Tariq H. Ismail is Professor and Head of the Accounting Department at the Faculty of Commerce, Cairo University, Egypt. He has been worked as the  Advisor for the Deanship of Academic Research at Majmaah University, Saudi Arabia. Further, he is managing and promoting accounting education towards the development of the accounting profession and human capital, through academic programs, as well as postgraduate programs of PhD, and Master of Accountancy. He obtained his PhD degree from Cairo University, Egypt under joint supervision protocol with Birmingham Business School, the University of Birmingham, UK, and Master of Accounting from Cairo University.

His current research focuses on disclosure quality and financial reporting, management accounting in emerging economies, corporate governance, Earnings management and auditing issues. He has published many books which had worldwide audience and numerous articles in leading international journals including International Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Performance Evaluation, International Journal of Critical Accounting, Journal of Financial Reporting and Accounting, International Journal of Economics and Accounting, Journal of Accounting and Organizational Change, Journal of Applied Accounting Research, Managerial Auditing Journal, Research Journal of Finance and Accounting, Transformations in Business and Economics, and Journal of Business Strategy. He had many research grants and awards for the contributions he made in his field.

Prof. Ismail has experience of more than 20 years in the field of teaching, training and consulting in petroleum accounting, cost & managerial accounting, accounting information systems. He has extensive experience in designing accounting systems for both public and private organizations and conducted a wide spectrum of feasibility studies for investment projects. He has served as a consultant to a number of national international organizations.

He sits on the editorial board for several journals, including the International Journal of Economics and Accounting, International Journal of Management Accounting Research, Academy of Accounting and Financial Studies Journal and Financial Reporting and Accounting Journal. Additionally, he is on editorial advisory board of Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies. In 2007, he was invited as a guest editor of Transformations in Business & Economics Journal for May issue. In 2010, he was invited as a guest editor of special issue on Egyptian Accounting of the International Journal of Economics and accounting.


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