Waheed Badawy
Professor of Physical Chemistry
Faculty of science,Department of chem, Cairo University, 12 613 Giza Egypt (email)
Faculty of science,Department of chem, Cairo University, 12 613 Giza Egypt (email)
1- Bio Data:
Professor of Physical Chemistry .
Department of Chemistry - Faculty of Science – Universityof Cairo, 12613
Fax :002 02 35685 799,
Tel.: Office, 02 3567 65 58, Priv. 02 37164724, 02 38350722, Mob. 002 0100 149 26 48, 002 0122 000 01 28
e.mail :
Die Fakultaet fuer Naturwissenschaften - TH Merseburg, Merseburg –GERMANY , June 1980.
Dissertation Title : " Untersuchungen zur Kinetik der kathodischen Abscheidung und
anodischen Aufloesung des Aluminiums in Tetrahyrofuran-Loesungen "
Faculty of Science ,Cairo University ,Egypt , March 1975 .
hesis Title : “Electrode Potential and Interfacial Impedance of Termally Prepared Sodium
Tungsten Bronzes.”
Special Degree in Chemistry - Distinction with honours , Faculty of Science -Cairo
University, May 1967
Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship at the Technical University of Dresden, the University of Oldenburg and the Biopos e.V.,Teltow,Berlin -Germany, July-August, 2010.
Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship at theUniversity ofOldenburg,Oldenburg, TU Dresden, University of Cottbus and the Biopos e.V.,Teltow,Berlin -Germany, July-August, 2008.
Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship at theFriedrich-AlexanderUniversity, Erlangen-nuernberg, Chair for surface science and corrosion (LKO),Erlangen,Germany, July-August, 2004.
Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship at theCenter ofSolar Energy and Hydrogen Research - the University of Ulm and theInstitute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry, TU-Dresden,
Germany, July-August, 2003.
Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship at theInstitute ofPhysical Chemistry, TU-Dresden , and the University of Ulm,Germany, July-August, 2002.
Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship at Wilhelm-Ostwald-Institute of Physical and Theoretical
Chemistry,UniversityofLeipzig and theInstituteofPhysical Chemistry,TU-Dresden ,Germany,
July-August, 2001.
Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship at theInstitute ofPhysical Chemistry, TU-Dresden , and the university ofUlm,Germany, July-August, 2000.
-Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship at theInstitute ofPhysical Chemistry,TU-Dresden ,Germany, July-August, 1996.
Visiting Professor at the free University ofBerlin, April- October 1988.
Alexander Von Humboldt Fellowship at the Free University of Berlin, 1986-1988.
Max - Planck Society Fellowship at the Fritz - Haber - Institut der MPG ( FHI) inBerlin ,
Germany, 1981 - 1983.
Ph.D. Fellowship , Faculty of Science, TH- Merseburg, Germany, 1977-1980.
TH - Merseburg , Chemistry Department Prize for best achievements 1980 .
First Class Rippon for Science and Arts,Egypt 1991.
Included in the Who's Who in the world ,1996 -present.
Included in Who's Who in Science and Engineering , 1997-present.
Chosen from the ABI ( American Biographical Institute ) as one of the
" Five Hundred Leaders of Influence ".
Twentieth Century Achievement Award , ABI , 1997.
Commemorative Medal “ The 1996 and 1997” Man of the year (ABI,USA).
. Nominated from theCairoUniversity for the State Recognition Prize in applied sciences,
. Nominated from theCairoUniversity for the State Recognition Prize in applied sciences
for the second time 2010 and to the third time 2011.
I was invited to give lectures on his different fields of research at different institutions on the
national and international scale , some examples are listed :
“ Corrosio and passivation of brass alloys and copper – Electrochemical and XPS investigation”
Fritz-Haber-Istitute , Max-Plack-Soceity-Berlin,Germany. July 2002. And many other lectures at the center of solar energy and hydrogen research, Ulm-Germany, German Space Agency, Stuttgart-Germany, University of Duisburg, University of Frankfurt, Dechema, Uiversity of Dresden ..etc.
“New Trends in Photovoltaic and Photoelectrochemical Cell Fabrication.”TU-Dresden,Germany, Prof. W.J. Plieth (1996).
"Improved Photoelectrochemical Cells for Solar Energy Applications ." Bundesanstalt Fuer Materialforschung und - Pruefung , Fachgruppe Oberflaechen - technologien , Berlin- Germany, Prof. W.Kautek.( 1990) .
