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El-Ashwah, E. T., S. M. Mohsen, and S. Y. Kirolles, "Preparation of wheat flour low in gliadin [Egypt]", Egyptian Journal of Food Science (Egypt), 1985. Abstract
El-Ashwah, E. T., S. M. Mohsen, and S. Y. Krollos, "Preparation of special types of gliadin free bread (Egypt)", Egyptian Journal of Food Science (Egypt), 1985. Abstract
El-Ashwah, E. T., S. M. Mohsen, and M. A. Ali, "Effect of processing condition and heat treatment on chemical composition of canned dry peas [Egypt]", Egyptian Journal of Food Science (Egypt), 1982. Abstract
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El Hashimy, F. S., S. M. Mohsen, A. A. Hussein, and E. M. El Hamzy, "The quality characteristics of orange juice as affected by method of extraction and stage of maturity.", Annals of Agricultural Science, Moshtohor, 1989. Abstract
El Ashwah, E. T., S. M. Mohsen, and M. H. Ali, "Physical properties, microbial count and sensory evaluation of canned dry peas [Egypt].", Egyptian Journal of Food Science, 1982. Abstract