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Abdalla, M. M., A. A. SI, and M. E. Shawky, "Organic mattar as an index to productivity and some physical and physico-chemical properties in Egyptian soils.", The Desert Institute Bulletin, 1977. Abstract
Sabrah, R. E. A., H. A. M. Magid, S. I. Abdel-Aal, and R. K. Rabie, "Optimizing physical properties of a sandy soil for higherproductivity using town refuse compost in Saudi Arabia", Journal of arid environments, vol. 29, issue 2: Academic Press, pp. 253-262, 1995. Abstract
Sabrah, R. E. A., H. A. M. Magid, S. I. Abdel-Aal, and R. K. Rabie, "Optimizing physical properties of a sandy soil for higherproductivity using town refuse compost in Saudi Arabia", Journal of arid environments, vol. 29, issue 2: Academic Press, pp. 253-262, 1995. Abstract
Abdel-Aal, S. I., and R. R. Shahin, "The occurrence of attapulgite in purple-red soils of Kharga depression, Egypt", Al Mağallat al-miṣriyyat li-'ulum al-aradi, vol. 28, issue 2: National Information and Documentation Centre, pp. 261-268, 1988. Abstract