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Saad, S. M., H. M. Hamed, and A. F. Shalash, "Low complexity maximum likelihood estimation of time and frequency offset for DVB-T2", New Circuits and Systems Conference (NEWCAS), 2013 IEEE 11th International, France, IEEE, pp. 16-19, 2013.
Said, M. A., O. A. Nasr, and A. F. Shalash, "Embedded reconfigurable synchronization & acquisition ASIP for a multi-standard OFDM receiver.", EURASIP J. Emb. Sys., vol. 2012, pp. 2, 2012. Abstract
Saudy, N. F., A. F. Shalash, and A. - K. S. O. Hassan, "Error Analysis and Detection Procedures for probabilistic public key cryptography (NTRU) ", WULFENIA, vol. 20, issue 12, pp. 97-113, 2013.
Sayed, D. H., M. Elsabrouty, and A. F. Shalash, "Improved synchronization, channel estimation, and simplified LDPC decoding for the physical layer of the DVB-T2 receiver", EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, vol. 2013, issue 60, pp. 1-16, 2013.
Shaker, M. N. H., H. M. Hamed, A. F. Shalash, and H. A. H. Fahmy, "Efficient implementation of time de-interleaver for DVB-T2", International Conference on Communication, Control and Computer Engineering,(ICCCCE), Istanbul, Turkey, 2013. Abstract
Shalash, A. F., "An automatic gain control topology for CMOS digital radio receiver", Circuits and Systems, 2009. ISCAS 2009. IEEE International Symposium on: IEEE, pp. 2033–2036, 2009. Abstract
Shalash, A. F., Automatic gain control circuit, : Google Patents, 2009. Abstract
Shalash, A. F., Automatic gain control circuit, : Google Patents, 2009. Abstract
Shalash, A. F., "Simulation of digital broadband system-on-chip", Systems Conference, 2010 4th Annual IEEE: IEEE, pp. 421–425, 2010. Abstract