Demonstrator, Department of Agric. Eng., Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo University, Egypt

haithambasset's web site

Teacher Assistant at Computer Engineering Department

Teaching assistant Nuclear medicine

fellow lecturer of pediatrics


Lecturer of Radiology

Lecturer Of Pharmacology



radw's web site

professor emeritus


karimabdelghafour's web site

Teacher Assistant at Faculty of Art - Chinese Department

esraasalah's web site

imanraz's web site

saramahmoudv's web site

esraad's web site

Teacher Assistant of Transportation Planning

Demonstrator Faculty of Commerce

Early Childhood Education Lecture

Faculty of Science

Dr. Sameh Ibrahim د. سامح إبراهيم عبد الخالق أستاذ المناهج وطرق تدريس المواد الاجتماعية والفلسفية المساعد