Bioinformatics Got Talent Competition and Workshop"

Bioinformatics Got Talent Competition and Workshop

" scheduled to be on 

24th of August 2019

 at Nile University. Bioinformatics Got Talent - is the first public Bioinformatics Competition and workshop in Egypt to be held at Nile University on 24th of August 2019. It is an educational workshop taught by graduates and current students of the bioinformatics diploma of Nile University. They will explain different topics in bioinformatics in a 25 min tutorial-like method (they will talk about one of their projects simply or explain general topic) in an interactive way. By the end of the day, a jury committee together with the audience will choose 5 bioinformatics stars; who were able to deliver their talks in a smooth informative interactive way. At the other side, there will be a competition for audience and 25 winners will secure a place at the first international EG-CompBio summer school at Nile University in October 2019 (details will be announced soon). The event is voluntarily organized by undergraduate students of the BSc. Biomedical Informatics Program.

Registration Form:

Date: 24th of August 2019, 09:30am - 06:00pm

Venue: Auditorium - UB2 Building, Nile University, 26th of July Corridor, 6th of October City, Giza Governorate, Egypt.


It is a free public event, If you want to attend it, you MUST fill in the above registration form.

Your attendance is ONLY guaranteed upon receiving a confirmation email!

Speakers and Topics covered during the workshop

·      Dr. Menna Elserafy: Bioinformatics: Getting the Molecular Biologist out of comfort zone

·      Dr. Ebtesam Abdel-Shafy: Bioinformatics Overview: from principles to applications

·      Manar-Aleslam Mattar: Pathway and Network Analysis

·      Eman Abdelrazik: Programming in a nutshell

·      Ruwaa Ibrahem: How to Search on NCBI? A Closer Look into BioProject

·      Mariam Aouda: RNA-seq differential expression analysis

·      Walid Nabil Saleh: Biostatistics and its importance to the Biologist

·      Asmaa Ali: Gene-Disease Association using NCBI Gene Database and Variation Viewer

·      Manar Hashem: The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA): An Overview

·      Nouran Tantawy: A journey through structure-based drug design

·      Mohamed Magdy: Different Generations of Sequencing Technologies: What's next?

·      Hadeer Ibrahiem Ali: Correlation Between Gene Expression and GC% Content