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Dr. Sherein is curently an associate professor at Tuskegee University, College of veterinary Medicine, AL, USA

Dr/ Sherein Abdelgayed was recently a USDA fellow at Tuskegee university and Fulbright Visiting Professor at the University of Wisconsin Madison, School of Veterinary Medicine, Madison, WI, United States.

Prof. Dr/ Sherein Abdelgayed has been graduated from Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Cairo University in Egypt in 1994 and has been promoted to full professor of Veterinary Pathology since 2014.

Prof. Dr/ Sherein Abdelgayed is an Experienced full professor in Veterinary Pathology with 30y in academic life crowned with many awards in research and publications. She has Talented international academic experiences of many different cultures and backgrounds and Professional memberships in well recognized international committees.

Prof. Dr/ Sherein Abdelgayed is sharing Magnificently in many training modules & Workshops and as a distinguished Speaker in many students' events and international conferences. She is a Team leader in many international research projects and an active member in many Editorial boards and Reviewing committees.

Prof. Dr/ Sherein Abdelgayed is an Official Ambassador for many prestigious international societies and has been awarded many international fellowships with recognized achievement.

Prof. Dr/ Sherein Abdelgayed's Main areas of research interest are; Anatomic pathology, Histopathology, toxicopathology, Pathobiology, Morbid pathology, Pathobiology.

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