Supervised Theses

Master thesis I have supervised (Finished):

  1. Self-Healing ATM networks Based on Virtual Paths.
  2. Requirement analysis and performance evaluation for multimedia traffic over ATM based Lans.
  3. Analysis and Assessment of Bandwidth Allocation Methodologies in  ATM neworks
  4. Neural network approach for controlling the operation of power transformer differential relay.
  5. Design of Local Area networks Using Expert System Techniques.
  6. Call Admission Control in High Speed Computer Networks.
  7. Cryptograhy for Computer Network Security.
  8. Distributed QoS Routing Algorithms in Wireless Networks.
  9. Intrusion Detection Using Distributed Agents.
  10. A Proposed Design of an Encryption Algorithm Applied to Secure File Transfer Over Computer Networks.
  11. Digital Signature with Time Stamping.
  12. Optimal Location Area Design to Minimize Registration Signaling in Wireless Networks.
  13. A Secure Algorithm for Remote Access Service.
  14. Routing Protocols for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks using Dominating Sets.
  15. GSM Security Using Standard Encryption Techniques.
  16. Performance analysis of Autehntication Protocols in Mobile Cellular Networks.
  17. Improvement the Reliability of Multicast Routing Protocols in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks.
  18. Video Streaming Over Wireless Networks.
  19. Intrusion Detection System Using the Soft Computing Technologies
  20. Self Coordinating Localized Fair Queuing in Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks.
  21. Key management for Multicasting in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks.
  22.  Performance Analysis of Authentication Protocols in Mobile Cellular Networks
  23. A Soft Computing Technologies Based System for Intrusion Detection and Classification of Attacks
  24. Energy-Efficient Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks
  25. Improving Geo-encryption Protocol for Mobile Networks
  26. Improvement of Quality of Service Parameters in Wireless Networks Environment

Master thesis I am supervising:

  1. Improvement of Quality of service Parameters in Wireless Networks Environment.
  2. A proposed security system for mobile networks.
  3. Routing Protocols for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks.
  4. Building a Secure Mobile Agent System.
  5. Assessment of Mobile Ad Hoc Security Algorithms.
  6. Reducing Broadcast Redundancy in Ad Hoc Mobile Networks.
  7. Towards Improved Service discovery in next-generation mobile service environments.
  8. Distributed Tokens Circulation in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks.
  9. Towards a High Efficient Firewall Technique.
  10. Electronic Mail Security Based on Spam Filtering.
  11. Network Security Intrusion Prevention System.
  12. Proposed Medium Access Control Protocol For Ad Hoc Networks.
  13. A Filtering Packet Framework for Protecting Open Networks.
  14. A Proposed Technique for Intrusion Detection in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks.
  15. Building location based products recommender mobile commerce application.
  16. Wireless network security.
  17. Building Run-Time Environment mechanism for SCORM.

PHD thesis I have supervised (Finished):

  1. Solving the Triangle Routing Problem in Mobile IP.
  2. Hierarchical Quality of Service Routing in Wireless Networks.
  3. Secured Video Stream across Wireless Networks.
  4. Fault Tolerance of Mobile Agents.
  5. Unicast and Multicast Routing Protocols For Multimedia Wireless Ad Hoc Networks

PHD thesis I am supervising:

  1. A proposed Design for Optical Digital Circuits.
  2. An Interactive Video on Demand System Over Long Range Ethernet.
  3. Multicast Security Considerations in Wireless Networks.
  4. Intrusion detection in ad hoc networks.
  5. Medium Access Control for Wireless Sensor Networks.