2nd Course on husbandry, handling and basic techniques in laboratory animals for researchers and animal staff

In cooperation with

Egyptian Association for Animal Research Advancement (EAARA)

And the University of Utrecht in the Netherlands

Organize Workshop entitled:

2nd Course on husbandry, handling and basic

techniques in laboratory animals for researchers and animal staff

According to FELASA category A recommendations


 International experts will lecture

For researchers and technicians dealing with animals

During the period from 28 July to 1 August 2019

At the Department of Zoology - Faculty of Science - Cairo University


Subscription fee for Egyptians: 

1500 LE

For Non-Egyptian: 

500 $

 with accommodation (5 nights)

The number is very limited

For inquiries, please call: 

+2 01068306232

Registration is available at


Contact email



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