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Essam, T., M. A. Amin, O. E. L. Tayeb, B. Mattiasson, and B. Guieysse, "Sequential photochemical–biological degradation of chlorophenols", Chemosphere, vol. 66, no. 11: Pergamon, pp. 2201–2209, 2007. Abstract
Essam, T., M. A. Amin, O. E. L. Tayeb, B. Mattiasson, and B. Guieysse, "Sequential photochemical–biological degradation of chlorophenols", Chemosphere, vol. 66, no. 11: Pergamon, pp. 2201–2209, 2007. Abstract
Tamer, E., Z. Hamid, A. M. Aly, E. T. Ossama, M. Bo, and G. Benoit, Sequential UV–biological degradation of chlorophenols, , 2006. sequential_uv-biological_degradation_of_chlorophenols.pdf
Essam, T., M. A. Amin, O. E. L. Tayeb, B. Mattiasson, and B. Guieysse, "Solar-based detoxification of phenol and p-nitrophenol by sequential TiO2 photocatalysis and photosynthetically aerated biological treatment", Water research, vol. 41, no. 8: Pergamon, pp. 1697–1704, 2007. Abstract
Essam, T., M. A. Amin, O. E. L. Tayeb, B. Mattiasson, and B. Guieysse, "Solar-based detoxification of phenol and p-nitrophenol by sequential TiO2 photocatalysis and photosynthetically aerated biological treatment", Water research, vol. 41, no. 8: Pergamon, pp. 1697–1704, 2007. Abstract
Mohawed, O. A. M., E. - M. M. Ashmoony, T. Essam, and O. N. Elgazayerly, Spray-dried lamivudine microspheres, , 2014. 607-2spray-dried_lamivudine_microspheres588-2-pb.pdf
El-Batal, A., T. Essam, D. A. El-Zahaby, and M. A. Amin, "Synthesis of Selenium Nanoparticles by Bacillus laterosporus Using Gamma Radiation", British Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 2014. synthesis_of_selenium_nanoparticles_by_bacillus_laterosporus_using_gamma_radiation.pdf