A free half day conference organised by WVPA for Poultry Africa

Poultry health – the way to productivity and profits

Tuesday 1st October 2019 - 12:30 to 5:15pmA free half day conference organised by WVPA for Poultry Africa


What is disease?
Henry Lamb - Crowshall Veterinary Services, UK
Detection and diagnosis of disease
Leksander Dodovski - Ss. Cyril & Methodius University, Skopje, Macedonia
Effective biosecurity
Korosi Laszlo - AgriAL BT, Hungary
Respiratory diseases
Guillermo Zavala - Avian Health International, LLC, USA
Diseases of the digestive tract
Korosi Laszlo - AgriAL BT, Hungary
The immune system and immunity
Guillermo Zavala - Avian Health International, LLC, USA
The egg and disease
Nigel E Horrox - Consultant, President of WVPA, UK
Register by contacting Nduta at nduta@positiveaction.co.uk
For further information please contact Ms Diána Tóth

or visit

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