“Photovoltaic and Photoelectrochemical cells – Past, Present and Future “ Free University of Berlin – Institut of Physical Chemistry, Prof. W. Plieth, (1990 ).
“Solar energy conversion on the basis of photovoltaic and photoelectrochemical cells “
TU- Dresden , Dept. of Chem. Germany, Prof. K. Wiesener, (1988) .
„ Solarenergie – Umwandlung auf photovoltaischer und photoelektrochemischer Basis .“
TH – Merseburg – Der Chemischen Gesellschachaft , Prof. Dr. H. J. Timpe, (1988 ).
Three lectures at the free University of Brussel - Belgium ( Faculty of Science , Department of Metallurgy , Electrochemistry and Materials Science), Prof. J. Vereecken , (1987).
Deposition and Dissolution of metals from non- aqueous solutions .
Photoetching of III / V semiconductors.
Preparation and Electrochemical investigation of thin Solid Films (e.g. SnO2).
In additionو there are many lectures and seminars in Sana’a,Kuwait,Egypt,Germany,Japanand other countries.
The activity in attending and organizing chemistry and electrochemistry conferences is remarkable. I was attending most conferences of the International Society of Electrochemistry (ISE) since 1981 and had presentations as Lectures or Posters overall. I was invited as a chairman for many sessions in different conferences and meetings e.g the ISE meeting in Koyoto, Japan, 1989. I was participating actively in the organizing and scientific committees of some conferences e.g. the ISE-meeting in Berlin, 1992, the second arabian corrosion conference, in Kuwait, 1996. From the first Chemistry Conference Chem.01, March 2000, the participation was always as organizer, chair person, and speaker in all biannual international Chemistry Conferences fro Chem. 01 to Chem. 04, March 2006, at the Chemistry Department, Faculty of Science, Universityof Cairo. I was attending also with active presentations in the Bunsen and GdCh Meetings in Germany, the Materials Science Meeting in Strassburg (France) , the IUPAC Congresses e.g. in Sofia, Bulgaria. I was invited as a Chairperson and planary speaker in the CES2I symposium in Sapporo-Japan, March, 19-21, 2001. I gave planary lectures in Chem. 01, Chem. 02 and Chem.03 international conferences of the cairouniversity. I was also one of the organizers, speakers and active members of the annual Egyptian Corrosion Soceity (ECorr.S) meetings and was invited as a planary lecturer in the ISE-Meeting in Dusseldorfin Germany, September 2002 and the second Black Sea Basin Conference (BBCAC) in Sile–Istanbul, September14-17, 2003. I was invited to participate in the Third International Symposium on pits and pores; 206th meeting of the electrochemical society,Honolulu,Hawaii, Oct.3-8, 2004 with a lecture on our activity on technologically important alloys. Many other conferences, the different Humboldt Kolleg inEgypt,Algeria andTunisia until Dec. 2010.
I have direct supervision and chaired supervision in many Ph.D and M.Sc. theses not only at theCairoUniversitybut also at the Free University of Berlin, Sana’a Univ., and theUniversityofKuwait. I had introduced the Ph.D. Program at theKuwaitUniversityand did a lot in the improvement of the M.Sc program at the the Uiversity ofSanaa,Yemen, the Uiversity of Kuwait and of course at the Unversity of Cairo. .
List of Thesis Contribution: A) M.Sc. & Dipl. Arbeit :
1- M.M. Ibrahim., M.Sc.,CairoUniversity, May, 1985.
2- H.A. Abd El-Rahman.,M.Sc.CairoUniversity, May, 1986
3- H.H. Rehan, M.Sc.,CairoUniversity, March, 1987.
4- G. Pfuhl., Diplom Arbeit , FU Berlin , March, 1987.
5- H.M. Tamous, M.Sc.,CairoUniversity, December, 1988.
6- E.M. El-Giar., M.Sc.,CairoUniversity,June, 1989
7. Kh.M. Ismail, M.Sc.,CairoUniversity, December, 1991.
8- A.S. El-Azab,. M.Sc.,CairoUniversity, January, 1994.
9- E.Y.El-Hassan.M.Sc.,KuwaitUniversity, June, 1997.
10- J.R.Alagmi.,M.Sc.KuwaitUniversity, June, 1999..
11- H. S. Shehata , M.Sc.,CairoUniversity, March.2000.
