/58) had thyroid gland invasion as well. T4 hypopharyngeal tumors, paratracheal LN invasion, and thyroid cartilage invasion were statistically significant factors (P < 0.001, P = 0.009 and P < 0.001 respectively) in independent correlation.
We would advocate a total thyroidectomy in cases of advanced stages of hypopharyngeal carcinoma, bilateral tumors, postcricoid carcinoma and in all patients with definite radiological evidence of thyroid gland invasion.

Umar, M., A. G. Khan, Z. Abbas, S. Arora, N. Asifabbas, A. Elewaut, G. Esmat, G. Foster, M. Fried, K. - L. Goh, et al., "World Gastroenterology Organisation global guidelines: diagnosis, management and prevention of hepatitis C April 2013.", Journal of clinical gastroenterology, vol. 48, issue 3, pp. 204-17, 2014 Mar. Abstract
Kamal.M.A, Z. A. M, and Khalaf.M.A, "WATER CHEMICAL QUALITY AND BROILER PERFORMANCE AND IMMUNE RESPONSE AGAINST FIELD VACCINATION ,NEWCASTLE AND INFECTIOUS BRONCHITIS ", Challenges in poultry industry, Ain Sokhna , Stella Di mare Grand hotel, 15 November, 2014.
Abdel-aziem, A. A., and O. R. Abdelraouf, "Walking Energy Cost of Subjects Suffering from Unilateral Chronic Ankle Instability", European Journal of General Medicine, vol. 11, issue 2, pp. 71-76, 2014. ejgm-00682.pdf
Abdel-Gawad, H. I., "Waves in deep water based on the nonlinear Schrödinger equation with variable coefficients", Canadian Journal of Physics, vol. 92, pp. 1158-1165, 2014. cjp-2013-0327.pdf
AbuJarour, M., and A. Awad, "Web Services and Business Processes: A Round Trip", Web Services Foundations: Springer, 2014. bp-ws-cr.pdf
Seilam, N. H., M. M. Khader, and M. ADEL, "Weighted average finite difference methods for fractional reaction-subdiffusion equations", Walailak J Sci& Tech, vol. 11, issue 4, pp. 361-377, 2014.
Elhady, N., and O. Nagati, "When Revolution Meets Design Studio: Initiating academic debate on “a new urban order"", Égypte/Monde arabe, vol. 11, 2014. Website
, "Whole-body MR angiography: first experiences with the new TimCT technology with single contrast injection.", J Magn Reson Imaging, vol. 2014 Feb, issue 39(2) , pp. 434-439, 2014.