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Tolba, M. F., W. S. Sayed, A. G. Radwan, S. K. Abd-El-Hafiz, and A. M. Soliman, "Permutation-only fpga realization of real-time speech encryption", 2018 25th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems (ICECS): IEEE, pp. 93–96, 2018. Abstract
Tolba, M. F., W. S. Sayed, A. G. Radwan, S. K. Abd-El-Hafiz, and A. M. Soliman, "Hardware Speech Encryption Using a Chaotic Generator, Dynamic Shift and Bit Permutation", 2018 30th International Conference on Microelectronics (ICM): IEEE, pp. 100–103, 2018. Abstract
Tolba, M. F., W. S. Sayed, A. G. Radwan, and S. K. Abd-El-Hafiz, "FPGA Realization of Speech Encryption Based on Modified Chaotic Logistic Map", 19th International Conference on Industrial Technology, 2018. Abstract
Tolba, M. F., W. S. Sayed, M. E. Fouda, H. Saleh, M. Al-Qutayri, B. Mohammad, and A. G. Radwan, "Digital Emulation of a Versatile Memristor With Speech Encryption Application", IEEE Access, vol. 7: IEEE, pp. 174280–174297, 2019. Abstract
Tolba, M. F., W. S. Sayed, A. G. Radwan, and S. K. Abd-El-Hafiz, "Chaos-based hardware speech encryption scheme using modified tent map and bit permutation", 2018 7th International Conference on Modern Circuits and Systems Technologies (MOCAST): IEEE, pp. 1-4, 2018. Abstract