12- B. A.M. Abd El-Wahab,Cairouniversity, March 2002.
13. Z. M. A. Khalifa ,CairoUniversity, June 2002.
14- Y. H. Ahmed , M.Sc ,CairoUniversity; March, 2003.
15- H. H. Mahmoud, M.Sc. ,CairoUniversity, March, 2006.
16- Sheimaa Samir, M.Sc. ,CairoUniversity, April, 2006.
17- Gh. M. A. Abd El-Hafez;CairoUniv.at Fayoum, March. 2006.
18- N.. S. El- Safory, M.Sc. ,CairoUniversity, October, 2007.
19- S. A. Othman Aly, M.Sc. ,CairoUniversity, July, 2008.
20- H. Nady,UniversityofFayoum, October 2009.
21- El-Sayed A. El-Sayed Rizk, M.Sc. ,CairoUniversity, October 2010.
22- Sh. Abd-Elgilil,CairoUniversity, October 2010.
23.- A. Refaat, , M.Sc. ,CairoUniversity, (Registered, Feb. 2008.
24. E. I. Hamed,UniversityofMenia, Faculty of Dentistry, Department of Orthodontics, Dec., 2010.
26. H. H. Mohammed,UniversityofFayoum, (registered February, 2010).
27. D. M. Abdallah,UniversityofFayoum, (registered November, 2010).
28. O. R.. Bioumy,UniversityofFayoum, (registered April, 2011).
29. Amro N. Hafez, University of Cairo, (registered April, 2011).
1- N.H. Hilal, Ph.D. ,CairoUniversity, August,1987.
2- H.A. Abd El-Rahman, .Ph.D.,CairoUniversity, July, 1988.
3-E.A. El-Taher. Ph.D.,CairoUniversity, October, 1988.
4- A.Felske, FU Berlin, January, 1989.
5- S.S. El-Egamy, Ph.D.,CairoUniversity, November, 1989
6- H.H. Rehan, Ph.D.,CairoUniversity, April, 1991.
7- G. Pfuhl , FU Berlin, January 1992.
8- M.M. Ibrahim, Ph.D.,CairoUniversity, March, 1992.
9- M. M. A. El-Rabiey, Ph.D.,CairoUniversity, April, 1994.
10- Kh.M. Ismail, Ph.D.,CairoUniversity, December, 1995.
11- A.S. El-Azab,. Ph.D.,CairoUniversity, June, 1999..
12- E.M. El-Giar, .Ph.D.,CairoUniversity, in preparation.
13- A. M. Fathi , Ph.D.,CairoUniversity; January, 2004.
14- E. M. Attia , Ph.D.,Al-AzharUniversity, April 2002.
15- R. M. A. El-Sherif,CairoUniversity, October 2004.
16. Z. M. A. Khalifa ,CairoUniversity, July 2006.
17- Y. H. Ahmed , Ph.D,CairoUniversity, April, 2009.
18- Inas M. Mahdi, Ph.D,CairoUniversity, July, 2009.
19- H. S. Shehata , Ph.D,CairoUniversity, November, 2009.
20- Omima A. H. Ghazi , Ph.D,CairoUniversityandUniv. of UlmGermany, (registered June.2004).
21. Gh. M. A. Abd El-Hafez;FayoumUniversity, February, 2010.
22. Sheimaa Samir, Ph. D.,CairoUniversity, July,.2010.
23- H. H. Mahmoud, Ph.D , CairoUniversity, September 2010.
24. H. Nady, Universityof Fayoum, July 2012.
Elected Member of theNew YorkAcademy ofScience-New York -USA , 1994 .
Membership of the International Society of Energy Conversion [ISEC].Tripoli- Lybia since 1984 .
Elected Member of the International of Energy Foundation [IEF].
Elected Member of The Organization of Energy Planning [OEP].
Member of the International Society of Electrochemistry (ISE) .
Member of the Egyptian Society ofSolidState Physics [SSSP].
Member of the Egyptian Corrosion Society [ECS] .
Member of the Egyptian Chemical Society.
Treasurer of theEgyptian Arab Future Research Association (EAFRA).
. August, first until now emiritos Professor,
Dept. of Chem., Fac. of Sc. Cairo Univ.
B. 1990-31 July 2007 , Professor of Physical Chemistry, Dept. of Chem., Fac. of Sc. Cairo Univ.
1991-1997, Professor of Physical Chemistry,Dept. of Chem., Kuwait Univ.
