Taxonomic revision of Genus Hordeum L. (Gramineae) in Egypt.

amer, W., A. K. Hegazy, and S. A. Azer, "Taxonomic revision of Genus Hordeum L. (Gramineae) in Egypt.", International Journal of Biodiversity and Conservation, vol. 5, issue 4, pp. 198-208., 2013.


This study was conducted to revise the taxonomic identity and clarify inter-and intra-specific relationships among the studied wild and cultivated Hordeum taxa in Egypt. The studied taxa included Hordeum marinum subsp. gussoneanum, H. marinum subsp. marinum, H. Hordeum leporinum, Hordeum glaucum, Hordeum spontaneum and Hordeum vulgare. The results revealed that unweighted pair group method with arithmetic mean (UPGMA) dendrogram showed a considerable degree of dissimilarity among the studied Hordeum taxa at 1.50 dissimilarity distance. It divided the studied taxa into four groups
