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Henein, M. M. R., W. S. Sayed, A. G. Radwan, and S. K. Abd-El-Hafiz, "Switched active control synchronization of three fractional order chaotic systems", Electrical Engineering/Electronics, Computer, Telecommunications and Information Technology (ECTI-CON), 2016 13th International Conference on: IEEE, pp. 1-6, 2016. Abstract
Sayed, W. S., M. F. Tolba, A. G. Radwan, S. K. Abd-El-Hafiz, and A. M. Soliman, "A switched chaotic encryption scheme using multi-mode generalized modified transition map", Multimedia Tools and Applications, vol. 80, no. 4: Springer US, pp. 5373–5402, 2021. Abstract
Sayed, W. S., M. Gamal, M. Abdelrazek, and S. El-Tantawy, "Towards a Learning Style and Knowledge Level-Based Adaptive Personalized Platform for an Effective and Advanced Learning for School Students", Recent Advances in Engineering Mathematics and Physics: Springer, Cham, pp. 261–273, 2020. Abstract
Sayed, W. S., A. G. Radwan, H. A. H. Fahmy, and A. L. Elsedeek, "Trajectory control and image encryption using affine transformation of Lorenz system", Egyptian Informatics Journal, vol. 22, no. 2: Elsevier, pp. 155–166, 2021. Abstract
Sayed, W. S., A. G. Radwan, M. Elnawawy, H. Orabi, A. Sagahyroon, F. Aloul, A. S. Elwakil, H. A. Fahmy, and A. El-Sedeek, "Two-dimensional rotation of chaotic attractors: Demonstrative examples and FPGA realization", Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing, vol. 38, no. 10: Springer US, pp. 4890–4903, 2019. Abstract
Monir, M. S., W. S. Sayed, A. H. Madian, A. G. Radwan, and L. A. Said, "A unified FPGA realization for fractional-order integrator and differentiator", Electronics, vol. 11, no. 13: MDPI, pp. 2052, 2022. Abstract
Sharobim, B. K., S. K. Abd-El-Hafiz, W. S. Sayed, L. A. Said, and A. G. Radwan, "A unified system for encryption and multi-secret image sharing using S-box and CRT", 2022 27th International Conference on Automation and Computing (ICAC): IEEE, pp. 1–6, 2022. Abstract
Sayed, W. S., and H. A. H. Fahmy, "What are the Correct Results for the Special Values of the Operands of the Power Operation?", ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software (TOMS), vol. 42, issue 2, 2016.