1992 – 1993, Head of the Chem. Dept., Faculty ofScience ,Kuwait Univ.
1989 – 1990, Prof. of Physical Chem., Chem. Dept. Faculty of Sci.,Sanaa University ,Yemen.
1985 - 1990 , Associate Professor , Dept. of Chem., Faculty of Science,Cairo Univ
- 1987-1988 Visiting Professor at the Free University ofBerlin –Germany.
1980- 1985, Lecturer , Dept. of Chem., Faculty of Science, CairoUniv.
1975 – 1980, Assistant Lecturer , Chem. Dept., Faculty of Sci.Univ. ofCairo
(Ph.D. Fellowship in Germany, 1977 - 1980) .
1967 – 1975, Teaching Assistant , Dept. of Chem., Fac. of Sci.,Univ. ofCairo .
At the beginning of my career and as a demonstrator I was responsible for updating the physical chemistry labs to fulfill the requirements of the major chemistry program and the introduction of new experimental techniques in physical chemistry on the undergraduate level. During the M.Sc. work I have proved that Sodium Tungsten Bronze electrodes cannot be used as oxygen electrodes for fuel cells as was claimed, which was an important achievement at that time. Due to my activities at the CairoUniversityon both scientific and community service, I got a Ph.D. Fellowship at the Technical University of Merseburg , Germany, where I did my Ph.D. in the field of applied electrochemistry (non-aqueous solution electrochemistry) in an optimum time. I have transferred the new technology of electrodeposition and dissolution of metals from non-aqueous solutions and mixed solvents to the CairoUniversitywhere some theses and papers were published in this field. During the Max-Planck Society Fellowship (81-83), I have introduced the spray/pyrolysis technique to prepare thin oxide films for solar cell fabrication and testing lab., and then established this technique later at the CairoUniversityand was the first to introduce the solar energy conversion research and courses to our university. During this intensive work I could formulate and introduce the concept of separating the solid state photovoltaic junction from the site of electrochemical reaction at the oxide/electrolyte interface (Solid/Electrolyte junction). At the same time my group and my self could succeed to modify thin oxide film characteristics to match photovoltaic and photoelectrochemical solar energy conversion. I have established a school of research in this field (over 8 theses and more than 40 publications). I could establish an electrochemical lab at the CairoUniversitythrough gifts and help of the Fritz- Haber-Institut ( Professor Heinz Gerischer ) in Berlin. This lab was complimented with up to date Impedance system as gift for my excellent work during the Alexander von Hombuldt Fellowship at the Free University of Berlin. The work is extended to the semiconductor electrochemistry, corrosion and corrosion control problems. I have transferred his knowledge to the students at the CairoUniversity, Sana’a University in Yemenand also at the Universityof Kuwaitand established electrochemistry research groups everywhere. Due to the rich scientific accomplishments and publictions I was invited to write a Monograph in one of the most important scientific series in electrochemistry "Modern Aspects of Electrochemistry ", ( JO' M Bockris, B. Conway & R. White- Eds.) on the solar energy conversion, photovoltaic and photoelectrochemical cells, which appeared in the 30th volume of the series in Dec.,1996. Many review articles concerning corrosion and corrosion inhibition of industrially valuable materials like Al and its alloys, brass and some environmentally and biologically hazardous metals like Cd and Pb have been published and have good impacts on the international scvientific community (see list of publicatiobn). In 2002, I got the
d and honoured with the
and at the same time nominated from the Cairo University to the State Recognition Prize in Applied Sciences, and then got the "
I was the referee and still refereeing many article for different international journals e.g, Electrochim. Acta , J. Electrochem.Soc., J.Appl.Electrochem., J. Materials Sci., Solar Energy Materials, Solar Cells, corrosion nace and corrosion science. I am refereeing different theses from various universities on a national and international scales and also different projects.
Member of the Editorial Advisory Board of Ultra Scientist of Physical Science andEgyptian J. Chem.
* Member of “The research Board of Advisors”, the American Biographical Institute (ABI),USA.
* Member on the selection committee for Fulbright Egyptian Scholar Program.
* Member on the selection committee for the Egyptian Scholar Program of DAAD inCairo.
- ScientificAmerica, Science and Technology, Kuwait Chemical Society Magazine and many cultural news papers and magazines.
