DAAD Call for applications | Climate research in Africa

promoting an initiative of the German Academic Exchange (DAAD) service in the field of climate change and protection. The call for application starts on 3rd of September 2019.


Climate research Alumni and Postdocs in Africa (CLAP Africa)

 program brings high-potential African researchers in climate change research and protection together with African alumni of German funding initiatives. It seeks to catalyze uptake and use of research outputs through a vibrant, highly connected network to facilitate the development of regional solutions.

I would be most thankful if you could help us to spread this information via your networks, website and social media channels:

- Doctoral students

- Postdocs

- Alumni

- University and research institutions

- Groups of interest in the field of climate research



 will be 

online from September 3rd

 through the DAAD scholarship website with the keyword “CLAPafrica”.

For the postdoctoral fellowship, the following documents will be required:

- Curriculum Vitae (http://europass.cedefop.europa.eu)

- List of publications

- Letter of invitation from the host institution in western-/southern Africa

- Research proposal

- Time schedule for the realization of the planned work

- Outline of ideas for setting up and operating a joint postdoc-alumni working group

- 2 recommendation letters by academic referees

- PhD certificate (certified as true copy of the original certificate)

- Master’s certificate (certified as true copy of the original certificate)

- Copy of passport

To join as Alumna/us, please submit the areas of expertise and interest via this short surveyhttps://ssl.daad.de/limesurvey/715297/lang-en (accessible from September 3rd 2019).

For more detailed information, please find the promotional flyers for postdocs and alumni attached.

Please do not hesitate to contact the DAAD via clapafrica@daad.de should you have any additional questions concerning the program or if you need further information.

Thank you very much for your consideration on this matter.

Best wishes,

Eva Seifert


Section P32

Development Cooperation: Partnership Programmes,

Alumni Projects and Higher Education Management

German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)

Kennedyallee 50

53175 Bonn

