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Awaad, M. H. H., M. E. Hatem, W. A. A. El-Ghany, A. El-Sawy, and A. Fathi, "Certain epidemiological aspects of Aeromonas hydrophila infection in chickens", Journal of American Science, vol. 7, issue 4, pp. 761-770, 2011. j_amer._sci.pdfWebsite
El-Ghany, W. A. A., H. A. Ahmed, and A. Z. Qandoos, "CHARACTERIZATION OF PASTEURELLA MULTOCIDA IN DIFFERENT EGYPTIAN CHICKEN FLOCKS", The Journal of Animal & Plant Sciences, vol. 28, issue 6, pp. 1693-1700, 2018.
El-Ghany, W. A. A., "Chitosan: a promising natural polysaccharide feed additive in poultry production systems.", Iranian Journal of Veterinary Research, vol. 24, issue 4, pp. 301-312, 2023. chitosan_iranian_j_vet_res_2023.pdf
El-Ghany, W. A. A., "Coccidiosis: A parasitic disease of significant importance in rabbits. ", World's Veterinary Journal, vol. 10, issue 4, pp. 499-507, 2020. wvj_104_499-507.pdf
El-Ghany, W. A. A., M. A. Abdel-Latif, F. Hosny, N. M. Alatfeehy, A. E. Noreldin, R. R. Quesnell, R. Chapman, L. Sakai, and A. R. Elbestawy, "Comparative efficacy of postbiotic, probiotic, and antibiotic against necrotic enteritis in broiler chickens", Poultry Science, vol. 101, pp. 101988, 2022. poultry_science_2022_postbiotic_ne.pdf
Nabarawy, A. E. M., K. Madian, I. B. Shaheed, and W. A. A. El-Ghany, "Comparative evaluation of different antimycotoxins for controlling mycotoxicosis in broiler chickens.", Journal of World Poultry Research, vol. 10, issue 2 (S), pp. 223-234, 2020.
Ibrahim, W. A., W. A. A. El-Ghany, S. A. Nasef, and M. E. Hatem, "A comparative study on the use of real time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and standard isolation techniques for the detection of Salmonella in broiler chicks.", International Journal of Veterinary Science and Medicine, vol. 2, issue 1, pp. 67-71., 2014. internatinal_j_animal__vet._sci...pdfWebsite
El-Ghany, W. A. A., "A Comprehensive Review on Adenoviruses Infections in Fowl: Epidemiology, Forms, Diagnosis, and Control", Journal of World's Poultry Research, vol. 11, issue 2, pp. 151-167, 2021. jwpr_112_151-167_2021.pdf
El-Ghany, W. A. A., "A Comprehensive Review on the Common Emerging Diseases in Quails ", Journal of World's Poultry Research, vol. 9, issue 4, pp. 160-174, 2019. jwpr_94_160-174_2019_common_emerging_diseases_in_quails.pdf
El-Ghany, W. A. A., "A comprehensive review on the common emerging viral diseases affecting ducks with special emphasis on Egyptian situation", Slovenian Veterinary Research, vol. 58, issue 24, pp. 259-270, 2021. res_slovenian.pdf
El-Ghany, W. A. A., and K. Madian, "Control of experimental colisepticaemia in broiler chickens using sarafloxacin.", Life Science Journal, vol. 8, issue 3, pp. 318-328, 2011. life_sci.j.pdfWebsite
Sabry, M. E. I., F. K. R. Stino, and W. A. A. El-Ghany, "Copper: benefits and risks for poultry, livestock, and fish production", Tropical Animal Health and Production, vol. 53, pp. 487 , 2021. sabry-2021-copper-benefits-and-risks-for-poult.pdf