I am always aiming at the transfer of the new technology of thin film preparation and solar cell fabrication to Egypt and third world countries on an industrial scale and to introduce novel techniques for protection against corrosion in different industries.
Experience in kinetic studies of electrochemical process in non-aqueous media and thermodynamics of mixed solvents.
Thin oxide film fabrication and characterization.
Solar cells ( photovoltaic and photoelectrochemical cells ) for solar energy conversion.
Corrosion mechanisms and corrosion inhibition.
Electropolymerization and characterization of conducting polymers and the use of these as thin film electrodes sensors for hazardous materials and biologically important coumpound.
Corrosion control and passivation of corroding materials, Exploration of novel inhibitors to overcome corrosion damage in industrial systems, Development of novel techniques for the preparation of protective films for semiconductors for solar cell fabrication, Synthesis and characterization of new materials for solar cell fabrication.,
Modification of the solid state and electrochemical characteristics of thin oxide films for solar energy conversion and other applications
Preparation of conducting polymer films and their use in electroanalysis, electrocatalysis, corrosion protection and coatings.
“ Non-toxic corrosion inhibitors for water cooling systems.” Project supported byKuwait institute for Scientific research (KISR) and the Kuwait University (KU), 1992-1993, Co-Investigator (Co-I).
.“ Corrosion and passivation of valve metals ( Nb, Ta, Ti, V..etc. ) as important materials for industrial applications.” Project supported by the research administration (RA) KU, 1993-1996, Principal Investigator (P-I).
Economic effect of metallic corrosion in the stateKuwait.” Project supported by KISR and KU, 1994-1996, Co-I.
“The electrochemical behavior of Al and Al-alloys in aqueous solutions.” 1993-1996, Co-I.**
“Corrosion and passivation of copper brass alloys in aqueous solutions.” 1996-1997, Co-I.**
“Electrochemical behavior of Cadmium and Lead as polluting metals.”, 1996-1997, P-I.**
Inhibition of corrosion of brass alloys in neutral solutions and Kuwaiti potable water.” 1997-1998, Co-I.** [**projects 4-8 are supported by the research administration ,KuwaitUniversity.]
- “Electrochemical behaviour of cobalt in aqueous solutions.”, 1997-1998, P-I.**
“Fabrication of solar cells and solar panels for environmentally safe energy conversion.” Project supported by theCairoUniversity, Future Research andStudyCenter, 2000- 2002, P-I.
Beside all the research activities I have a major activity in improving and teaching different chemistry courses at different universities , Cairo University ( Faculty of Science, Cairo, Faculty of Education at Fyoum, Faculty of Science at Beniswif ) , Al- Azhar University.,Cairo, FU-Berlin - Germany , Sana’a University-Yemen, the Kuwait University- Kuwait and the German University in Cairo
All Physical and General Chemistry Courses ( 101, 102, 105, 106, 113, 211, 213, 214, 215, 216, 316,425,498,499).
Electrochemistry, Photoelectrochemistry and Solar energy conversion courses for Graduate Students (511, 522,531,591,597,598 ).
1. Air Quality Measurements “Effects of Air Pollution”.
2. Water pollution, causes, and methods of water protection and purification.
3. Underground waters, environmental aspects of protection and safe usage.
4. Pollution of ground, different types of sludge and recycling processes.
5.Environmental Aspects of Corrosion and Its Inhibition and Prevention Techniques in Oil Industry and Related Applications.
