Short Bio

Prof. Abdelsadek was assigned Assistant Prosecutor at the Public Prosecution by presidential decree No. 1, 1995. However, he chose to peruse the academic career, and work at university. He has held several managerial positions. He head of the English Section at the Faculty of Law, CU from 2015 to 2017. also head of the Blended Learning Center, at CU from 2015 to 2017. Dr. Abdelsadek is currently head of the Disciplinary Board of the Academic Staff. He is head of the Supreme Committee for the Protection and Maintenance of the University Property, and vice chairman for the Medical Care Fund for faculty staff and workers and their families at CU. By the Minister of Higher Education's decrees Nos. 2673, 2764, and 5677 for the year 2020 and Nos. 149 and 152 for the year 2021, Dr. Abdelssadek headed committees assigned to select deans for the faculties of Archeology, Higher Studies of Education, and Higher Studies of Statistical Research, in addition to the National Institution for Laser Sciences, the Faculty of Dentistry, and the Faculty of Education for Early Childhood.
