Sattar, A. M. A., A. N. Ghazal, M. Elhakeem, A. E. S. Ansary, and B. Gharabaghi, "Application of Machine Learning Coupled with Stochastic Numerical Analyses for Sizing Hybrid Surge Vessels on Low-Head Pumping Mains", water, vol. 15, issue 19, pp. 3525, 2023.
Sattar, A. M. A., A. N. Ghazal, M. Elhakeem, A. E. S. Ansary, and B. Gharabaghi, "Application of Machine Learning Coupled with Stochastic Numerical Analyses for Sizing Hybrid Surge Vessels on Low-Head Pumping Mains", water, vol. 15, issue 19, pp. 3525, 2023.
Aredah, A. S., O. F. Ertugrul, A. A. Sattar, H. Bonakdari, and B. Gharabaghi, "Extreme Learning Machine model for assessment of stream health using the Qualitative Habitat Evaluation Index", Water Supply, vol. 22, issue 5, pp. 5355 - 5375, 2022. Abstract
Diab, G., M. Elhakeem, and A. M. A. Sattar, "Performance assessment of lift-based turbine for small-scale power generation in water pipelines using OpenFOAM", Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics, vol. 16, issue 1, pp. 536 - 550, 2022. Abstract
Kazemian-Kale-Kale, A., A. Gholami, M. Rezaie-Balf, A. Mosavi, A. A. Sattar, A. H. Azimi, B. Gharabaghi, and H. Bonakdari, "Uncertainty assessment of entropy-based circular channel shear stress prediction models using a novel method", Geosciences (Switzerland), vol. 11, issue 8, 2021. Abstract
Azari, A., M. Zeynoddin, I. Ebtehaj, A. M. A. Sattar, B. Gharabaghi, and H. Bonakdari, "Integrated preprocessing techniques with linear stochastic approaches in groundwater level forecasting", Acta Geophysica, vol. 69, issue 4, pp. 1395 - 1411, 2021. Abstract
Bonakdari, H., I. Ebtehaj, A. H. Azimi, P. Samui, A. A. Sattar, A. Jamali, S. H. A. Talesh, A. Mosavi, and B. Gharabaghi, "Pareto design of multiobjective evolutionary neuro-fuzzy system for predicting scour depth around bridge piers", Water Engineering Modeling and Mathematic Tools, pp. 491 - 517, 2021. Abstract
Bonakdari, H., F. Moradi, I. Ebtehaj, B. Gharabaghi, A. A. Sattar, A. H. Azimi, and A. Radecki-Pawlik, "A non-tuned machine learning technique for abutment scour depth in clear water condition", Water (Switzerland), vol. 12, no. 1, 2020. AbstractWebsite
Bonakdari, H., A. Gholami, A. M. A. Sattar, and B. Gharabaghi, "Development of robust evolutionary polynomial regression network in the estimation of stable alluvial channel dimensions", Geomorphology, vol. 350, 2020. AbstractWebsite
Sattar, A. M. A., H. Bonakdari, B. Gharabaghi, and A. Radecki-Pawlik, "Hydraulic Modeling and Evaluation Equations for the Incipient Motion of Sandbags for Levee Breach Closure Operations", Water, vol. 11, no. 2, 2019. AbstractWebsite

Open channel levees are used extensively in hydraulic and environmental engineering applications to protect the surrounding area from inundation. However, levees may fail to produce an unsteady flow that is inherently three dimensional. Such a failure may lead to a destructive change in morphology of the river channel and valley. To avoid such a situation arising, hydraulic laboratory modeling was performed on an open channel levee breach model capturing velocity, in x, y and z plans, at selected locations in the breach. Sandbags of various shapes and sizes are tested for incipient motion by the breach flow. We found that a prism sandbag has a better hydrodynamic characteristic and more stability than spherical bags with the same weight. Experimental results are then used to evaluate existing empirical equations and to develop more accurate equations for predicting critical flow velocity at the initial stage of sandbag motion. Results showed the superior predictions a few of the equations could be considered with an uncertainty range of ±10%. These equations explained the initial failed attempts of the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) for breach closure of the case study, and confirmed the experimental results are simulating the case study of breach closure.