List of highly cited Publications (Sept. 2012) (Waheed A. Badawy)
No. |
Paper and Journal |
Imp. F |
Cit. No. |
1 |
W. A. Badawy, F. M. Al- Kharafi and A.S. El-Azab: "Electrochemical Behaviour and Corrosion Inhibition of Al , Al-6061 and Al-Cu in Neutral Aqueous Solutions"; Corros. Sci. , 41 (1999 ) 709-727. |
0010-938X |
3.743 |
103 |
2 |
Rabab M. El-Sherif, Khaled M. Ismailand Waheed A. Badawy: “Effect of Zn and Pb as Alloying Elements on the Electrochemical Behaviour of Brass in NaCl Solutions”; Electrochim. Acta, 49 (2004) 5139. |
0013-4686 |
3.743 |
56 |
3 |
W. A. Badawy, S. S. El-Egamy and Kh. M. Ismail: "Comparative Study of Tantalum and Titanium Passive Films by Electrochemical Impedanc Spectroscopy"; British CorrosionSci. And Technol. 28 (1993) 133. |
0007-0599 |
0.541 |
51 |
4 |
Waheed A. Badawy,. Khaled M. Ismail and Ahlam M. Fathi: “Effect of Ni content on the Corrosion Behaviour of Cu-Ni Alloys in Neutral Chloride Solutions”; Electrochim. Acta; 50 (2005) 3603. |
0013-4686 |
3.832 |
51 |
5 |
W. A. Badawy, F. M. Al-Kharafi and J. R. Al-Ajmi: “Electrochemical Behaviour of Cobalt in Aqueous Solutions at Different pH”; J. Appl. Electrochem., 30 (2000) 693-704. |
0021-891X |
1.745 |
46 |
6 |
Waheed A. Badawy, Khaled M. Ismail, and Ahlam M. Fathi:: “Corrosion control of Cu-Ni alloys in neutral chloride solutions by amino acids”; Electrochim. Acta , 51 (2006) 4182-4189. |
0013-4686 |
3.832 |
45 |
7 |
W. A. Badawy and F. M. Al- Kharafi: "The Inhibition of Corrosion of Al, Al-6061 and Al-Cu in Chloride Free Aqueous Media. 1- Passivation in Acid Solutions"; Corros. Sci., 39 (1997) 681-700. |
0010-938X |
3.743 |
36 |
8 |
Kh. M. Ismail and W.A. Badawy: “Electrochemical and XPS Investigation of Cobalt in KOH Solutions”; J. Appl. Electrochem., 30 (2000) 1303. |
0021-891X |
1.745 |
35 |
9 |
W.A. Badawy, S. S. El-Egamy and A. S. El-Azab: "Electrochemical Behaviour of Lead Brass Alloys in Neutral Chloride and Sulphate Media”; Corrosion Sci. 37 (1995) 1969. |
0010-938X |
3.743 |
33 |
10 |
F. M. Al- Kharafi and W. A. Badawy: "Corrosion and Passivation of Al and Al-Si Alloys in Nitric Acid Solutions: 2- Effect of Chloride Ions"; Electrochim. Acta., 40 (1995) 1811. |
0013-4686 |
3.832 |
31 |
11 |
A. G. Gad-Alla , W.A. Badawy, H. H. Rehan and M. M. Abou-Romia: "Inhibition of Corrosion of - brass ( Cu, Zn, 67/33 ) in Acid Chloride Solutions by Some Aminopyrazole Derivatives"; J. Appl. Electrochem. 19 (1989) 928. |
0021-891X |
1.745 |
31 |
12 |
F. M. Al- Kharafi and W. A. Badawy: "Electrochemical Behaviour of Vanadium in Aqueous Solutions of Different pH"; Electrochim.Acta , 42 (1997 ) 579. |
0013-4686 |
3.832 |
31 |
13 |
W. A. Badawy and F. M. Al- Kharafi: "Corrosion and Passivation Behaviour of Molybdenum in Aqueous Solutions of Different pH"; Electrochim.Acta , 44 (1998) 693. |
0013-4686 |
3.832 |
30 |
14 |
F. M. Al- Kharafi and W. A. Badawy: "Inhibition of Corrosion of Al, Al-6061 and Al-Cu in Chloride Free Aqueous Media. 2- Behaviour in Basic Solutions"; Corrosion, 54 (1998) 377. |
0010-9321 |
0.821 |
30 |
15 |
F. M. Al- Kharafi and W. A. Badawy: "Phosphoric acid Passivated Niobium and Tantalum - EIS Comparative Study"; Electrochim. Acta , 40 (1995) 2623. |
0013-4686 |
3.832 |
30 |
16 |
W. A. Badawy and Kh. M. Ismail: "Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopic Investigation of Tantalum and its Passive Films in Acidic and Neutral Solutions"; Electrochim. Acta , 38 (1993) 2231. |
0013-4686 |
3.832 |
28 |
17 |
W. A. Badawy, H. H. Afify and E. M. El-Giar: "Optical and Photovoltaic Characteristics of In- Modified SnO2- Thin Films"; J. Electrochem. Soc., 137 (1990) 1592. |
0013-4651 |
2.483 |
28 |
18 |
Kh. M. Ismail , A. A. El-Moneim and W.A. Badawy: “Stability of Sputter-Deposited Amorphous Mn-Ta Alloyys in Chloride-Free and Chloride-Containing H2SO4 Solutions.” J. Electrochem. Soc., 145 (2001) C81-C87. |
0013-4651 |
2.483 |
24 |
19 |
Waheed A. Badawy, Khaled M. Ismail, and Ahlam M. Fathi: “Environmentally safe corrosion inhibition of the Cu-Ni alloys in acidic sulphate solutions”; J. Appl. Electrochem.; 35 (2005) 879-888. |
0021-891X |
1.745 |
24 |
20 |
W. A. Badawy:"Improvement of the n- Si/SnO2 Electrolyte/ Photoelectrochemical Cell by Ru-Deposit"; J. Electroanal. Chem., 281 (1990) 85. |
0022-0728 |
2.905 |
22 |
21 |
Khaled M. Ismail, Ziad M. Khalifa, Magdi Abdel Azzem, and Waheed A. Badawy: “Electrochemical Preparation and Characterization of Poly (1-amino-9,10-anthraquinone) Films”; Electrochim. Acta ; 47 (2002) 1867-1873. |
0013-4686 |
3.832 |
22 |
22 |
W. A. Badawy, R.S. Momtaz and E. M. El-Giar: "Solid State Characteristics of Indium - Incorporated TiO2 Thin Films"; Phys. Stat. Sol. (a) 118 (1990) 197. |
0031-8965 |
1.463 |
21 |
23 |
W.A.Badawy: "Preparation, Electrochemical, Photoelectrochemical and Solid State Characteristics of Indium Incorporated TiO2 Thin Films for Solar Cell Fabrication"; J. Materials Sci., 32 (1997) 4979. |
0022-2461 |
2.090 |
21 |
24 |
A. A. Mazhar, W.A. Badawy and M. M. Abou-Romia: "Impedance Studies of Corrosion Resistance of Aluminium in Chloride Media"; Surface and Coatings Tech. 29 (1986 ) 33.5 |
0257-8972 |
2.135 |
21 |
25 |
H. H. Afify , R. S. Momtaz , W. A. Badawy and S. A. Nasser: "Some Physical Properties of Fluorine Doped SnO2 Films Prepared by Spray Pyrolysis"; J. Materials Science, 2 (1991) 40. |
0921-5107 |
2.015 |
20 |
26 |
A. G. Gad-Alla , M. M. Abou-Romia , W.A. Badawy and H. H. Rehan:"Passivity of - brass ( Cu, Zn , 67/33 ) and Its Breakdown in Neutral and Alkaline Solutions Containing Halide Ions"; J. Appl. Electrochem., 21 (1991) 829. |
0021-891X |
1.745 |
20 |
27 |
Khaled M. Ismail, Ahlam M. Fathi and Waheed A. Badawy: “The influence of nickel content on the stability of copper-nickel alloys in alkaline sulphate solutions”; J. Appl. Electrochem., 34 (2004) 823. |
0021-891X |
1.745 |
19 |
28 |
W. A. Badawy and S. S. El- Egamy: "Improvement of the Positive Electrode Performance in the Lead AcidBattery by Boric Acid Additions"; J. Power Sources, 55 (1995) 11-17. |
0378-7753 |
4.951 |
29 |
W. A. Badawy, K.Doblhofer , I. Eiselt , H. Gerischer , S. Krause and J. Melsheimer:"The Electrode Properties of Polycrystalline SnO2 Containing up to 10% Sb or Ru Oxides"; Electrochim. Acta. 29 (1984) 1617. |
0013-4686 |
3.832 |
16 |
30 |
W. A. Badawy and E.A. El-Taher: "Preparation and Electrochemical Behaviour of Some Metal Oxide Films"; Thin solid films 158 (1988) 277. |
0040-6090 |
1.909 |
16 |
31 |
S. S. El-Egamy , A. S. El-Azab and W.A. Badawy: "Stability of Lead Brass Alloys in Acid Chloride and Sulphate Solutions"; Corrosion 50 (1994) 468. |
0010-9321 |
0.821 |
16 |
32 |
W.A. Badawy, S. S. El-Egamy and A.S. El-Azab: "Investigation of Corrosion and Stability of Lead Brass Alloy in Acid and Neutral Solutions-Using Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy"; Corrosion, 53 (1997) 842. |
0010-9321 |
0.821 |
15 |
33 |
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. and hamnetts@madasafish.com